Lily is an elegant flower that many gardeners love and respect. These flowers have a long history: they have long been used for decorative, medicinal and food purposes. Lily is a symbol of purity and purity. Currently, there are a huge number of plant varieties, and the features of caring for a lily will differ depending on the variety. Next, let's talk about the general rules for caring for the plant and about the lily in general.

How to care for a lily: planting bulbs
When choosing bulbs, pay special attention to the bottom: it should not be damaged. Immediately after purchase, treat them with a solution of karbofos, which will save them from sucking pests. Before disembarking, think carefully about whether you can devote enough time to care. Remember, caring for lilies is not an easy process.
Lily bulbs are bought in early spring and stored in a bag of peat in the refrigerator. When sprouts appear, lilies are planted in pots or greenhouses. In open ground, the plant is sent only after frost. Bulbs are transplanted with soil.
How to care for a lily: propagate your own plant

If you are breeding a lily, transplant the plant in late summer or early fall. It is important to transplant and divide the lily on time. Note that five-year-old plants bloom worse if they lack vitamins - later, so they should be dug up and transplanted. Dig up the plant very carefully so as not to damage the roots. Damaged scales are removed, the roots are washed, lowered into karbofos, and then cut and planted in the ground.
How to care for a lily: features
The soil for planting should be nutritious and well permeable. Heavy soil can cause the bulb to rot and die. Lily cannot tolerate fresh manure and excess organic fertilizers.
Lilies love bright light, but they also live well in partial shade. If you plant a plant in a sunny place, it should be watered abundantly, but not too often. The correct watering regime will ensure their normal growth and flowering. The main thing is that the sun should be present at the landing site in the morning. The plant is watered under the root. It is important to avoid getting water on the leaves, as this can cause sunburn or gray rot. Flowers are covered for the winter.

How to care for a lily: top dressing
Bin the spring, before the shoots appear, nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil. Several times during the season, wood ash is brought under the lily. When sprouts appeared, the soil is shed with Bordeaux solution, after the appearance of buds - with ammonium nitrate. In the middle of summer, the plant is fed with potassium magnesia and double superphosphate.
Remember that cultivars vary greatly, as does growing lilies in different locations. For example, you liked the room lily. How to care for her is a completely different matter, so be very careful not to harm the plant.
So now you know how to properly care for lilies. You can find out more information when purchasing bulbs in a flower shop.