Country septic tank: review, selection and installation

Country septic tank: review, selection and installation
Country septic tank: review, selection and installation

Sewerage in a country house is one of the important life support systems. Therefore, special requirements are put forward for it. This system must fully comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. It is for this reason that when arranging a closed sewage system, it is important to take into account all the nuances.

How to choose and install a suburban septic tank, expert advice will help you figure it out. Knowing all the subtleties of this process, you can create a system with your own hands. The technology for selecting and installing a septic tank will be discussed later.

Appointment of a septic tank

Septic tanks for country houses and cottages are an excellent alternative to inefficient cesspools. These products will allow you to equip a full-fledged autonomous sewage system in a country house. It should be noted that not every site has the opportunity to bring centralized communications. In this case, the right solution would be to install a septic tank.

Country septic tank
Country septic tank

Without the arrangement of such a system, it would be almost impossible to use water in a country house. After a few days, an unpleasant odor would appear. Rest in such conditions would be ruined.

To be able to simply wash the dishes, swim, and provide the necessary hygiene in the bathroom, a septic tank is used. This product appeared in our country relatively recently. However, in a short period of time, its popularity has increased significantly. Many manufacturers today supply the market with products for arranging autonomous sewage. They differ in design, functionality, material and cost.

Design Features

To mount a high-quality sewerage system, you must first consider what septic tanks are for a country house. Their design is a volumetric container. Dirty water enters. Inside such a container, the processes of sedimentation and processing of organic substances can take place.

The best septic tanks
The best septic tanks

There are many varieties of designs presented products. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups. The first category included sealed containers. They may have one or more cameras. Waste water, getting inside, can partially decompose with the help of special bacteria. However, over time, it becomes necessary to clean the tank. The frequency of emptying such a container depends on the type of construction.

The second category includes septic tanks that have a system of soil purification. This type of septic tank allows you to divert part of the wastewater into the ground. This option is suitable for a personal plot of a large area. Groundwater in this area should not come closer than 3 m to the surface.

Important questions whenchoice

When choosing an autonomous septic tank for a country house, you need to consider a number of issues that will help you purchase the best model. First of all, you need to calculate the amount of wastewater that will be sent to the tank daily. To do this, you need to calculate how many people will permanently live in the house.

Autonomous septic tank for a country house
Autonomous septic tank for a country house

Also, for calculations, it is important to foresee a situation where the amount of daily sewage discharge will be more than usual. For example, guests will come to the owners of a cottage or dacha.

It is very important when choosing a septic tank to provide for the peak load on the system. The more plumbing devices will be involved at the same time, the higher this figure will be. When making calculations, it is recommended to contact specialists. There are many methods that allow you to determine the parameters of an autonomous sewerage system. The performance of the septic tank must fully satisfy the needs of the buyer.

When choosing equipment, you should also take into account the terrain, how close groundwater approaches the surface.

Number of cameras

One or more cells may have a septic tank. Country sewerage must meet the needs of the people living in the house. If the tank is purchased for a small area where the owners stay twice a week, you can choose a single-chamber plastic septic tank. In this case, the daily water consumption should not exceed 1 m³.

Comparison of septic tanks for a country house
Comparison of septic tanks for a country house

Forcountry cottages it is more expedient to equip a multi-chamber septic tank. Effluent flows gradually from one reservoir to another. This process takes an average of 10 days. Impurities in it are effectively decomposed by bacteria. Such septic tanks can be sealed. In this case, waste is pumped out twice a year. If possible, discharge into nearby rivers or soil.

The cost of multi-chamber septic tanks is higher. However, this is an effective system that allows you to fully use the sewer. In this case, odors do not appear on the site, the required sanitation is maintained.

The principle of operation of septic tanks

Comparison of septic tanks for a country house allows you to choose the best option. A single-chamber septic tank is always sealed. It involves cleaning the tank with the help of a sewage machine. Pumping is carried out with a certain frequency. The faster the septic tank fills up, the more often you will have to call a special service.

Multi-chamber septic tanks can also be sealed. Pumping out waste from them is carried out much less frequently. However, the most easy-to-use drainage varieties.

Septic tanks for a country house and a summer residence
Septic tanks for a country house and a summer residence

Multi-chamber septic tanks can drain recycled wastewater (purified by 60%) into the ground. This can be done on a large area. For such an installation, a large field is freed. Through the drainage and filtration system, treated wastewater enters the soil.

Operation of the drainage septic tank

The choice of a septic tank for a countryat home it often falls on multi-chamber drainage varieties. This is the best option in terms of functionality and cost. Drainage septic tanks have a large capacity into which wastewater enters. In it, solid waste settles to the bottom. They are processed by special bacteria into sludge. It is pumped out once or twice a year.

The second capacity of such a septic tank has smaller dimensions. It is separated from the first reservoir by a partition. It contains small particles. They are also periodically removed from the tank.

The third chamber has a drainage system or filters installed. Treated effluents are discharged into the ground. Once every 5 years, you need to change the crushed stone in the third chamber. The cost of the presented systems of domestic production remains acceptable. The filtration field needs to be constantly restored.

Deep biological treatment system

Considering the rating of septic tanks for a country house, a few words should be said about the most functional form. Such a tank is relatively expensive. But it has a number of advantages. Biological treatment plants are recognized as the most innovative method of arranging autonomous sewage.

Choosing a septic tank for a country house
Choosing a septic tank for a country house

The design includes several sealed vertically directed tanks. They are usually made from polypropylene. In the first chamber, wastewater is separated into fractions. Heavy solid particles settle to the bottom. With the help of a pump, liquid from the first chamber is supplied to the second reservoir. The liquid is saturated with oxygen.

Wothe second chamber, special bacteria decompose substances. Next, the liquid enters the third chamber. It has the shape of a pyramid. This is recycling. Activated sludge settles to the bottom. Purified water enters the fourth chamber. It is odorless and colorless. Clean liquid is discharged from the septic tank. The degree of purification in this case is 99%.

Septic tank material

There are several types of materials from which the tank can be made. One of the popular options is a concrete septic tank for a country house. It is suitable for a single-chamber design. This material is durable and impermeable. Such a septic tank has been in operation for many years.

Concrete septic tank for a country house
Concrete septic tank for a country house

You can also create a septic tank from monolithic concrete or brick. The first option is more time consuming.

Plastic septic tanks are very popular. This is a tank ready for installation. It is simply buried in a prepared pit. These are quite expensive models. Plastic is not a particularly strong material in case of high ground pressure. If the groundwater level is high, such structures are concreted or mounted in a special reinforced concrete tank.

The cost of installing a turnkey septic tank

An autonomous septic tank for a country house can be installed by a special construction organization. In this case, the cost of arranging sewerage in a suburban area can be quite high. Therefore, many private property owners prefer to install a septic tank on their own.

If the owners do not have sufficient skills and time to equip an autonomous sewage system with their own hands, they can turn to professionals. The cost of installing a septic tank depends on many factors. The master will tell the exact cost only after inspecting the site.

The price is affected by the type of septic tank, the volume of earthworks, the amount of material to connect the system, and the characteristics of the soil. The basic cost of installing an autonomous sewage system is about 50 thousand rubles. The same is the cost of preparing the field for filtering. Pipe laying is also paid separately. On average, 1 m of communications costs about 800 rubles.

Cost of septic tanks

Today, the best septic tanks that are in demand in our country are made by domestic manufacturers. Their cost depends on the dimensions, performance and principle of operation.

A self-made septic tank made of brick or monolithic concrete costs about 15 thousand rubles. There are many models of tanks on sale, the price of which can reach 100 thousand rubles.

Drainage multi-chamber models "Tank" and "Triton" are very popular among domestic owners of suburban real estate. Such models for 1-3 people can be purchased at a price of about 30 thousand rubles. If a more productive design is required, the cost of the tank increases to 60 thousand rubles.

Cleaning stations for deep biological treatment, for example, Unilos Astra, Tver, Topol can be purchased at a price of 65 thousand rubles. (for 3 people). More productive stations can cost around 100-130RUB thousand


Having considered the best septic tanks for a country house, you can choose the right tank for an autonomous sewer. To install it yourself, you will need to consider a few rules for this process.

The manufacturer provides complete instructions for installation and maintenance of the tank. If a filter field is to be equipped, it must be located at a certain distance from a number of objects. A well or well with drinking water should be at least 50 m away. If there is a reservoir, river or swamp nearby, it should be no closer than 30 m.

The drainage field should be 5 m away from the house, and 4 m away from the road and trees.

Installation process

To install a country septic tank, you will need to dig a foundation pit. For infiltration, you will also need to create a recess in the ground. The size of the pit should match the dimensions of the tank. At the same time, they add the distance that will be required to create a sprinkle or foundation.

Next, pipe trenches are created. Usually the depth is about 50 cm. The pipes are compacted with a layer of sand. If necessary, they will also need to be insulated. Next comes the installation of a septic tank, pipes. Communications must be mounted at a slope.


Country septic tank requires proper maintenance. It is very important to clean the tank in a timely manner. Inside these containers there are specialbacteria. They are concentrated in silt. When it is removed with a vacuum truck, 40% of this layer should be left.

Depending on how the unit is used, it should be cleaned 1-2 times a year. Do not load the septic tank above the nominal limit. Proper operation of the system will allow it to work effectively for many years.

Having considered what a suburban septic tank is, what types of tanks are, everyone will be able to choose the best option for their site. If necessary, you can mount the system yourself or seek the help of professionals.
