DIY air conditioner dismantling

DIY air conditioner dismantling
DIY air conditioner dismantling

It often becomes necessary not only to install a cooling system in an apartment or house, but also to dismantle it. The approach to each process has its own characteristics and nuances. This becomes relevant if the unit needs to be put back into operation. Therefore, the dismantling of air conditioners takes place strictly according to the rules.

It is clear that you can hire professionals, but they will have to pay money. The cost of the service is from 2 thousand rubles. Everyone wants to save on this, especially if the installations are bulky and there are several of them. Therefore, the dismantling of air conditioners with their own hands becomes relevant. If the owner at least once held some tools in his hands, it will not be so difficult to do it yourself. You need to arm yourself with elementary instructions on which to do each step.

Negative aspects of the work

Specialists believe that the dismantling of air conditioners without the help of a professional has its negative sides. The following points should be noted:

  • There is a big danger - the presence of freon. If there is no tool formeasurements of indicators, this leads to the fact that the pump pumping gas may break down. It also provides air cooling. It turns out that after removing all the equipment, it will no longer work as expected.
  • The device is attached to the wall with special screws - next to them are the pipes of the evaporator of the indoor unit. It is easy to understand that with the wrong selection of tools, you can simply damage them.
  • The pipeline should be cut correctly. Otherwise, the device will not be able to function fully in the future.
  • You will have to carefully disconnect from the air duct, as they are of great importance in the work. It is better to know how to do it in advance than to break the unit after.
  • You should not dismantle and assemble the air conditioner with improvised tools. It is worth buying the ones you need or renting them.
  • Installations that are too large need to be removed with the help of other people. Otherwise, there is a chance that the device will fall, and this is definitely a breakdown.
Dismantling the air conditioner
Dismantling the air conditioner

There are risks, so you should prepare for the process and evaluate your abilities in reality. If the decision is made, then the dismantling of the air conditioner with your own hands should take place according to the instructions. Not a single item can be skipped. This is the only way to be sure that the split system will work in a new place.

What tools can you do without?

Not everyone has the opportunity to use the services of professional installers, for various reasons. If this happened, then really try and do the whole process yourself. The main feature of allprocedures are meticulous. You need to be slow and use the recommendations. The following tools are involved in the operation:

  • Pipe cutter.
  • Side cutter.
  • A sharp knife (preferably a construction knife).
  • Phillips screwdriver and integral.
  • Set of keys.
  • Keys (open-end and adjustable).
  • A screwdriver and, if necessary, a drill.
  • Manometric manifold.

This set is necessary, otherwise it will not be possible to create conditions for accurate work. If you do not organize the necessary conditions at the first stage, you will not get the result in the future. Some devices are available in the assortment of every person's home, but something will have to be taken or purchased. But it will be cheaper than hiring workers.

Work safety

When dismantling and assembling the air conditioner, do not ignore the safety rules. This will not only protect the person, but also create the necessary conditions for work:

  • You should not allow depressurization of the cooling circuit. There is a high pressure gas. If you suddenly break through it, then this can provoke burns and other problems with the body.
  • Another feature is the ingress of moisture, dust and other dirt. This will definitely disable the entire system.
  • If the transportation of the unit containing Freon is not correct, an explosion may occur.
  • The remaining pipes must be neatly laid. If they are damaged, the device will fail.
  • The fittings have union nuts - remove theminvalid.
  • The indoor unit is protected by special latches. When dismantling and installing the air conditioner, their breakage is not allowed.

These safety rules are basic and should be followed. If something does not work out, it is worth inviting professionals so as not to create a dangerous situation for your he alth. How is the air conditioner dismantled? Consider further.

Main task

At the first stage, the basis is the process of draining and placing freon in the package. This should be done correctly, otherwise you will have to refuel, and this is a waste of money. It turns out that the dismantling of the air conditioner with the preservation of freon has its own characteristics and rules. They should not be broken. It is important to pump it gently and carefully.

Do-it-yourself air conditioner dismantling
Do-it-yourself air conditioner dismantling

This requires a gauge manifold, although some can do without it. What does he show? The device makes measurements, according to which it becomes clear that there is a vacuum in the split system. After that, the state is fixed, and the refrigerant will work in the air conditioner as expected.

Dismantling of air conditioners, freon
Dismantling of air conditioners, freon

The process isn't all that complicated in words, but it doesn't hurt to be careful. Here's how to do it step by step:

  • The pressure gauge is connected to the cooling equipment. It is located in place of the branch pipe with the liquid of the cooling circuit.
  • If there is no instrument, this step is skipped.
  • After the installation is done. Air conditioningset to the coldest setting. This information is included in the instructions. Let the unit be in this position for at least 10-15 minutes.
  • Afterwards, the liquid pipe valve is fixed in the “closed” position. A hex key is involved in this process.
  • On the collector, you need to watch until the arrow takes the place of "vacuum". When there is no such unit and nowhere to get it, then in time it is about one minute. Do not assume - it is better to pinpoint this period of time.
  • When the indicator has appeared or the time has passed, the valve is cut off. This work is performed with the same key.
  • Split system shuts down.
  • Protective caps are in place.
Dismantling the air conditioner, photo
Dismantling the air conditioner, photo

It seems that it is not so difficult, but any violation can become irreparable. All the necessary tools and devices should be at hand.

Working with freon in cold weather

There are often many problems when dismantling the air conditioner in winter. The whole question is that you can not turn on the installation. Why? It's simple: the oil in the compressor thickens. In this state, the operation of the unit is unacceptable. Although today there are such devices that are designed for the cold period of time, since there are heating devices inside. In this case, warming up is simply done for 10 minutes, after which the unit starts up. And then work with freon is carried out according to the instructions, as indicated above.

If there is no heating system

When there is no winter heating, it is good to use a manometric station to collectcoolant. How to connect it? The scheme is simple. You can glue it in the same way as the collector itself. Freon will be distilled into this unit, and subsequently transported.

Do-it-yourself dismantling
Do-it-yourself dismantling

It turns out that with the right approach, it is possible to work with reinstalling the unit at any time of the year. It’s not worth breaking anything, it’s better to think over each action and make everything perfect.

How to remove the outdoor unit?

Often the question arises of how to work with other components and whether it is possible to do it yourself. When the issue with the refrigerant is resolved, you need to proceed to the block itself. So, how do you dismantle the air conditioner with your own hands? The instruction consists of several steps:

  • At the first stage, you need to de-energize the entire installation. Also remove the plug from the outlet and twist it carefully so as not to damage it.
  • When the same nozzles are involved in the work after the transfer, they are twisted. To prevent dust and moisture from entering, the fittings are protected. If they are not needed, then they are cut off, leaving about 20 centimeters on each side. At the same time, the ends must also be protected.
  • If, after dismantling, the unit will not be used for a long time, you will have to fill the nozzles with nitrogen and close. It is important that there is no air present for a long time. After all, otherwise they will begin to deteriorate, entering into the process of oxidation.
  • The heat-insulating material is being dismantled from the freon circuit.
  • You need to remove the terminals and remove the connections of the unit and cable.
  • The nuts that fix the module are unscrewed. Then he leaves his place. There is one feature. The element is heavy, and you won't be able to handle it alone, so it's better to call an assistant.
  • Need to prepare a box of filler. It will contain all the removed parts. To completely eliminate damage, it is recommended to place a soft material. It could be styrofoam or something else. The body and pipe bends are lowered into them.
Dismantling the air conditioner: instructions, photos
Dismantling the air conditioner: instructions, photos

This is how the external unit of the air conditioner is removed with your own hands. Each action is pre-thought out and performed carefully, without sudden movements and mistakes.

Pay attention

It is not allowed to put the element in a horizontal position. Any transportation or storage is carried out only in an upright.

How to remove the indoor unit?

When the outer components are removed, it is time to dismantle the inner mechanism. Accuracy comes first. Particular attention is paid to the evaporator clamps. If something breaks, it will be difficult to find a new one. And the old part begins to vibrate during the cooling process and will quickly disable the unit.

How is the air conditioner dismantled? The instruction assumes the presence of such stages:

  • The panel needs to be removed. This is the only way to the latches.
  • Remove the piping carrying the refrigerant.
  • Turn off power supply.
  • Remove the evaporator. It is required to disconnect the latches that are under the cover.
  • Remove the clamps of the indoor unit,dismantle from the rails.
  • Unscrew the plate holding the indoor unit.
  • Remove pipeline.
  • Pull out the drain pipe.
  • Only after that, the decorative box is removed.
Dismantling the air conditioner, instructions
Dismantling the air conditioner, instructions


The whole process will take time. You should not rush - you need to perform each step slowly and competently. Sometimes the latches break, so do not press them with great force. If breakdowns occur at this step, it will be difficult to start the air conditioner in a new place after. And the purchase of spare parts sometimes does not work.

What can happen if you violate step-by-step disassembly?

Today, experts can say exactly what awaits the owner of the split system if he damages any installation:

  • If you pierce the cooling cone, the freon will start to flow out. And when it is reinstalled, you will have to refuel, as well as find a leak. This is the work of professionals.
  • During dismantling, any mechanical damage can be done - the circuit, pipes, outdoor and indoor units. This will cause the system to crash.
  • If dust, moisture and dirt get into the cooling circuit, as a result, the compressor will become unusable during operation. But water can corrode all internal components. It is no longer possible to restore such a unit.
  • Outdoor unit falling. Often people believe in themselves and try to remove it on their own without help. As a result, damage is inevitable. It doesn't matter whatheight it will happen. The unit will have to be changed, as its performance will not be satisfactory.


It is clear that when changing their place of residence, people want to dismantle the split system, because it costs a lot. If it is difficult to do something yourself, it is better to turn to professionals. But when a decision is made to do the work yourself, you should not violate a single recommendation and do everything right. In general, the dismantling of an air conditioner with freon is a completely feasible task.
