The introduction of automatic control elements into the heating equipment regulation systems has been practiced for more than a year. The configurations and implementation schemes of such devices are changing, but in general, the principles of autonomous and “smart” control are put at the forefront by developers. The new generation of thermostats is called weather-compensated automation, which also reflects the nature of the tasks of the control infrastructure.
Purpose of the system

To begin with, it is worth remembering the principle of operation of simple temperature controllers for heating boilers. In the most primitive versions, they were used to send a direct signal to the equipment to set a particular temperature regime. In more advanced devices, regulation was carried out on the basis of specified algorithms with an emphasis on daily time, seasonality, etc.e. In weather-dependent automation for heating systems, the level of regulation complexity has risen due to the ability to take into account the current parameters of the street climate. That is, the key task remains the same - to control the temperature regime of a conditional boiler so that a comfortable microclimate is maintained in the house. But this is achieved in a slightly different way, in which the commands for regulation are given based on the current weather indicators outside the house.
Workflow Features

The main operational parameter of this automation is the temperature range of the coolant, which varies from 40 to 105 °C. Under room heating conditions, this spectrum can be placed in the range from 5 to 30 °C. When choosing a specific device model, it is important to pay attention to the regulation step and the error. As for the first value, in most cases it does not exceed 1 °C, and possible deviations can reach 3 °C, depending on the conditions of use of the equipment.
Particular attention is paid to the organization of the work of weather-dependent automation for heating in terms of means of regulation and fixing temperature indicators. For these functions, sensors are used that monitor the temperature characteristics outside the home and in the target room for heating. The method of transmitting information is calculated in advance - remotely or via cable. The first option is more in line with the concept of independent automation and may well be implemented via a Wi-Fi channel. Modern means of regulation are suppliedwireless data transmission modules, synchronizing with the boiler's own control system. If we talk about monitoring the temperature inside the house, then most often integrated thermometers are used in the control complex itself, but if desired, a system for distributing several sensors for each room can be used.
Features of equipment settings

In order for the performance indicators to be correctly calculated by automatics, adjusted for outdoor weather conditions, it is necessary to set the correct mode for assessing the thermal regime at the stage of setting the controller. The user is required to set the calculated factor of the relationship between the initial temperature readings on remote sensors and the required values of the microclimate in the room.
For example, setting weather-dependent automation can fix two values - the step of dependence between the temperature outside the window and the correlation between the water temperature and the thermal regime in the house. A simple setup scheme in this case may look like this: at a temperature of -20 ° C outside, the room should be 20 ° C. As for the coolant, the average temperature in this configuration will be about 60 ° C. At the same time, conditional violations in direct tuning schemes are not ruled out, when the equipment self-adaptation function can be activated. For example, if the weather conditions outside remain the same, but heat comes out in the room due to open windows. Accordingly, completely different capacities are required. Based on the readings of the sensors located insidepremises, automation will take into account such nuances, making appropriate corrections in the work.
Installation of weather-compensated automation

During the installation process, special preparation of points where devices are supposed to be placed may be required. Modules for control and management of automation, as a rule, are integrated into wall niches. To do this, pre-chasing is carried out for the wiring channels, after which the carrier system is mounted - a mounting base or frame elements that facilitate the installation of the panel housing. Sensors of the weather-compensated automation system are also mounted using special equipment.
On the street, such an installation is carried out using insulating cases that protect the devices from precipitation, wind and accidental mechanical damage. To make fasteners and install electrical communications, complete clamps, brackets and holders are usually used, which are fixed on reliable surfaces.
System maintenance

To maintain the proper functioning of all automation components, it is necessary to regularly check, clean and, if necessary, carry out repair measures. This is especially true for remote sensors. It is necessary to periodically disassemble their cases, checking the connections and the condition of the structural parts. Dirty and oxidized connectors are carefully wiped with alcohol, after which it is recommended to check the device with a multimeter. In homeweather-dependent automation components are checked for the quality of electrical connections. Approximately once a month, it is necessary to revise the condition of the fuse, overheating protection devices and the entire cable route.
Pros and cons of the system
The main advantages of this method of regulation are user-friendliness. Provided that the working algorithms are correctly configured, you can save yourself from everyday manipulations with the regulator, thinking through the optimal heating parameters. On the other hand, completely relying on weather-dependent automation is also not worth it. At the current stage of development of control systems, full intellectual control, taking into account many factors, is out of the question. The problem, first of all, is the natural lag of equipment from changing weather conditions. At the same time, it is obvious that equipment with many sensors requires energy costs for its own power supply, not to mention indirect costs for the same maintenance and repair.

The need to use automated communications management tools was, in principle, initially caused by the hassle of manual settings in multi-apartment, public and commercial buildings. The difficulty lay precisely in the fact that the operator had to manually set the operating parameters of the same heating system for dozens of consumption points.
In modern weather-compensated automation for the boiler, such tasks are easily solved using the remote control of a smartphone. Practicallyevery major heating equipment manufacturer offers its own applications for controlling this equipment. As for the possibility of precisely calculating the optimal temperature regime, such functions have appeared recently and are still rather experimental in nature.