Violet Sagittarius Elite: description, content

Violet Sagittarius Elite: description, content
Violet Sagittarius Elite: description, content

Indoor violets are beautiful plants that are found in almost every home. They have been cultivated as a houseplant since the beginning of the twentieth century. During this time, plants fell in love with many flower growers. Violet Sagittarius Elite and many other varieties bloom all year round, but this requires proper care of the plant.

Violet Sagittarius Elite description
Violet Sagittarius Elite description

Violet variety Sagittarius Elite: description

It is characterized by large double flowers of violet-purple color with a pinkish-crimson fantasy. Violet Sagittarius Elite has beautiful green foliage. The socket is standard, not large, with an even shape, well formed.

The flowers of the variety are large, bright. It is characterized by a different predominance of shades - sometimes red-blue tones, sometimes blue-red. The color of the flower is not purple-purple, but more dark purple, with bright pink peas. Each bloom is unpredictable, because different shades prevail: something less, something more. Peduncles of violet Sagittarius Elite are weak, but arranged in a circle, forming a wreath.

When growinga lot of babies are formed on it with a leaf that bloom early.

Violet Sagittarius Elite is characterized by strong pinching. You have to constantly monitor this and remove the processes. In the process of breeding gives a lot of sports.

Violet Sagittarius Elite
Violet Sagittarius Elite


Many consider Violet Sagittarius Elite to be a capricious variety that needs special care. But actually it is not. Caring for indoor violets is practically no different from growing other indoor plants. If you follow all the rules, you can get a well-developing plant.

Lighting, temperature

Violet Sagittarius Elite must be placed in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight. If you put the pot on the windowsill, then you need to make sure that the leaves do not touch the glass.

When there is insufficient light, the plant is illuminated with fluorescent lamps, thus providing the violet with 15 hours of light a day.

When growing, you need to monitor the temperature. It should be 20-24 degrees. In winter - not lower than 18 degrees.

Indoor violets are afraid of drafts, but they need oxygen. Therefore, it is recommended to ventilate the room where the flowers are located by removing them.

Violet AE Sagittarius Elite
Violet AE Sagittarius Elite

Irrigation features

Violets can't be flooded, they can't stand it. It is enough to water the plant a couple of times a week, but the exact frequency of watering is determined by the level of humidity in the room.

During flowering, water should not be allowed to enter the inflorescences, in the centersockets. It is harmful to carry out spraying - this leads to various diseases. A gentle method is watering with immersing the pot in a container in which water is poured. For this method, sand, expanded clay or river pebbles are poured into the pallet. A pot with a plant is placed on top, in the lower part of which there are drainage holes. Through them, water will penetrate to the outlet.

Primer for violets

When planting violets AE Sagittarius Elite, you should choose the right soil. It should be nutritious and loose.

You can buy a substrate for planting violets at a garden store, or you can make it yourself. In this case, you will need leafy soil, sand and peat, taken in a ratio of 5: 1: 3. If the violet is to be transplanted, then a layer of expanded clay must be laid out in the pot to prevent stagnant water, as this leads to plant diseases. Additionally, charcoal and moss are added to the soil.

The root system of violets is not deep, so a pot with a diameter of 8-12 cm is enough. A smaller diameter hinders the development and growth of the plant.


Violets should be fed throughout the year with complex fertilizers for ornamental flowering plants. In winter, one top dressing is enough, and in spring and autumn - up to three times. In summer, violets are fed only when necessary.

Sagittarius Elite violet
Sagittarius Elite violet


Violet reproduces vegetatively - stepsons and leaves, peduncles. The latter method is difficult, so most often the flower is propagated with a leaf.

Cut sheetsCan be rooted in soil or water. In the first case, they need to provide greenhouse conditions. In the second, activated charcoal is added to the water so that the leaf does not rot.

When rooting in water after the formation of roots, the leaves are planted in the ground, deepening by 1-2 cm. After the appearance of children 3-5 cm in size, they are separated from the mother leaf and seated in separate containers. To speed up rooting, plantings are placed in a greenhouse.

To get a beautiful violet Sagittarius Elite, as in the photo, it is recommended to follow all the conditions for growing the plant and caring for it.