Creeping tenacious is decorative, healing and unpretentious

Creeping tenacious is decorative, healing and unpretentious
Creeping tenacious is decorative, healing and unpretentious

Creeping tenacious (in Latin Ajuga reptans) is a plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Found wild in forests and steppes. She has many popular names: gourd, heart grass, young, hernia.

tenacious creeping
tenacious creeping

The name of the plant fully reflects its characteristics: ground-blooded, perennial, well-growing. If you plant 5 small delenki in the spring, they will quickly acclimatize and grow. Green oval leaves will grow up, and by mid-summer they will acquire a brownish tint. New shoots will appear, and from them - young plants. By autumn, you will get a beautiful carpet that will cover an area of \u200b\u200babout 1 sq. m.

Creeping tenacious unpretentious, hardy. In the hot summer, she can go without water for about 3.5 weeks. After such an extreme, she will not look the best, and she will have to be “soldered”, but she will not die! Not afraid of sunburn.

Throughout the season, up to the snow, creeping tenacious is decorative. A photo of its abundant flowering and elegant leaves confirms the opinion of gardeners that this plant can decorate any flower bed or tree trunk.

tenacious creeping- cultivation
tenacious creeping- cultivation

She is able to take root on any soil. But if she had a choice, then the survivor would prefer well-moistened, humus-rich loams. It can grow in one place for several years. Its root system is superficial, that is, deep loosening is unacceptable. It reaches a height of 20 cm. Fairly frost-resistant.

Creeping tenacious blooms in May and blooms for about a month. Its flowers are small, arranged in steps. Coloring can be blue, blue, white and pink. Seeds ripen in July-August, depending on weather conditions.

There are no problems with reproduction. You can divide an overgrown bush from spring to autumn. If a small outlet has a small root, then it will take root. When planting, the socket should not be buried. The optimal distance between plants is 20 cm. After planting for a week, watering is necessary daily.

creeping tenacious, photo
creeping tenacious, photo

Wonderful plant - tenacious creeping. Growing it is possible anywhere - in the sun, and in partial shade, and in the shade. It looks harmoniously under the trees, it can cover the soil under climbing roses, clematis and many other vines. The tenacious will fit into the rock garden, and decorate any unsightly corner of the garden.

Currently, many varieties of tenacity with variegated leaves and colorful flowers have been bred. The leaves can be grey-green, green-reddish-brown, purplish-purple, brownish-purple, with a white pattern on a green background and edging, etc. You can collect a whole collection of various survivors anddesign an original flower bed. It should only be taken into account that variegated varieties will show their beauty to the fullest only in the sun.

Tenacious crawling to all the above listed pluses is also useful. It is used in folk medicine as an antiseptic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic. It refers to medicinal plants, with the help of which they improve metabolism. Basal leaves and young shoots of the tenacious are added to salads.

Once you plant this plant in your garden, you will love it so much that there will certainly be other places where the creeping tenacious will become necessary.
