
Tiger faucaria: description, habitat, photo

With its unusual appearance, the tiger faucaria fascinates and delights, it is impossible to look away from it. Its spiky fleshy leaves look like the open jaws of a predator, and bright flowers attract with tenderness and grace. In the people, the succulent is better known under the names "wolf, tiger or cat's mouth". Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Pineapple in a pot: planting, care, watering features, photo

Growing a pineapple in a pot is an interesting activity, as this exotic fruit attracts not only its taste, but also the fact that the plant itself can be a wonderful decoration for any green corner in the apartment. Pineapple leaves rich in color are decorative. They are prickly and juicy. It is easy to create all the necessary conditions for growing such a plant in any room. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Cleistocactus Strauss: description with photo, features of reproduction and recommendations for care

Cleistocactus Strauss is very popular with succulent lovers. This plant is distinguished by its unpretentious nature and stunningly beautiful appearance. You will learn how to provide proper care for Strauss cleistocactus at home from our material. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

White fir: description with photo, habitat, growing features and care recommendations

White fir, photo and description of which will be presented later in the article, belongs to the Pine family. This plant is among the ornamental. It is quite often used for landscaping personal plots. This is a very beautiful tree and quite unpretentious. However, it has some disadvantages, for example, low frost resistance. In addition, fir does not feel well in regions with dry air and places where there is a lot of gas pollution. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Why does indoor bamboo turn yellow?

Indoor bamboo, or Sender's dracaena, as it is also called, often gets sick. With such a problem as yellowing of the leaves and the trunk of a plant, flower growers often encounter. Often it is not so difficult to reanimate a plant, but sometimes yellowness can cause the development of diseases that destroy dracaena. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Princepia chinensis: description, features of care, cultivation and reproduction, photo

Princepia is a beautiful ornamental shrub, but it is popular not only because of its beautiful appearance, but also because of its healing properties. The fruits of Chinese princepia taste like cherries, and the leaves and shoots of this plant are very fond of caterpillars. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Gentian seven-separate: description with photo, necessary soil, planting and care

With blue in the garden, there are always some miracles. It is constantly scarce. It is much easier to achieve an abundance of bright greenery by diluting it with burgundy roses, scarlet asters. White lilies of the valley, red and yellow tulips - they make it so easy to create a colorful flower bed. And practically the only plant that blooms with bright, piercing blue stars is the seven-parted gentian. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to care for homemade lemon: basic rules and features

Indoor lemon is a perennial evergreen plant that is grown at home as an ornamental and fruit-bearing crop. Compared to other indoor plants, it has a number of advantages, as it releases useful essential oils, purifies the air well and produces fragrant fruits. But it should be recognized that it is not at all easy to grow a full-fledged lemon, which generously yields a crop, since for this you need to know about the main biological characteristics of the crop. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Flower for home well-being: signs to attract happiness, name, description with photo and care tips

Popular flowers for home well-being: their distinctive features and plant names. Signs for attracting happiness and practical recommendations for care. What flowers are undesirable to keep in the house?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What is hyacinth: description, features of care and cultivation, photo

What is a hyacinth? This is an incredibly beautiful and versatile plant in many ways. In the garden, the flower blooms the very first and signals the arrival of spring. It is not only his rich palette of colors that strikes the imagination, but also the orderly collected brushes, consisting of terry or ordinary bells. Among flower growers, a bouquet of cut motley panicles can often be seen even in a vase. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Gomphrena spherical: seeds, breeding, planting, care features and photos

Gomphrena is a plant of stunning beauty that combines a huge variety of different species. Botanists still cannot explain the true origin of the plant, it remains so mysterious. One thing we know for sure, gomphrena won the hearts of many gardeners with its appearance, so people began to plant them as a decor. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Indoor cyclamen flower: photo, home care

Delicate and bright cyclamen flowers often attract shoppers. Their popularity is great due to the fact that the flowering time falls on the darkest and coldest winter days. Lush buds and original coloring of leaves will decorate any home. However, some will be disappointed when the acquired plant suddenly dies due to improper care, because for its long life span certain rules must be followed. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Indoor plants: homeland, species, care

Green home friends are in every home. Among them there are trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. Each of them has a unique shape, unusual colors. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Money tree: how to care at home?

This plant is known to many flower growers as the money tree. Botanists call it crassula (Crassula) and refer to the Crassula family, which combines perennial and annual succulents, common in natural conditions mainly in the southern hemisphere. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Homemade Kalanchoe flowering: how to care for the plant to bloom?

Kalanchoe blooming - a plant that can be found in almost any home. Its delicate little flowers fascinate and attract. Many flower growers are faced with the problems of growing this seemingly unpretentious plant. So, what are the features of growing Kalanchoe?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Orchid: reproduction and care at home, photo

Orchids are surprisingly interesting and beautiful flowers. Many indoor plant lovers dream of learning how to grow them at home. They require the owner to have certain knowledge of care, accuracy and patience. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Ficus: varieties, varieties, description with names and photos

Varieties and varieties of ficuses have been bred by breeders a lot. If you wish, you can grow this culture at room conditions, tall, low, with variegated, green glossy or yellow leaves. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Landscape design: basics of landscape design, objects of landscape design, programs for landscape design

Landscape design is a whole range of activities aimed at landscaping. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Topiary figures: a step-by-step description of the creation of figures. topiary art

What is topiary art. Varieties of figures. Creation of topiary figures using various technologies. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Christmas tree flower: care tips

For the first time, the "Christmas tree" - the poinsettia flower - came to Europe thanks to the US Minister to Mexico, Joel Roberts Poinsett, who was the first to bring cuttings of the most beautiful milkweed (scientific name) to the United States. From there it spread throughout the world. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Growing lobelia from seeds at home

Perennial, not too demanding in the care of lobelia plant, suitable for growing, both at home and in the garden, at their summer cottage, on an open balcony. These are small bushes, therefore, many plants planted close together create a very beautiful carpet. In this article we will talk about the features of growing lobelia from seeds and the rules for caring for the plant. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Tangerine tree: home care

A small evergreen tangerine tree belongs to the Rutaceae family. Its fruits are also called tangerines. This plant is native to China and South Vietnam. Under natural conditions, today it practically does not occur, but is cultivated in areas with a subtropical climate. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Aloe: plant care at home

Despite the fact that aloe does not have a beautiful and lush flowering, almost all lovers of indoor plants have it in their collection. Aloe is famous for its unique healing properties. Scientists have about 400 varieties of this plant, but only a few of them are grown at home. In this article we will talk about the most popular types, you will find out what kind of care a home aloe flower requires, how it reproduces. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Indoor flowers with yellow flowers: photo with names

The interior of any room, apartment or office cannot be imagined without indoor flowers. With their help, the most modest dwelling is transformed and comes to life. In nature, there are many indoor flowers. Read about the names of some of them and their characteristics in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Green hedge: types, device, plants, pruning, photo

Looking at an ordinary fence, no matter how beautiful it may be, is a rather dubious pleasure. In order to make it look more attractive, it is decorated in a variety of ways, among which the most effective is the creation of a green hedge. It allows you not only to close from annoying prying eyes, but also creates protection from the sun, prevents the penetration of dust into the area, reduces the noise level from the roads. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Why do orchid flowers wither? How often to water an orchid at home? Orchid care after flowering

Why do orchid flowers wither: the main causes and provoking factors. How often is it necessary to water the plant at home, the requirements for caring for an orchid after flowering. Practical recommendations. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Interior landscaping, landscaping methods

In order for a real lively atmosphere to reign in the interior, design experts recommend greening it. Landscaping is relevant for apartments in multi-storey buildings, and for offices where there is no way to make a garden or lawn. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Cactus family: photos and names

Today, there are a huge variety of species and subspecies of cactus families. Each variety has its own, characterizing this particular group of succulents, signs and differences. Despite the unsightly appearance and pricklyness, these plants, due to their various shapes, sizes and shades, occupy a worthy place in our everyday life. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Propagation of cacti: gardener's advice

Propagation of cacti is troublesome and requires certain skills and knowledge. The article will focus on the vegetative and seed propagation of cacti. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Ficus Benjamin: pruning and care

Why do you need to cut the shoots of ficus Benjamin? Basic rules and types of pruning. How to give ficus Benjamin a certain shape? How to care for a plant after pruning?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Harmful indoor plants: names and descriptions. What plants can not be kept at home

It is impossible to imagine any living space without the presence of indoor flowers in it. They not only create a beautiful and cozy atmosphere in the house, but also purify the air, enriching it with oxygen. However, it must be remembered that not all plants are harmless. The article discusses the types of harmful indoor plants for human he alth. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Money tree: photo, home care

Growing a money tree is not a difficult task at all. No wonder it flaunts on the windowsill in almost every home. Today we will talk about the features of caring for a fat woman at home. In order for your home talisman to grow magnificent and beautiful, you only need to follow a few rules. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to grow succulents: features of care and breeding, photo

Most people consider indoor plants a relic of the past. Huge piles of pots on the windowsills and balconies are more than ever reminiscent of the Soviet Union. But unpretentious succulents that are easy to grow will be a real discovery for the home and garden. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The most efficient lamps for growing cannabis

Many people are wondering: what kind of cannabis grow lights should I use to light indoor sprouts? Of course, the best lighting for young and mature plants is the sun, which provides ideal conditions during all phases of growth. Therefore, it is so important to create an environment for plants that is as close to natural as possible. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Indoor bulbous plants: photos and names

What attracts flower growers indoor bulbous plants? First, its exoticism. Secondly, bright and spectacular flowering. Some are perplexed, why keep a plant in the house if it blooms only once a year, and after that it is in a state of “hibernation” for several months. However, bulbous plants can surprise and delight with their flowers and emerald greenery. They can be used for landscaping the interior, cutting into bouquets. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Is it possible to keep a flower of the mother-in-law's tongue at home: signs, superstitions, home care and photos

"Mother-in-law's tongue", "dragon tongue", "pike tail", "bayonet plant", "snake skin" and many other names have this indoor plant. The tropics of Africa and Asia are considered the birthplace of sansevieria. In nature, there are more than 60 varieties of plants. However, only a few are used for home breeding. It is necessary to find out whether it is possible to keep the mother-in-law's tongue at home and how to care for it so that it pleases the owners. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What is a cactus? Types, names and photos of indoor plants

There are more than 3000 names of indoor cacti. There are legends about this plant. So how did the cactus win the love of flower growers? What is his secret?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Chinese camellia: growing at home

Growing Chinese camellia (tea bush) at home is not an easy task. However, it is possible. It is enough to know some of the nuances of its content and carefully adhere to certain rules, and camellia sinensis will thank you generously. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Geranium: varieties, care, names, photos

Amateur gardeners use geranium, which is known for its unpretentious care, to decorate flower beds and window sills. The amazing coloring attracts landscapers and housewives looking to create a special atmosphere in the room. Geranium, whose varieties are striking in variety, has become a favorite of gardeners, because it was believed that this plant blooms in a house where true love lives. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Indoor cyclamen flower: photo, planting and care at home

Cyclamen is a brightly flowering, undeniably decorative indoor plant rich in a variety of colors and shapes. It is often called the alpine violet, less often the dryak. The birthplace of cyclamen is considered to be Iran and the Mediterranean. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01