When the orchid has faded, what should I do? A few simple care tips

When the orchid has faded, what should I do? A few simple care tips
When the orchid has faded, what should I do? A few simple care tips

Orchid is an overseas miracle flower, seeing which, no one will remain indifferent. Juicy fleshy leaves, bizarrely located in the ground, and, of course, stunningly beautiful flowers on fragile peduncles. It is this incredible attractiveness and unusualness that makes orchids a wonderful gift for any celebration, a worthy alternative to even the brightest bouquets of cut flowers. Naturally, as a gift, an orchid is bought in bloom. Like any other plant, the flowering period ends someday, and then the following question naturally arises: "When the orchid has faded, what should I do?" Competent care for a faded beauty is a guarantee of her well-being and a new abundant flowering in the very near future.

When the orchid has faded, what should I do? Watching the peduncle

Many beginners who do not have a sufficient level of knowledge about the characteristics of the growth and flowering of these beauties mistakenly assume that onceall the flowers withered and fell off, then the peduncle can be cut off. However, this is not quite true. First you need to watch him for a while. Several options are possible.

when the orchid has faded what to do
when the orchid has faded what to do

Option 1: cut, can't leave

If after the fall of the last flowers the peduncle changed color and began to dry out, there's nothing to be done: most likely, your pet has faded. Phalaenopsis Orchid decided to take a vacation and get some rest. In this case, it is useless to wait for new buds on this peduncle. However, do not immediately cut it off. Wait until the peduncle is completely dry, because until that moment the plant will draw useful substances from it.

blooming phalaenopsis orchid
blooming phalaenopsis orchid

Option 2: no cutting, leave

If, after the last flowers wither, the peduncle no longer releases new buds, but does not dry out, but seems to freeze and wait for something, perhaps the orchid is saving up strength and will still delight you with new flowers on the same peduncle. As nature wills, so it will be: new buds may appear in the shortest time, and 1-3 months after the main flowering, or may not appear at all, even if the plant is provided with the most thorough care.

how to care for a faded orchid
how to care for a faded orchid

Option 3: don't cut, leave. But not the whole peduncle

When the orchid has faded, what else to do with the peduncle? Try to achieve re-flowering by cutting it, but not to the base, but 1-2 cm above the last sleepingkidneys. This is the name of the buds located at the very base of the peduncle and hidden by protective scales. Perhaps, after a while, a lateral peduncle (phalaenopsis baby) will appear from one of them.

Post-flowering care

As a rule, after the lush flowering of your pet comes a period of rest. How to care for a faded orchid at this time? In general, care should remain the same, except that you can slightly moderate watering and reduce top dressing, as well as lower the temperature in the room. But the main thing is not to overdo it: phalaenopsis does not like a sharp change in the state of the environment. The exception is the case when the plant does not bloom for a long time, and you can artificially create a temperature jump (cold at night and warm during the day) to give the orchid an incentive to wake it up.

In general, when the orchid has faded, you know what to do: continue to groom and cherish your pet. It is likely that in 3-6 months she will delight you with another abundant and stunningly beautiful flowering.
