
Large varieties of tomatoes: overview, description, characteristics

Probably every plot where vegetables are grown has at least one large variety of tomato. Such fruits look solid, are in great demand in the market and often have a better taste than smaller varieties. In this review, we will present you the best varieties of large-fruited tomatoes. Description and photos will help you choose the right variety for your site. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Perennial creepers as an option for vertical gardening

Vertical gardening elements can now be found in almost every garden. The walls of houses, verandas or gazebos not only acquire a pleasant aesthetic appearance, but also let dust, noise and heat in less. Most often, perennial vines are used for this. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to get raspberry seeds from berries? Reproduction of raspberries by seeds

Raspberry is an absolute favorite among other summer gifts of nature. There are quite a few of its varieties, each of which is good, but has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here, of course, a matter of habit and taste, because any person has his own criteria for selecting the perfect berry. For some, its aroma and taste are important, others need the fruits to be easy to collect, store and transport, others are kept for their size. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The most unusual orchids (photo)

Tropical beauty - an orchid - is not in vain considered a symbol of love, charm and purity. The appearance of the flower is fascinating, as are its varieties and names. Every grower has an irresistible desire to get the most unusual orchid in existence. Indoor varieties amaze with their unusual riot of colors and original flowering. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Phlox Ivan dawn: description and cultivation features

Today, phloxes are widespread. There are many different types and varieties of this flower. It is grown in parks, village front gardens, gardens and city squares. This article describes in detail phloxes, planting and care in the open field. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Clematis plant (clematis): description of varieties, cultivation features

Clematis plant can be seen in the gardens of Russian summer residents quite often. This spectacular ornamental culture is used in suburban areas for vertical gardening. There are simply a huge number of varieties and varieties of Clematis. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Semyanych seed store: reviews

The "Semyanych" store is a very large and quite popular Russian online store that specializes in the sale of marijuana seeds. For all the time the store has established itself as a reliable seller that meets high requirements, with a European level of service. At the same time, "Semyanych" has not only first-class service, but also an excellent team that you can trust. There are many reviews about Semyanych on the Internet, most of which are based on. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Helon oblique: types, planting and care

Helone oblique is a rather rare and very effective garden ornamental culture. Summer residents grow such flowers in flowerbeds both in single plantings and in combination with other beautiful perennials. Helon looks very attractive in tubs. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Mountain pine Varella: description, planting, care, photos and reviews

Mountain pine is common in design. Due to the fact that there is a huge choice between the types of such trees, you can create an interesting design option for the territory. These plants can be both small (no more than 20 cm) and huge, growing up to several meters. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

White grape varieties for wine: review, characteristics, reviews

There is an opinion that wine is the drink of the gods. The sun-infused drink has billions of fans around the world. A variety of taste sensations and useful qualities have made wine one of the most sought-after alcoholic beverages. The exact number of wine varieties is still unknown, but it is clear that they all have unforgettable taste qualities and numerous beneficial properties. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Rose Caramella: description with photo, reproduction, cultivation features and care rules

Rose Caramel is a flower that was bred in Germany. It was made in 2001 in Kordes nursery. This plant belongs to the group of scrubs. Its difference is a beautiful and noble color. It is because of him that the rose was so named. On the one hand, she is discreet, but at the same time surprisingly beautiful. Not a single gardener who breeds lovely flowers can pass by her. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Forms for garden figures, mini-flower beds and feeders

Creating garden figures for someone is a source of income, and for someone - a way of self-expression and a source of positive emotions. They can be made of concrete, wood, artificial stone, gypsum… Today there is an enterprise that manufactures molds for garden figures in almost every city. However, the pride of an increasing number of summer residents are figures made by their own hands. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Sand carnation: growing from seeds

The home gardens of many gardeners are filled with a variety of garden plants that bloom from the onset of spring warmth to the very first autumn frosts. Strict and graceful, multi-color and one-color, they look great on alpine slides and flower beds. Among this huge variety, carnation flowers deserve attention, suitable for creating magnificent compositions in landscape design. Of particular note is the sandy carnation, which has the original shape of the petals. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Rose "Burgundy Ice": distinctive features and care

The color of the fully opened buds of the Burgundy Ice rose is not uniform. At the base, the petals acquire a lighter shade. A distinctive feature of this variety is the absence of aroma as such. It is for this reason that the rose is valued among allergy sufferers. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Perennial poppy: description, planting and care, cultivation features, photo

Perennial poppy is a beautiful plant with exquisite flowers. Despite the short flowering period, it is still popular with some flower growers. The flower has been known since ancient Rome. In those days, as now, it was successfully used in medicine. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Cacti with colored needles: photo, home care

The uniqueness and beauty of succulents may not be appreciated by every person, but noticing cacti with colored needles in the window of a flower shop, people stop in amazement. Perhaps you have seen such a "wonder of nature." But is it nature? We will try to answer this question in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to grow a pomegranate at home and how to care for it?

Pomegranate is an excellent plant for home growing. With proper care, it will delight you with a beautiful view and delicious fruits. In addition, this plant is unpretentious and suitable even for beginner gardeners. You will learn how to grow a pomegranate at home and how to care for it from our material. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Decorative girlish grapes: description, photo, planting and care

Decorative grapes - a plant that is often and successfully used in landscape design. After all, a cozy gazebo, completely covered with green wicker foliage, is a true salvation on a hot summer afternoon from the scorching sun. And the stepped terraces entwined with grapes are an echo of the fashion for this plant, introduced by the rulers of past centuries. The second name of decorative grapes is “maiden” or “virgin ivy”: the flowers of the plant do not require pollination to form seeds. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Honeysuckle: planting and care, description of varieties, cultivation features

The honeysuckle family includes approximately two hundred species of various climbing and erect plants. In wildlife, honeysuckle can be found in the Northern Hemisphere, but most of its species are found in Asia and the Himalayas. In modern gardens, you can find the usual climbing honeysuckle, which is used as an ornamental plant, as well as a garden one, which is needed not only to decorate the garden, but also to collect very tasty and he althy berries. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Tomato "Budenovka": characteristics, yield and variety description

Today, many varieties of different vegetables are grown in gardens and fields. One of the most favorite plants of domestic summer residents is a tomato. It is cultivated in different varieties. The Budenovka tomato is popular. The features of growing this vegetable will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Weigela blooming (Weigela Florida): description, photo, growing features

There are only 15 varieties of deciduous shrub vegeil in the world, 3 of which grow in the Far East of Russia. One of its unique properties is flowering twice in the summer. The first begins in May and lasts until mid-June, the second often leaves people dumbfounded, as flowering vegeil (Weigela Florida) breaks the canons of the seasons, and when the leaves begin to turn yellow on the trees and shrubs, it blooms again. This happens at the end of August and lasts until the end of September. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Tomato "pink giant": variety description, characteristics, yield and reviews

Surely there are no summer residents who do not grow tomatoes on their plot. "Pink Giant" is one of the brightest representatives of this culture, which has a number of advantages over other varieties. The impressive size alone will not leave indifferent any summer resident. In this article, we will consider not only the description of the "pink giant" tomatoes and the reviews of experienced gardeners about them, but also share the features of growing this variety. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to grow an avocado from the seed at home?

Some people think that growing an avocado from the seed at home is almost impossible, because it takes too much time and effort. But still, it's not that hard. In fact, anyone can afford to grow an ornamental tree and it does not require much effort. The most important thing is the desire and knowledge of how to grow avocados. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings: the timing of sowing seeds and planting plants in the ground

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings? What should be the soil and what needs to be done for everything to rise? Let's deal with these questions in more detail. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Shelter of roses for the winter in the Leningrad region. How to process roses before shelter for the winter?

Rose has always been considered the queen of any garden, and caring for it requires special knowledge and skills. The breeding of frost-resistant varieties has made planting roses not only a privilege of the southern regions of Russia, but also the northern ones, where, with proper care, they delight the owners for more than one year. Shelter of roses for the winter in the Leningrad region has its own characteristics, since a snowy winter does not always take place, and temperature changes can lead to the death of the plant. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Cimicifuga plant, or black cohosh racemose: description, photo, cultivation, application

The plant racemose black cohosh (tsimitsifuga branched) has been known to mankind since ancient times. As you might guess from the name, in our country its insecticidal properties are used, in England the species is included in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia as a valuable medicinal raw material, and its decorative effect and spectacular appearance are actively used in horticulture. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Delphinium perennial: description of varieties, planting and care, reproduction

Probably, there is no gardener who would not dream of growing beautiful flowers on his plot, pleasing to the eye with bright petals and delicious aromas. Of course, there are a lot of such plants, but some of them are of particular interest. For example, the delphinium is perennial. Today we offer to talk about planting and caring for it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Perennial phlox flower: growing tips and photos

Perennial phlox flowers are considered indispensable participants in garden compositions. They adorn many mixborders, rocky gardens, flower beds and borders. Phloxes of all varieties and types look great in bouquets. True, they do not stand in a vase for a long time, since the flowers tend to quickly crumble and lose their decorative effect. But in the flower beds, phlox is a real handsome man. Its inflorescences resemble bright multi-colored hats. Yes, and in suitable conditions, it blooms for a long time. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Popular rootstocks for apple trees

With the onset of the new summer season, every gardener thinks about planting new fruit trees on his plot. Today we want to talk about popular rootstocks for apple trees. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Sweet and he althy yellow raspberry

Few gardeners can boast of having such a miracle bush on their site as yellow raspberries. This plant gained fame at the beginning of the last century, breeders and just lovers of this berry grew a large number of varieties. Among them there were both light yellow and yellow-orange raspberries. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Spring work in the field, in the garden, in the garden

We all unconsciously wait for spring. Although it brings with it a lot of trouble and work, we rejoice at the first spring days and look forward to when we can start spring work in the field, in the garden, in the garden. What should be done first?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

This amazing honeysuckle: care and cultivation

In fairy tales, rejuvenating apples are often mentioned. It turns out that rejuvenating fruits are not only in fairy tales: they also exist in real life. And they call them honeysuckle. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Ostrich fern is the most beautiful species of the genus

The article reports on the amazing ostrich fern: its distribution, properties, application. It also tells how to care for this plant. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Garden parquet: types and applications

The modern flooring market is quite diverse. This also applies to materials that are used for finishing the infield. The most popular is garden parquet. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Fast growing coniferous trees for landscape design

Planting trees and shrubs should take place in a certain order. Most often, shrubs, deciduous and coniferous trees are used in landscape design. Fruit trees are still very popular. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Spring feeding of fruit trees and shrubs. Early spring feeding of young fruit trees

Each plant in the garden needs care and additional fertilizing with minerals. This will allow you to get the maximum harvest in the fall. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Spring treatment of gardens with iron sulphate. Spring treatment of the garden with urea

Spring garden processing will protect plants from various pests and significantly increase yields. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Greenhouse "Dachnaya-Dvushka" - ideal for small summer cottages

Greenhouse "Dachnaya-Dvushka" will suit every summer resident. Its design is durable, does not require a foundation. You can get an early home harvest of vegetables on your site. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Oat root: properties and cultivation

To the people of antiquity, the oat root, or, as it is also called, the goat's beard, was known better than the modern one. They knew a lot about not only its taste, but also the medicinal properties that it possesses. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to plant garlic bulbs?

Planting garlic is an annual procedure that every summer resident performs. Winter or spring garlic is a favorite seasoning for many dishes and a protection against disease. Today we will talk about how to plant garlic bulbs. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01