Green basil: varieties, cultivation, useful properties

Green basil: varieties, cultivation, useful properties
Green basil: varieties, cultivation, useful properties

For the first time, green basil was used in the preparation of oriental dishes. This spicy and fragrant spice came to the taste of Europeans 2 centuries after it appeared in the culinary arsenal of many Asian chefs. At the end of the 16th century, basil became an expensive spice in dishes for meat, fish, salads and desserts.

basil green
basil green

Varieties of Basil

Basil has an abundance of varieties: 13 representatives. The shape of the leaves, size and color depend on the variety. Its color can be from pale green to deep purple. Thanks to its extensive range of colors, some gardeners use basil as a flower garden ornament. And when planted in the beds, it protects garden crops from many pests with its tart aroma.

The most popular varieties of green basil in our climate zone:

  • Aniseed - green with silver-green basil leaves. Received its name for a delicate sweetish aroma reminiscent of anise. Very popular in traditional oriental cuisine and confectionery.
  • Lemon is fragrantgreen basil with delicate lemon notes. It is used in drinks, desserts and as a seasoning for fish. Often used in cosmetology, perfumery and aromatherapy.
  • "Thai Queen" - due to its decorative appeal, it is often used in landscape design: against the background of bright abundant foliage, a rich purple inflorescence is located in the center of the plant. A sharp and strong aroma gives a characteristic oriental taste. Used in marinades, sauces and as a seasoning for meat.
fragrant green basil
fragrant green basil

Green types are called sweet basil by Europeans, as it has a more even and mild taste, it is more often used in Mediterranean cuisine. Purple varieties have a sharper, spicier flavor. Eastern peoples call it fragrant basil.

Common varieties of purple basil:

Purple - the leaves have a characteristic burgundy and purple hues. It has a high yield due to the large foliage. Due to its pronounced spice, it is often used in the manufacture of oils, sauces and vinegar. Serves as a decoration for salads

basil green and purple
basil green and purple
  • Camphor - the highest grade, reaches 60 centimeters. It got its name from the extract of natural camphor from the plant. It has a specific aroma and serves as a medicinal infusion. Used in meat and vegetable dishes.
  • "Ararat" is the fastest growing basil, from the beginning of germination to harvest takes 30 to 40 days. The sizes are compact, up to 30 centimeters in height, purple hue, with a bitter-clove aroma. Used dried in broths, meats and vegetables.

We have considered only the most common varieties of green and purple basil, in fact there are many more. And they all have their own unique qualities, but are the same in their usefulness for human he alth.

Useful properties of green basil

Not only in cooking, basil is widely used, but also in folk medicine, due to its healing properties. Due to its bright aroma, the plant was used to purify the air, get rid of headaches and relax the body in aromatherapy. And, according to ancient beliefs, basil helped young girls get married.

People suffering from diseases of the digestive system, the special properties of green basil helped to get rid of the disease. After all, the essential oils contained in the spice do a good job of breaking down fatty foods.

green basil photo
green basil photo

What is included in the oriental spice

In order to answer the question of how green basil is useful, you need to understand its chemical composition. All the we alth of a plant is contained in its leaves. It is in them that vitamins are located: A, B2, P, C, vegetable fats, simple sugars, rutin, carotene, phytoncides. The spice is given to basil by essential oils, which are contained in an amount of 1.5%, this is considered a high indicator. Volatile substances, which are also important components, contribute to the activationheart rate: linalool, camphor, eugenol and meylchavinol.

Thanks to all of the above characteristics, one can understand how extensive the use of basil in medicine is: as an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, wound healing, immuno-strengthening agent. With bronchitis, viral respiratory diseases, asthma, this plant can come to the rescue.

Positively affects the nervous system, digestive tract, strengthens the muscle tissue of internal organs and relieves spasms in blood vessels and normalizes the functioning of the urinary tract and intestines.

Who shouldn't eat fragrant basil

Since basil activates cardiac activity, if you have he alth problems with this organ, you should refrain from using this plant. Fragrant green basil also affects the vessels in the body, therefore, vein diseases of various etiologies and blood clotting are the rationale for abstaining from it. During pregnancy, lactation and diabetes, doctors also recommend refraining from this spice in any form.

Choosing a landing site

Basil grows well in open, well-lit areas. Therefore, it is worth taking care that the place is chosen correctly: away from structures that cast a shadow. The soil must be prepared in such a way that it provides the necessary growth and development of the plant. To do this, it is necessary to moisten the landing site with an agent containing potassium compounds (potassium chloride, potassium sulfate) and urea in equal proportions with water. The very soil in which the basil will begrow, should consist of humus, peat, compost and earth.

properties of green basil
properties of green basil

Growing green basil

Many gardeners can find basil in the garden next to parsley, dill or onions. The medicinal properties and taste of this plant attract lovers of a he althy diet. Grow it from seeds in greenhouses or seedlings in open ground. The fact is that green basil is very tender and thermophilic; at the slightest frost, the plant dies. Therefore, the seedling method of planting facilitates the care process and contributes to the speedy yield from the garden.

The optimal time for sowing seeds is mid-March. And landing in open ground is best done when it is already warm and the air has warmed up to +20 - +25C. Usually they begin to transplant it in late May - early June.

Since it is very sensitive to transplantation, it is better to do it together with peat pots or in the phase of the opened first leaf. This will reduce losses during its landing. The distance between seedlings must be left at 20 centimeters. Below is a photo of a green basil.

he alth benefits of green basil
he alth benefits of green basil

Oriental spice diseases

Basil is an annual plant, but planting it in the same place is not recommended earlier than after 5 years. The fact is that it is susceptible to fungal diseases that occur with improper care:

  • planting in the same place every year;
  • overflow, as a result, stagnation of water;
  • lack of timely loosening of the soil around the basil;
  • Inadequate weed removal.

If you find that the basil is infected with "black leg", "fusarium" or "gray rot", you should immediately remove the plant from the planting site, along with the root system and adjacent soil. But if the basil is just starting to get sick, you can try to save it: prepare a decoction on onion peel (in the ratio of 100 g of husk to 400 ml of boiling water, and leave to infuse for a day) or a solution of copper sulfate (1 teaspoon of powder per 2 liters of water) and spray every day a diseased plant until complete recovery.

Green Basil Care

Basil needs moderate watering and regular weeding. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is desirable to do twice a month. If side shoots are removed in a timely manner, then the yield of the plant can be extended: up to 3 collections from one bush.

Energy value of the plant

If you are a lover of Italian cuisine, then basil as a decoration on pasta or as an addition to a salad is very common. And therefore, information about the calorie content of such an amazing spice may become interesting. There are 23-27 kilocalories per 100 grams of dried product (depending on the variety). The main component of the plant is water - 96%, fat in basil 0.65%, carbohydrates - 2.64%, proteins - 3.14%. From these data, we can conclude that its calorie content is almost zero.

basil green growing
basil green growing

Basil as a remedyslimming

If you are on a diet, then green basil can help you out. The fact is that it is not only almost calorie-free, but also perfectly copes with the feeling of hunger. And also replenishes the reserves of vital trace elements and vitamins. When eating it, it will actively begin to burn fat and speed up metabolic processes in the body.

For example, if you add 2 tablespoons of basil to stewed vegetables, then know that you got only 1 kilocalorie. All processes will proceed so efficiently that nothing remains as energy for the body. You can add steamed fish, then the diet dish will sparkle with bright colors. Maximum benefit for your body.

The use of basil in cosmetology

We already know that green or purple basil is rich in essential oils. For this reason, cosmetologists like to make oils from it, which are used as an important useful component in creams, lotions and other products aimed at rejuvenation. Basil oil care products will be involved in the fight against skin fatigue, signs of aging and acne. Antioxidant properties will help the skin to renew itself and get rid of the harmful effects of the environment.

Classic Basil Salad Recipe

After all the above information about the benefits of basil, its cultivation, its medicinal uses and much more, it is necessary to conclude the article with a classic recipe for a simple and delicious basil salad. This salad is on the menu.most European restaurants.

benefits of green basil
benefits of green basil

Green or purple basil is used in cooking in various variations: plant leaves, shoots, fresh and dried, whole and chopped.

We will need the following products:

  • mozzarella cheese - 120-130 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 10 pieces (or regular tomatoes - 2 pieces);
  • lettuce leaves - 5 pieces;
  • basil leaves - 6 petals;
  • bunch of dill;
  • green onion (to taste);
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • s alt, ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking the salad

If you have cherry tomatoes in store, then after they have been washed, you need to cut them in half. If you have ordinary tomatoes, then cut them into cubes.

Mozzarella cheese should be freed from packaging and rinsed with boiled water. When the cheese is ready, cut it into cubes as well.

Move to the greens: basil can be simply picked, left whole, or cut into slices (as you prefer). But it is generally accepted that greens, torn by hand, give off essential oils more and give a richer taste to the dish. You can do the same with dill, but you can also chop it, like green onions. The last ingredient is not a mandatory component of the classic basil salad. Therefore, leave the decision on its availability to your own discretion.

To prepare the dressing, mix balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Now let's move onto the design of the salad: put chopped cherry tomatoes (or tomatoes) on a dish, add greens. Pour dressing over salad.

The final touch remains: lettuce leaves can be cut or torn into pieces (as you prefer) and mix the finished mixture.

Bon appetit!
