The amount of electricity consumed by various household appliances, among other things, depends, of course, on the quality of sockets and switches installed in the house. Specialized stores today sell similar products of various brands. Quite popular among consumers are, for example, Lezard sockets and switches.
Switches and sockets of the Lezard brand are produced by the Turkish company Dernek GROUP. This company was founded in 1970. Initially, it specialized in the production of various types of consumer goods. The products of this company began to enter the Russian market in 1995. In 2003, the management of Dernek GROUP decided to completely change its profile to the production of electrical devices. In 2007, products manufactured by Dernek GROUP factories began to be supplied to the market directly under the Lezard brand.

Types of sockets and switches
Dernek GROUP produces similar products by itselfdifferent design. If you wish, you can purchase today, for example:
- double sockets 710-0800-127;
- outlets regular 710-0800-122.
Lezard switches are available on the market as one-, three- or two-gang. Some of them are ordinary, others are walk-through. Switches "Lezard", among other things, can be supplemented with backlight, red or green. Also, if desired, in specialized stores today you can buy extension cords of this brand.
Series of Switches
There are several lines of sockets and switches of the Lezard brand on the market. The most popular among consumers are devices of the Nata series in a case stylized as wood, stone or metal. Also, Mira switches in durable polycarbonate coating deserved very good customer reviews. In addition, on the market today there are products from this manufacturer of the Deriy series, which are characterized by increased safety.

Pass-through switches
The Turkish company Dernek GROUP, as already mentioned, also supplies products of this type to the Russian market. Pass-through switches are used to control not one device, as usual, but two at once. Such devices "Lezard" are very popular mainly among the owners of large cottages. It is such a product, in fact, switches that transfer one contact to another.
Instructions for connecting a pass-through model
Almost all devices of the companyDernek GROUP, sold on the domestic market, have a simple design. Connecting the products supplied by this company to the household network is easy. The installation technology of conventional switches of this brand is absolutely the same as that of similar products from any other manufacturer. The wires from the socket are connected to the outputs of the device according to the scheme provided by the factory. According to the usual method, the "Lezard" switch with backlight is also mounted. Installation is carried out without any additional steps, since the indicator is included in its circuit in a special way.

With pass-through devices of this brand, which have a more complex design, some home craftsmen may experience certain difficulties in terms of installation. Therefore, we will further consider in more detail what kind of instructions exist for installing just such models. Mount the Lezard pass-through switch as follows:
- The circuit of both lamps is closed with an incandescent bulb.
- Three wires of the first socket box are twisted together. After that, a phase or zero is found in the second socket.
- Unwind the wires in the first box and close together - in the second socket. Also find phase or zero.
After the phase and zero (located in different boxes) are found, strip the ends of the wires and flick them. Next, proceed to the installation of switches. Perform this procedure as follows:
- Turn over the switch "Lezard" two-button and study the circuit,painted on the back.
- In most cases, a zero is connected to the third output of one of the switches, and a phase is connected to the second.
- Two other wires in both devices are connected to outputs with the same serial number. In this case, you should be guided by the color of the insulator.

How to connect sockets: features
This is how the Lezard, the double switch, is mounted. How to connect the outlet of this manufacturer?
Like the switches, these Lezard devices have a diagram on the bottom of the case. When installing, you just need to focus on it. But there is one feature in the procedure for installing Lezard sockets. Models in red packaging are mounted in the usual way. The devices sold in orange include the apartment network, taking into account the fact that terminals 2 and 3 are reversed. Focusing on the scheme presented by the manufacturer, this should be borne in mind. The last one on the panel is a standard one, designed for the normal position of the exits.

Of course, when connecting both sockets and switches of this brand, all necessary safety measures should be observed. You need to work only in rubber gloves. Before twisting or connecting wires, be sure to de-energize the network.
Extension assembly
Connecting the Lezard switch (as well as sockets) is a fairly simple procedure. The same can be said about the assembly of the extensions of thisbrand and connecting the power wire to the blocks, produced in just a couple of steps. The outlets of the extension cord are provided with special screw fasteners.

Connecting the wire thus takes the consumer no more than a few minutes. However, on sale today, unfortunately, there are pads from this manufacturer with a small marriage. There are no screw fasteners on such Lezard extension cords. Therefore, to connect the wire, those consumers who are not lucky with the purchase have to use a soldering iron. Many buyers who do not want to mess with such a tool even have to throw out the block and purchase a new one from another manufacturer in the store.
Lezard switches: consumer opinion
Reviews about the devices of this manufacturer, as already mentioned, there are relatively good reviews on the network. The advantages of the products supplied to the market by Dernek GROUP, consumers attribute, first of all, its wide range. The advantages of the actual sockets and switches of the Lezard brand are:
- stylish appearance;
- reliability and long service life.
In terms of build quality, the products of this company are equated by most home craftsmen with similar goods made in China.
The disadvantages of this manufacturer's devices are primarily attributed by consumers to the fact that quite thin plastic is often used to assemble their case. Handle equipment of this brand during installation and operationhave to carefully.
The minus of Lezard sockets is also considered to be that the contacts in them are fastened with screws. Unfortunately, the wire in such structures can be pinched, literally to the point of separation. In some batches of products supplied by Dernek GROUP, non-working defects can sometimes occur.
Cost of sockets and switches
The advantages of the products of the Turkish company Dernek GROUP, consumers include, among other things, its relatively low cost. The price of Lezard switches is usually about 100-150 rubles. Passage models cost about 200-250 rubles. Sockets of this brand are sold in specialized stores for 100-150 rubles, depending on the design and type of case.

Instead of a conclusion
Thus, the products of the Turkish company Dernek GROUP can be considered quite reliable and of high quality. Reviews from consumers, she deserved relatively good. In any case, most buyers recommend purchasing Lezard switches and sockets to their relatives and friends.
Of course, the product is not European, in some of its batches marriage may come across. However, in the vast majority of cases, sockets and switches, buyers still receive high-quality ones. Mounting these devices in the network, thanks to their well-thought-out design, is very simple. This applies even to such relatively complex equipment as the Lezard double passage switch.