SNiP - what is it? Building codes and regulations: list of documents, basic requirements

SNiP - what is it? Building codes and regulations: list of documents, basic requirements
SNiP - what is it? Building codes and regulations: list of documents, basic requirements

In the process of designing and erecting buildings, bridges and roads, architects and builders are guided by a set of rules that are approved at the legislative level, they are called SNiP. What is this abbreviation, what is its role and purpose, it is worth knowing not only those who are engaged in construction, but also all other people. This word appears quite often in various articles, documents and even in news releases.

Understanding even in general terms what SNiP (decryption: building codes and regulations) means, you can make a more productive dialogue with the foreman of the repair or construction team, with a real estate agent.

snip what is it
snip what is it

Subject and document structure

In everyday life, the categories of SNiP for residential and public buildings are most often mentioned. This is the name of the document, which includes a huge number of different nuances characteristic of the construction process. Its points affect almost all areas and stages of design and construction of buildings:

  • Illustrate general points.
  • Describe design codes.
  • Contain the rules for the construction and acceptance of finishedobject.
  • List estimated norms and rules.

SNiP (what it is, we will consider in more detail below) concerns the development of projects for residential and public buildings, laying their foundations, building walls (as well as flights of stairs and cages), the size and location of windows and doors, as well as many other issues. In addition, the paragraphs of the document describe the requirements for water supply systems, electrical networks, sewerage and heating. Each item is numbered and titled.

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snip decryption

When developing the rules, the creators tried to formulate all the requirements as accurately and fully as possible in order to eliminate misunderstanding and misinterpretation of SNiP.

Is it strict instructions or just recommendations for action?

Each new building, regardless of purpose, must be built in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. This is due not only to the word “should”, but also for security reasons.

The figures given in the document are averages calculated in the process of the most complex calculations. As a result of processing a large amount of statistical data, the optimal location of load-bearing walls, the distance between windows, the size of flights of stairs, the height of handrails and steps, the composition and density of concrete, as well as other characteristics were derived.

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snip design

As an example, consider the angle of the stairs. The most convenient and safe is considered to be a ladder structure at an inclination of 30 to 50 degrees. These steps canenjoy not only adults, active men and women, but also children or the elderly.

When builders adhere to SNiP, the building they erect is reliable, safe, convenient and durable. In cases where building codes and regulations (SNiP) are violated, the following complications may occur:

  • Lack of comfort when using the design.
  • Falling and injuring people.
  • House shrinkage.
  • Cracks in the walls.
  • Failure of the heating and plumbing system (as a result of violation of the geometry of the building).
  • Increased fire hazard.
  • Collapse of a ceiling, flight of stairs, roof or entire house.

Of course, the last situation is the worst-case scenario, but it should also be considered.

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snip requirements

Evolution of building regulations

The construction of houses, roads and bridges has always been a difficult and responsible business, so it is not surprising that the first norms and standards arose in the distant eleventh century. Of course, over the next centuries they were supplemented and changed. The standards that we know today are the evolved "Code of Industrial Building Regulations" (late 1920s).

Building norms and rules (SNiP) were first adopted in 1955 and have been revised several times since then. Interestingly, many of the points are relevant and useful to this day. The revision of SNiP was carried out quite actively in the 90s and 2000s. For twenty years, a hugethe number of clarifications and corrections not only in the text of this document, but also in national standards.

SNiP: decoding of the term and types of rules

The document consists of five sections:

  1. The first contains rules relating to the organization, management and economic side of construction. Here are the requirements for the chief engineer or architect of the project, it is indicated who should control the progress of work.
  2. The second section is the largest and covers design standards. There are subsections related to security, concrete, metal and other structures and roofs, engineering networks and systems, transport, hydraulic structures, as well as urban planning.
  3. The third section describes the organization of production and acceptance of work.
  4. The fourth lists the existing estimated norms.
  5. The fifth section contains the most important information that allows you to calculate the amount of materials for the construction of a particular object. In addition, there are norms for the cost of labor and construction tools.

    SNP edition
    SNP edition

Features of the construction of foundations

When the construction of a building is planned, pouring or foundation construction is given increased attention. At this stage, the provisions of SNiP cannot be ignored. Foundations are the pillars of all houses, they bear a colossal load, and if this part of the building is defective, the quality of the rest of the work will decrease significantly.

To build a solid foundation, engineers consider everythinggeological features of the area and the experience of those who have already successfully completed a similar task. In cases where a house needs to be built on soil with difficult geological conditions, specialized enterprises are involved in the development of the project.

How the foundation is planned

After a thorough study of all the circumstances, the following parameters are determined:

  1. Type of foundation. It can be natural or artificial.
  2. Design typology.
  3. Bookmark depth.

The future load on the foundation of the house is calculated in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. Foundations must be designed taking into account the bearing capacity, deformation effects and adverse environmental factors.

The load capacity is calculated in cases where serious horizontal loads are foreseen, and also if the future building is located on a slope or in an area with rocky soil. In cases where the foundation is guaranteed not to move, the bearing capacity can not be calculated.

When a project involves construction immediately after the foundation is poured, the load is controlled in the process.

Foundation and groundwater

A careful study of SNiP (design of foundations and foundations) shows that considerable importance is attached to the type of soil and the specifics of groundwater. This is so important because a wrong forecast can nullify all construction.

SNiP contains several paragraphs describing factors that should be considered during constructionnatural foundation:

  • The ground must not be frozen. For areas with negative temperatures, the requirements are different: the soil should not be thawed.
  • Loose soil is compacted.
  • If the area is prone to flooding, long-term observations are taken into account.

To find out the main characteristics of the soil, be sure to conduct tests. At the same time, the possibility of changes in hydrogeological conditions during the period of data verification (rise of groundwater, the appearance of perched water or seasonal climatic influences) is allowed. When the foundation has already been erected, it is subjected to a strength test and test loads.

The SNiP requirements also determine the depth at which the foundation must be laid. This parameter depends on the purpose and size of the structure.

Relevance of sewerage and water supply requirements

Like all other construction work, the design and installation of the sewer system should be carried out in accordance with standards and regulations. True, many builders look down on existing norms, although they are aware of SNiP. They are well aware of what it is and why it was developed, but they consider such standards to be excessively costly, irrational and inappropriate. As a result, when it comes time to repair or replace any element of the plumbing or sewage system, homeowners face enormous difficulties. In addition, this system will be inconvenient to use, and may even worsen the sanitary situation in the area.

To prevent this from happening, to the customeryou should ask about the standards and control the construction process.

building codes and regulations snip
building codes and regulations snip

Internal and external sewer network

Water supply and drainage systems are extremely important for both private homes and multi-apartment buildings. Allocate external and internal sewer networks:

  1. The first is a branching of pipes that should direct wastewater from residential buildings to well reservoirs. Such networks are installed at an angle so that the water drains by gravity. However, pumps are sometimes used. Both one and the second options are governed by the rules.
  2. The second is the sewerage system, which is part of the plumbing fixtures and pipes of the building. The function of this system is to remove water and waste from the house to an external sewer.

    building security snip
    building security snip

Factors that a developer takes into account when installing a water pipe

If all the requirements of SNiP are met, the safety of buildings will be ensured. Their comfort and convenience also increases, which is important for the long-term use of residential and industrial buildings.

When designing and laying water and sewer pipes, the following factors are usually taken into account:

  1. Structure, properties and composition of the soil.
  2. Groundwater placement.
  3. The volume of water that will pass through the pipes (supply and discharge).

Also take into account the remoteness of the pumping station or treatment plant from the future building.

snip plumbing
snip plumbing

Types of pipes and their requirements

Pipes can be metal, cast iron, asbestos-cement, concrete or plastic, this is stipulated in paragraphs of GOST and SNiP. The plumbing is subjected to enormous loads, so the pipes must be as strong as possible throughout. From the outside, they are affected by moist soil, changing temperatures, and other conditions, while from the inside, pressure is exerted by water. If we are talking about sewage, then it is worth considering the composition of this water: active chemical components are contained here in large quantities.

When selecting pipes for plumbing, craftsmen must pay attention to the markings, as pipes for internal and external systems are very different.

When all the requirements and standards are met, the owner of the house can be calm for the safety of his family, because such a building will serve faithfully for decades.
