ABB machines: specifications, connection

ABB machines: specifications, connection
ABB machines: specifications, connection

The main purpose of the circuit breaker is to stop the flow of power in an emergency. In addition, it is possible to de-energize a certain circuit in the home network, which is especially important when carrying out repair work.

abb machines
abb machines


The first ABB machines appeared at the end of the 18th century. When certain conditions arise, for example, in the event of a short circuit, they cut off the power supply of the network, which was based on incandescent bulbs. But this feature was not available in commercial devices, and devices resembling modern versions became widespread much later.

The mechanism was originally based on the design of a magnetic-thermal splitter. But because of this, ABB machines quickly became unusable, and their work was distinguished by the presence of interference. Also, an arc was often produced, so the introduction of new technology was required.

circuit breaker price
circuit breaker price


Electrical work is not very difficult, the main task is to comply with all rules and ensure safety. The circuit breaker prevents the occurrence of a fire hazard by tripping when the network is overloaded or short circuited. There are various types of this device, which are divided into two broad groups - these are AC and DC devices. It is worth understanding the first option in more detail, since ABB DC-based machines are extremely rare in everyday life. Devices are divided according to the main criteria, including operating current, rated voltage and number of poles, all of which are marked in the marking and accompanying instructions.

electrical circuit breakers
electrical circuit breakers

Rated voltage and operating current

The power of devices connected to the network directly depends on the maximum operating current. That is, when installing a device with an insufficient rating at a high load, it will simply be knocked out. At the same time, an electric shield for giving with a power exceeding the necessary one is not a way out of the situation, since it will not respond to a short circuit. Here, exact observance of all parameters is required.

When choosing the rated voltage, there is no need to carry out calculations, since devices with a value of 220 V are suitable for a circuit with a corresponding voltage, the same applies to devices with a voltage of 12 V. Depending on the type, switches can have from one to threepoles.

Quite a popular option are electric differential current protection circuit breakers. They have a sufficient level of protection, including the ability to protect against current leakage through metal elements.

Connecting the device is within the power of any person, and does not require special knowledge and experience in electrical work. In some cases, it can be difficult to connect fixed and moving contacts, despite the fact that there are no established rules regarding this moment. The connection option has no effect on the operation of the device due to tripping following a short circuit or overload.

electric shield for giving
electric shield for giving


When arranging the electrical network in an apartment or house, the task of choosing the right switch often arises. Since the long service life of household appliances and the protection of wiring from the possibility of fire depend on a competent choice, it is necessary to treat it with the greatest attention. First of all, the load on the lines and the nominal characteristics of the cable going to the outlet should be taken into account. The most widely used electric circuit breakers of electromagnetic or thermal type. The latter is based on the heating of the bimetallic plate when a transition through the set level of the rated current is detected, while the trip lever is moved by the expanded plate. Overcurrents that appear during a short circuit are caught by electromagnetic protection and de-energize the network.

abb vending machines prices
abb vending machines prices

WhenNeed expert help?

A circuit breaker, the price of which starts from 1500 rubles, like other mechanisms, cannot last forever, it eventually breaks down, wears out, which makes it necessary to replace it. First of all, before starting work, you need to disconnect the line connected to the device, after which it can be dismantled. Turning off the introductory machine or bag is required to replace switchgear.

It is worth noting that some actions, for example, replacing the bag, must be performed by specialists, since in most cases it is impossible to relieve voltage on the switchgear without outside help.

Requires the use of a multimeter to measure the voltage after disconnection, this will make sure that it is absent. Next, the conductors are detached and the circuit breaker is removed, the price of which depends on its type. Sometimes it is not possible to unscrew the clamps with a screwdriver, in this case you have to bite off the wires with the help of side cutters. This problem does not arise in modern versions, which have special latches on the lower grips. Thanks to them, there is no need to use special tools to carry out the work.

What you need to know?

Before installation in the switchboard, it is necessary to carry out a laboratory loading of the circuit breaker. In view of the fact that independently carrying out these works at home can cause difficulties, one cannot do without the advice of a professional. To install, the steps are reverse to thosewhich were carried out to remove it: mounting the device on a rail, fixing and fixing the wiring in the clamps. Next, current is supplied to the electrical panel (for giving, for example), the installation can be considered complete if there are no light or noise changes, in particular crackling or sparks.

modular circuit breakers
modular circuit breakers


Proper connection of the device is no less important than its installation. In this case, you need to decide on the method, for example, on fixed or moving contacts. According to experts, the first option is a priority, as it is safer for the further operation of the electrical network.

As a rule, for a 220 V single-phase type, two-pole and single-pole el. automata. In this case, the definition of the installed variant does not cause difficulties. Devices with two poles are used to turn off zero and phase at the same time, they also have four contacts. The input zero is suitable for the third terminal, and the supply phase is connected to the first. Accordingly, other terminals are distributed.

ABB's three-pole circuit breakers are used when there are three input phases, despite this, their installation is extremely simple and requires each phase to be connected to the top clamps of the bag.

electric vending machines
electric vending machines

What are the varieties?

Modular circuit breakers are available in various versions, most of them are designed for circuit breaker and have only one function - protection of the network from overheating.loads. There is a division according to the strength of the transmitted current. To ensure operation in case of an emergency, the device has certain settings for various sensitivity thresholds. They are made at the factory, respectively, the devices are sold with a marking in the form of a numerical threshold designation.

At the same time, the calculation of the required sensitivity should be carried out both by the total power of electricity consumers, and by the available electrical installation elements, and wiring.

ABB circuit breakers, priced between RUB 1,500 and RUB 5,000, are divided into three voltage response categories: fast, standard, and selective.

The case of all devices is made of durable plastic, there is a mount on the back side, which ensures easy installation. For dismantling, many models are equipped with a special eye at the top, for which it is enough to pull a little.
