Do you want to make your interior unique? Then you need to create a decor with your own hands. You can decorate the walls, the ceiling as well as the shelves. But in order for the interior to look organic, all the details should be done in the same style. If you don't know where to start, read the article and get inspired.

What simple DIY decor can you make? Make a dream catcher. Such a bauble looks cute and brings comfort to the house. Some people even endow it with magical properties. Dreamcatchers are usually used to decorate bedrooms. You need to hang them at the head or on the window. But if you are missing some decorative accent on the wall, you can make a large piece and place it there. What can you make a dream catcher out of? Most often, feathers and ribbons are used to create it. Such material can be purchased at any needlework store. But if you want to make something unique, you can turn on your imagination and make a decorative little thing from threads, beads and even sticks.

Do you prefer original decor? With your own hands you can create an interesting panel. How to choose a topic? You should decide on the color scheme of the future product. If your room is made in blue tones, then you can make paintings of a marine theme. If the room is made in the Gothic style, give preference to the image of buildings, knights and ladies in crinoline dresses. And how to choose the material for the future product? Here you need to focus on your taste and on those materials that are already used in the interior. If things made of wood prevail in your room, then it is logical that the panel should also be made of wood. If the room is decorated in a modern style and part of it is made of plastic and part of it is wood, you can introduce an intermediate material, such as ceramics. You can create a panel from coffee beans, ribbons, fabric, shells and even buttons.
Light bulbs

Modern interiors feature a wide variety of interesting details. For example, light bulbs are often used for decoration. Material for such work can be found in any apartment. And what kind of decor can you make with your own hands? You can hang many light bulbs from the ceiling. They will look interesting if they hang at different levels. Such lighting can be used instead of the main lighting so as not to hang the chandelier. You can use light bulbs as side lighting, in which case they are a great replacement for sconces. If you do not want to use light bulbs as lighting elements, you can disassemble them by removing the base. It is not necessary to buy and disassemble new light bulbs, even those that have burned out will be used. Thread a wire into the upper part of the resulting vessel and fill the container with water. The result is an interesting vase that can be hung on the wall and filled with small fresh flowers.

Do-it-yourself room decor can be done with an interesting pendant. Gone are the door chimes that were so popular in the early 90s. Today, interior designers love to use mobiles. Such interesting pendants look good not only over cribs. You can decorate your living room in this way. For example, create balls of thread. To do this, you will need several multi-colored balls, glue and a balloon. Inflate the balloon, pierce the bottle of glue through and thread the thread through the hole. Now you need to wrap the balloon with thread so that you get an air circuit. Dry the resulting product and string it on a thread. In a similar way, you can make not only a mobile, but also a ceiling for a light bulb.
Flower pots
You can see a photo of the decor made by your own hands above. Such decoration of window sills or the corner of a room can greatly transform the room. Living plants bring not only comfort, but also fill the room with oxygen. If you find it difficult to take care of something, you can plant cacti and succulents in all decorative pots. Maintenance is minimal and they look very pretty. How to arrange a green corner? You can arrangeflower pots, made in the same style, on the windowsill. You can create a special stand for plants. Forged products look beautiful in the interior. They fit well into any style and give the room an aristocratic look. What can pots be made from? From plastic cans, from cement, or you can decorate plastic containers bought at the store. But do not use fabric or paper for decoration. These materials will quickly get dirty and therefore lose their presentable appearance.
Paper Flowers

You can decorate the children's room with paper. For example, to make huge paper flowers. A similar idea of \u200b\u200bdecor, made by hand, will appeal to girls. It is in the nursery of a young princess that paper flowers will look most appropriate. What kind of paper can you create with? Everything that is in the house will do: corrugated, perforated, metallized and double-sided paper. But it should be remembered that the thinner the sheet, the worse it will keep its shape. And how can you complement the composition with flowers? Make an acrylic underpainting. You can depict flower stalks, grass or beautiful butterflies. You can draw a huge tree on which your paper creations will grow.

Do you associate home decoration with the holiday? But after all, beautiful decor can cheer you up not only on significant dates, but also every day. How can you make something beautiful with your own hands? Home decor is easy to create from improvised ornatural materials. For example, you can make a stretch from the branches of dry trees. Take a walk in the park and pick up sticks there. Prepare the material, for this you will need to cut the branches into pieces of 10 cm each. Now you should fold an asterisk from the sticks and fasten the ends of the branches with threads. Collect all the elements on a thick rope and stretch a decorative stretch around the perimeter of the room. In a similar way, colored cones, slices of dried oranges, beautiful autumn leaves or dried flowers can be strung on a rope. You can renew your stretch every season.

Do you like sparkly lights? Then the photo of the DIY decor idea presented above will definitely appeal to you. A garland is used here to decorate the room. She can be played in different ways. For example, make clouds out of cotton wool. You can use foam molds to create them. Glue them with cotton wool, and then glue the garland to the bottom of the product using a hot gun. You will get something like a rain cloud. This decor will look cute both in the nursery and in the living room.
If you decide to decorate a dressing table with a garland, it is not necessary to decorate a mirror with shiny lights. You can create a starry sky effect on a white piece of paper. Pull the drawing paper onto a tablet or stretcher and use glue to attach shiny lights according to a pre-drawn sketch. For even more shine, you can use foil instead of paper.
Wall painting

An outline image can become an original DIY decor idea. If you are good at drawing, then it will not be a problem for you to create it using a template. The stages of work will be as follows: you need to select an image, draw it on the remnants of the wallpaper and cut out the silhouette. Now you need to fix the wallpaper on the wall and use a spray can or regular paint to paint over the cut-out space. If you do not want to perform such manipulations, then you can choose any image and go to the printing house with it. There you will be able to cut out the picture of your choice from the self-adhesive film. It remains only to attach the decor to the wall. The most popular themes for such creativity are trees, animals, silhouettes of children and couples in love.

An interesting way to decorate a room is to create a silhouette from pictures. You can use your own photos or take images from magazines. Of course, it will be much more pleasant to implement such an idea with your own pictures. By this principle, you can make a silhouette of a heart, a star, or any geometric shape. If you show more imagination, you can supplement the photos with an image. For example, draw a tree, and hang family pictures on its branches. If you don't feel like overworking yourself, you can just string threads on the wall. Attach photos with clothespins. It will be interesting if you can update such an exposition once a week. If you take a lot of photos, then you will be able to exhibit the best work or the most memorable moments from the past 7days. This decor will not only look pretty, but also cheer you up.