Insulation "Termite": advantages, characteristics and scope

Insulation "Termite": advantages, characteristics and scope
Insulation "Termite": advantages, characteristics and scope

Insulation "Termite" is used for thermal insulation of premises. It is made by extrusion from polystyrene. The material has found its application in the production of building and polystyrene boards, sandwich panels.

exterior wall insulation
exterior wall insulation


Insulation for the walls of the house outside of this brand is preferred because it has the following advantages:

  • No flammability. During installation, the material additionally protects the building from fire. Its self-extinguishing qualities prevent flames from spreading.
  • Zero capillarity. The insulation does not accumulate or absorb moisture, so it has a long service life.
  • Easy transportation and installation. The material is light weight and easy to cut with tools.
Thermite EPS
Thermite EPS

"Termite" EPS and XPS

Insulation "Termite" EPS (polystyrene) is used for thermal insulation of technical facilities where breathable vapor-proof materials must be used. It is with its help that the ceiling, walls and floor are insulated. EPS and XPS thermal insulation are very different. The second type does not have moisture absorption properties and is characterized by increased resistance to compression. EPS foam can be used for wall insulation, ceiling or balcony insulation. And XPS is suitable for arranging floors and foundations at industrial facilities, ground isolation. There are also differences in cost. EPS material is easier to purchase, since this quality insulation has a low price. Styrofoam is perfectly attached to the glue, and plaster fits well on it.

"Termite" SP

Building insulation "Thermite" SP is used both for thermal insulation and as a basis for the installation of various structures on which finishing is performed. These include the floor, ceiling, walls and partitions of the room. The material is easily mounted, processed, rounded when creating arches, columns and steps. It is used for facing the slopes of doors and windows, as well as leveling walls. In addition, the material is used for outdoor advertising.

Thermite SP
Thermite SP

"Termite" Roll SP n1

The material is used as thermal insulation for pipes, the diameter of which varies from 58 to 630 mm. Insulation "Termite" has notches, their depth is based on the diameter of the pipe. Such pipes are used for transporting media that have a temperature of -50 to +75 °C. The material insulates the pipeline when laying in a buried and semi-buried way.


Insulation has a low thermal conductivity in comparisonwith other products used in construction for sound insulation and insulation. The technical characteristics of the "Termite" insulation make it possible to use it to lighten the mass of structures being built, save on heating rooms, and increase the service life of the building. When using this heat-insulating material for many years, repairs will not be needed. It will last more than 50 years without losing its original qualities.


Thermit factory guarantees that the products are resistant to fire, so their use in the implementation of thermal insulation works will act as additional protection against fire. The insulation will restrain the spread of the flame, because it is self-extinguishing. It does not support combustion and belongs to class G1. This is the most important quality for the construction of all kinds of objects and housing.

thermit plant
thermit plant

Rigidity and strength

According to numerous reviews, the termite insulation has high rates of rigidity and strength. The strength of the material is sufficient to withstand light loads, as well as the onslaught of rodents. The material has a rigid structure, its compressive strength is not less than 0.25 MPa.


Use this insulation for the walls of the house outside - this is ideal, because it does not collapse from exposure to chemical components and natural factors. During the aging process, it will not emit harmful elements. Such thermal insulation is environmentally friendly and not dangerous to human and animal he alth.


The termite material has a low cost and excellent technical parameters, therefore it is used in almost all construction areas:

  • Firstly, the thermal insulation of the foundation and walls. "Termite" has found its application in the external insulation of structures. It is excellent for external protection of foundations, walls and plinths, laying between wall panels and partitions. In order to fix it, you do not need to use a special frame. In addition, the material makes it possible not to use additional waterproofing. For installation, it is enough to use polymer dowels and construction adhesive.
  • Secondly, insulation of the roof, attic, ceiling and floor. When arranging the thermal insulation of the floor, the slabs are usually laid out in several layers. Even in this case, the insulating layer will be only 6-10 cm. And only 1 layer can be used to protect the attic space, floors and ceilings.
termite insulation
termite insulation
  • Thirdly, soil insulation when creating a blind area. The right technology provides for the protection of the soil, which is adjacent to the foundation of the house, from freezing during the cold season.
  • Fourthly, the laying of railways and roads. The use of "Termite" in the construction of tracks is a good way to reduce the sensitivity of the canvas to temperature changes. In the long term, this approach minimizes maintenance and repair costs.
  • Fifth, the construction of runways. "Termite",as in the case of roads, it minimizes the negative effect of temperature changes on the runway canvas.
