How to install skirting boards on linoleum with your own hands?

How to install skirting boards on linoleum with your own hands?
How to install skirting boards on linoleum with your own hands?

Skirting boards are installed around the entire perimeter of the room, making the floor into a kind of frame and making the overall look of the room complete. In houses with a cement screed or concrete floor, it is recommended to screw these elements to the wall. If the floor is wood, these planks can be attached directly to it. Next, we will look at how to properly install skirting boards on linoleum.

installation of plastic plinth over linoleum
installation of plastic plinth over linoleum

Types of skirting boards

After the linoleum is laid and the wallpaper is pasted, it is very important to choose the right edging that will hide all the flaws, small gaps between the walls and the floor, wiring and other communication wires. In addition, the plinth performs an important decorative function, giving the lower part of the room an attractive and neat look. Today, thanks to a large selection, it is possible to find the described product in the same color range as the flooring.

By the way, when buying a skirting board, you should consider the colordoors, furniture, architraves.

rules for installing skirting boards on linoleum
rules for installing skirting boards on linoleum

Depending on the material of manufacture, these elements are of several types:

  • Plastic. Today they are considered the most popular. Used for installation on laminate and linoleum. Such elements do not need to be painted or varnished. Installing plastic skirting boards is very easy.
  • Wooden. Such skirting boards are more expensive, and mounting them is a little more difficult. The color is matched to the tone of the architraves, so that when joined, a solid line is obtained. Wooden skirting boards have a number of advantages - they are environmentally friendly, durable and have a rich appearance.
  • MDF. Such plinths imitate expensive wooden ones, but their cost is much cheaper. Products are resistant to sunlight and moisture, but are subject to mechanical stress.
  • Aluminum. Such skirting boards are used for finishing floors made of expensive linoleum, carpet and porcelain stoneware.

Many baseboards have a special recess for laying wires, Internet cables or telephones. Their laying can be done immediately before the installation of the plinth.

how to install skirting boards on linoleum
how to install skirting boards on linoleum

The nuances of installing different types of skirting boards on linoleum

Ordinary floor plinths are an element of decor, so you need to select them so that they blend well with linoleum. In their manufacture, different materials are used. For linoleum, PVC skirting is considered the best option. However, thanks to the hugethe number of colors of linoleum sheets, you can ideally match them with wooden and veneered elements. Consider further the rules for installing a skirting board on linoleum.

do-it-yourself installation of a plastic skirting board on linoleum
do-it-yourself installation of a plastic skirting board on linoleum

Plastic skirting boards

Such products have the greatest variety. Their price is quite affordable, because they are quite popular. Plastic skirting boards go well with any interior, as you can choose any color, texture and shape. Products are quite flexible, so they are ideal for any wall, exactly following its contours.

Now let's look at the features of installing a plastic skirting board on linoleum with our own hands.

skirting board installation
skirting board installation

There are three ways to do this:

  1. Self-tapping screws. Most often, plastic plinth consists of two elements: a guide and a decorative one. The first of them is attached to the wall, the second is fixed on it with latches.
  2. Lockable. It can also be used as a fastener and allows cable to be routed between the baseboard and the wall.
  3. Via liquid nails or glue. Adhesive compositions for fastening plastic panels can only be used if the linoleum sheet on the base is well fixed. If the planks are fixed with glue, it will be quite difficult to dismantle them during subsequent repairs, therefore it is advisable to use this option only when other methods of fastening are not possible.

Mounting bulk plasticskirting boards

Installation of a plastic plinth over linoleum consists of several stages:

  1. Measuring the perimeter of the room.
  2. The materials and tools necessary for installation are being prepared.
  3. Walls being cleaned of dust
  4. Markup being done.
  5. Holes are being drilled in the walls.
  6. Strips are attached to the walls and connected.

Standard length of plastic plinth - 2.5 m. The tool necessary for work is being prepared.

Required tools

Before you install the skirting board on the linoleum, you need to prepare certain tools. These include:

  • construction vacuum cleaner;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • pencil;
  • hacksaw;
  • awl;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • screws.

Now you can get to work.

How to install a skirting board on linoleum

The process looks like this:

  1. Clean the bottom of the wall and adjacent linoleum from construction debris and dust with a vacuum cleaner and a brush.
  2. Make markup. It is better to start doing it from the corner. Put a corner on the bar and attach it to the wall so that the corner of the bar and the corner of the room match.
  3. At a distance of 5 cm from the corner, make a mark for the future hole.
  4. The next mark for the hole is made ondistance 40 cm.
  5. In the same way, mark all other places for making holes.
  6. Move the plinth aside and start drilling.
  7. Remove trash again.
  8. Insert into the dowel holes. For strength, they can be hammered with a hammer.

Next, proceed to the installation of the plinth. The design of the plastic strips provides a special channel into which the cable is laid. Before installation, the upper part of the bar (overlay) must be removed. The back should be attached to the wall and pierce holes in it with an awl. They must necessarily clearly coincide with the dowels into which the screws will be inserted through the holes. They should be screwed in with a screwdriver or screwdriver. After that, attach the next piece of plinth. Installation is carried out in the same way as the first section. After that, carefully lay the wires in special grooves and connect both panels of slats.

Let's consider how to install flat skirting boards on linoleum.

Installation of flat plastic skirting boards

Installation of flat skirting boards differs from installation of volumetric planks. Most often they are not screwed to the wall, but glued with liquid nails. Consider how to install skirting boards on linoleum:.

  • Laying starts from the corner of the room. To do this, cut the corner of the plinth so that it fits well into the corner.
  • Liquid nails with a small gap are applied to its reverse side. To make the bonding better, it is recommended to apply liquid nails on both sides, i.e., on the wall and on the floor.
  • The bar with glue is pressed tightly against the wall, holding a coupleminutes for the adhesive to adhere well.

After that, you can proceed with the installation of the next piece of plastic plinth.
