The very first step in laying laminate is to calculate its quantity for a particular room. One pack is designed for 2 square meters and contains 10 boards. Thus, for example, for 16 square meters, it will be enough to purchase 8 packs of laminate, but be sure to take it with a margin, as overspending in the process of independent work is possible.

How to lay a laminate with your own hands? This should be done on a base that is carefully leveled. Of course, it is not necessary to make a screed from a special mixture at all, it is enough to check the floor with a building level for drops. Laminate flooring can be installed on both wooden and linoleum floors. The main condition is a flat surface. In the case of large drops or bumps, it is still preferable to make a screed. This will prevent deformation of the laminate during operation. Separately, it is worth saying a few words about parquet. This complex laying has been popular for a long time, so its presence in some houses may be accompanied by bulging or, conversely, sinking of individual boards relative to the floor level. Then how to put the laminate onparquet? A grinder will come to the rescue, which will remove not only old layers of paint or varnish, but also level the surface.

For work you will need: a substrate - a roll of polyethylene foam using a special technology, a jigsaw or saw, a tape measure, a plank of wood 20 cm long to fit the boards together, a pencil and a hammer. For easier sawing, it is better to use a jigsaw.
How to lay a laminate with your own hands? It turns out that it is not as easy as we would like, because the laying itself is similar to the assembly of the designer. Boards are fastened to each other from four sides. The fastening principle is called tongue and groove. This is when the comb of one of the boards is inserted into a special groove to the other, and then the boards are tightly fitted with a hammer to each other.
Laminate laying technology is not that complicated. You can start from any corner of the room. Laying is carried out perpendicular to the window. This is necessary in order to hide the joints between the laminate boards. You can learn how to lay a laminate with your own hands on any forum about construction. First you need to stretch the substrate along the wall. This should be done gradually - in stripes, so that it does not interfere. Next, boards are laid out on it in one line near the wall and fastened with the end part. For a snug fit, it is recommended to adjust them with a hammer, using a bar that is applied over the comb. Weak accurate blows are made on it, thanks to which the boards are tightly adjacent to each other. The last element of the row is cut to the desired length. The first row is ready! Betweenwedges are set with a strip and a wall for 1 cm.

This principle is important to follow, since it is not easy to lay a laminate yourself. The second strip starts with half the board, then the laying continues in the same way as the first. When it is mounted, it should be connected to the previous one. To do this, the entire row with a comb raised by 20 ° is inserted into the grooves and lowered down, then adjusted with a plank and a hammer. The checkerboard arrangement of laminate boards looks original and does not allow them to "walk".
The third row should start with a whole board and alternate until the last line is laid. Now you are familiar with the technology of how to lay a laminate with your own hands. The most important thing here is the tight fit of the boards to each other. Strict adherence to all tips and recommendations will save you from problems with operation in the future.