Today, many needlewomen create amazing exclusive interior dolls with their own hands. Of course you can play with them. But the main task of such gizmos is interior decoration. After all, they are so charming! And a life-size Snowball doll pattern will help you create these masterpieces.
Tatiana Konne Bigfoot
Craftsman Tatyana Konne is a Russian designer. After studying at the International University of Business and Management, Design and Advertising, she worked for a short time in her speci alty. Having discovered the world of hand-sewn dolls, Tatyana has been creating exclusive toys for six years already.
Modern fashion model created by author Conne is Snowball doll. Its main features:
- chubby steady legs;
- pretty big feet;
- round big face with small dotted eyes;
- lack of a mouth and often even a nose;
- beautiful hairstyle;
- carefullywell-designed and beautifully tailored or knitted clothing;
- attractive shoes;
- exquisite accessories;
- natural fabric made (man-made outfits and accessories are allowed).
Some authors pair their Snowball with a pet. This is already considered the individual style of the master.
Where does the pattern of a life size Snowball doll come from?
It should be noted that Tatyana Konne herself does not distribute her own master classes, does not print magazines and does not maintain training sites. Therefore, a life-size pattern of a Snowball doll, developed by the author, is not available on the Internet and in the media. But the puppeteers-needlewomen invent it for themselves.

Therefore, a life-size pattern of a Snowball doll, proposed by other craftsmen, can be used for sewing. Although you can always create it yourself.
What do you need to sew an exclusive Snowball doll?
Crafters who are passionate about making soft toys may not even need to go to the store to purchase something extra. Most of the time, they already have everything they need. And if a successful life-size pattern of a Snowball doll is found, it will not be difficult to prepare the material for making and tools for work.

So, the master will need:
- cream or flesh-colored fabric, preferably cotton, linen, satin, calico ortight jersey;
- cotton wool, pieces of foam rubber or synthetic winterizer for filling;
- materials for making an outfit;
- doll wig or felting wool;
- blush, black eye paint;
- a small piece of cardboard for soles.
Preparation for work
So, first, a life-size pattern of a Snowball doll is transferred to paper and cut out. The photo below shows that there is a variant of a solid body, with a head that is cut out immediately with the body, and not sewn on later, as suggested in the pattern given above.

If it was not possible to choose a flesh-colored fabric, you can take a white fabric and dye it with coffee or tea. To do this, add tea or coffee to the water. It is important that the color of the liquid be 2-3 tones richer than the shade of natural human skin. In the same place, a tablespoon of s alt is dissolved and the solution is brought to a boil. The cloth is dipped into the liquid and boiled over low heat for 20 minutes to an hour.
Then, the wrung-out matter must be soaked for about 10 minutes in an aqueous solution of vinegar. Take about 2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water. After this procedure, the fabric is rinsed well, dried and ironed.
It is recommended to first try staining on a small piece of material in order not to make a mistake with the saturation of the resulting shade.
Cutting parts
This stage of work is fundamental. Pins are used to fix patterns.a life-size pattern of a Snowball doll is pinned to the material. The manufacturing master class necessarily emphasizes that all paper parts must be at least 1 centimeter apart from each other. When cutting, you should make seam allowances of about half a centimeter.

It is recommended to trace the outlines of patterns with scissors before starting work with a self-removing marker or chalk, dry soap. In extreme cases, you can use a thin pencil. But it's better not to try with a pen. Ink remaining on the edges of the parts may later spread all over the doll, especially in cases where it needs to be washed or it accidentally gets wet.
If 2 parts are required to make, then the fabric is folded in half, face inward. It is not recommended to cut out 4 parts at once, as they will not turn out to be absolutely equal in size.
The work on doll outfits is subject to the same algorithm. First, patterns are prepared, then the parts are laid out on fabric, fastened with pins. And only then can you trace the contours of the patterns and then cut them out with scissors.
Step-by-step instructions for making a Snowball doll
After all the details are cut out, you should start sewing the toy. On a typewriter or manually, the parts are grinded, leaving small holes. They are needed so that through them it is possible to fill the blanks with filler. At the end of this procedure, all openings are closed with a blind suture. If the pattern of the Snowball doll is successfully completed inlife size, sewing it is not difficult.
The most difficult, perhaps, in this model is the work on the legs of the doll. After cutting the fabric, you need to make separate patterns of cardboard soles. They are cut without allowances.

Cardboard soles are glued to fabric foot pieces. Allowances should remain at the edges. Having attached these parts to the blanks of the legs, you need to sew the soles. Leave holes for stuffing on top.
Assemble the doll in this order.
- First, sew the head to the neck, if this option is chosen.
- Then the arms and legs are fastened with buttons to the torso.
- A wig or felting wool is glued on the head.
- Draw eyes with paint on the face.
- Apply blush to cheeks.
- Dress up the doll in a dress, knickers, a hat and boots.
And now this cute Snowball doll can be put in a prominent place in the house or given to someone who really wants to do something nice. And may it bring joy and happiness!