The infrared lamp is a physiotherapeutic light device that has anti-inflammatory, warming and tonic effects on biological tissues. It is used for thermal local effects on human skin to improve blood circulation and improve the body.

The intense light emitted by this device penetrates deep into the skin and is converted into therapeutic heat, actively acting on bacteria and viruses, while dilating blood vessels and stimulating blood flow, acting as a catalyst for protective mechanisms and metabolic processes.
Infrared lamp is used in the treatment of inflammatory non-purulent processes, colds, to relieve pain in the lower back, joints, neck and excessive muscle tension. The impact is carried out by intense heating of the human body with a stream of thermal infrared rays.

Infrared emitters: types
- Household heaters. Can be of different powerdesigned for any room size.
- Industrial heaters with power within 4 kilowatts. They can be used to provide infrared heating for large workshops and warehouses.
There is also a ceramic infrared lamp for open spaces and areas. In this case, central heating is not used, but only local heating in dachas, loggias, greenhouses, winter gardens and other facilities.

Industrial IR heaters operate in various environments, including vacuum. The infrared lamp for space heating is used to improve the quality of heating and significantly reduce energy costs. New devices are also being developed and introduced into production, which will help to significantly improve the quality of life.

There are also infrared heaters that are designed to irradiate only the human body. Heat is transferred to a person by irradiation with infrared rays. At the same time, the area of the skin that is irradiated is supplied with intensive blood, as a result of which the metabolism is significantly improved.
Under the influence of infrared light, the human body begins to recover, while inflammation is removed and metabolism is normalized. Infrared light can be used as an adjunctive therapy, for example in the treatment of ears, nose and throat; radiation is also included in the procedures for caring for the skin of the body and face (especially problematic). The infrared lamp also has a beneficial effect onstrengthening the cardiovascular system; it even treats frostbite.
But consultation with a specialist before using the device in each case is still necessary, since there are contraindications for such therapy. An infrared lamp is not used for existing inflammatory processes and tumors in the body, since heat can cause exacerbations of diseases. Take care of your he alth!