Usually, basements are waterproofed already at the construction stage of the building. At the same time, the protective material is laid under the floor, and the walls of the underground room are processed from the outside. However, nothing lasts forever, and sooner or later the waterproofing layer loses its qualities. As a result, dampness appears in the basement. Of course, you can dig it out from the outside and glue the walls with another layer of waterproofing. However, the procedure is quite expensive. In addition, the floors cannot be insulated from the outside in this way. In this case, a slightly different method of protection against dampness is usually used - waterproofing basements from the inside. This method is not as effective, but it is quite successful in preventing the penetration of groundwater into the basement of the house.
Types of basement waterproofing
There are several ways to protect the basement from moisture. The most simple are:
- Pasting surfaces with roll materials.
- Smearing them with polymer mastics.
However, for waterproofing basements from the inside, these two methods in ourtime is rarely used. More often they are used to protect basement floors from the outside. The fact is that the moisture-proof film created using these technologies does not adhere to surfaces very tightly and begins to peel off over time under water pressure. More modern methods include:
- Penetrating waterproofing.
- Using liquid rubber
- Injection insulation.
- Use of water repellents
- Using liquid glass.
In each of these cases, you can get a pretty high-quality waterproofing of the basement from the inside. The materials used are different. Next, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of all these technologies.

Laying waterproofing
Protection of basements from dampness can be performed using rolled materials. Most often, surfaces are pasted over with ordinary roofing material. More modern and expensive analogues are also used. It can be euroroofing material or glass roofing material. As already mentioned, this method is used to perform such an operation as waterproofing basements from the inside, extremely rarely. Sometimes the floors of the basement are laid with roofing material under the screed. In this case, water penetrating from below cannot lift it and tear it off the surface.

Coated waterproofing
This is the name of the method of protecting basements from moisture penetration, in which polymer-based compounds are used. Usually thisvarious kinds of emulsions or mastics with the addition of bitumen. They can be applied to the surface both cold and hot. For waterproofing basements from the inside, these funds are practically not used. Bituminous mastics are also commonly used to protect basements from outside water.
Penetrating basement waterproofing from the inside
This method consists in applying special mixtures to moistened basement walls. In contact with water, they form crystals that fill all surface irregularities and penetrate deep into it by 15-25 cm. The advantages of this method include, first of all, the complete protection of walls and floors from moisture. In fact, this is just an ideal way to waterproof the premises from the inside, since with water pressure from the outside, in this case, nothing will peel off or swell. The disadvantages of the penetrating variety include the fact that it can only be applied to concrete that has a sufficiently large number of pores.

Injection basement protection
The advantages of this method include, first of all, reliability and efficiency. Injection waterproofing of the basement from the inside is carried out using a special syringe (packer). In this case, methyl acrylate, epoxy and polyurethane compounds are used. This method is also very well suited specifically for the internal waterproofing of basements. Its disadvantages are complexity in execution and high cost. However, the pluses include the fact that injection waterproofing can be applied locally, that isonly where there is actually a leak.

Using liquid glass
This is one of the most popular ways to protect basements. Basement waterproofing from the inside with liquid glass is a relatively inexpensive method and at the same time very effective. This product is sold in canisters and is used in a mixture with concrete mortar. The disadvantage of this method is considered to be some complexity in execution. The fact is that after adding liquid glass to concrete, the latter loses its plasticity and sets in just a few minutes. Therefore, batches have to be done in very small quantities.
Liquid rubber
With the use of modern mastics, reliable waterproofing of the basement from the inside can also be performed. Bitumen-based materials with latex additives (liquid rubber) create an elastic and very durable moisture-proof film on the walls and floor of the basement. This is the only type of coating protection recommended for use from the inside. Liquid rubber is usually sold in barrels of 200 liters. A 2 mm latex film provides the same protection as 4 layers of roofing felt. The disadvantages of this variety include only high cost.
Self-proofing basements from the inside using liquid glass
You can make your own mixture to protect the basement in this way. The basis for it is cement grade not lower than M300. It is mixed with well-sifted sand. Concrete is made in a ratio of one to two. At firstmix dry cement and sand. Then add water and liquid glass. The volume ratio of the latter with cement is 101. Water is added so much that the solution is sufficiently liquid for easy application to the surface. Knead it in small portions.

Before starting processing, all surfaces must be cleaned of dirt, degreased and dust-free. The solution is applied in the same way as ordinary plaster in 3 layers. When using this tool, it should be borne in mind that liquid glass is a chemically rather aggressive substance. Therefore, work must be done with gloves. In the event that the composition gets on your hands, they should be rinsed with a weak solution of vinegar.
A distinctive feature of cement mixtures with the addition of liquid glass is that, while resistant to moisture, they do not tolerate contact with air very well. Therefore, at the final stage, it is advisable to go through the surface with another layer - this time with ordinary plaster.
How to waterproof a basement with liquid rubber
Next, consider another popular way to protect basement floors from moisture. Do-it-yourself waterproofing of basements from the inside using liquid rubber is carried out in several stages. First of all, you need to arrange good ventilation of the room. As in the first case, the walls and floor are first cleaned of dirt, all sorts of stains, paint or plaster residues. Also, all surfaces must be dusted. This can be done using a regular vacuum cleaner.

Further, the surface of the walls and floor is primed with a special agent, usually supplied with liquid rubber. Then the actual bitumen-latex mastic itself is applied to them. Lubrication can be carried out with any convenient tool - brush, spatula, roller. When doing this work, you need to carefully ensure that all cracks, corners and joints are filled with rubber. It is best to pour the paste in portions into a bucket and mix with a drill with a special nozzle. After application, the layer should dry well. In the event that the work is done with high quality, the product forms a solid sealed rubber “bag” in the room.
However, at this event, such an event as waterproofing basements from the inside cannot be considered finished. Liquid rubber will not let water through even with its high pressure. However, under its layer, over time, the concrete itself may begin to collapse. As a result of its shedding, water will fall directly under the rubber film, with the formation of bubbles on the latter. To prevent this from happening, the rubber layer on the walls should be additionally plastered or bricked, that is, simply pressed firmly against the concrete surface.
Injection waterproofing
Although this method is considered one of the most effective, it is rarely used to protect basements from moisture on their own. It's all about the complexity of the work and the need to use special equipment. Polyurethane polymer is considered the cheapest of all materials used for injection.
Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will do such a complex processing with their own hands, but still, let's briefly consider how to waterproof the basement from the inside using injections. This operation is performed as follows:
- 2 cm deep holes are drilled in the wall at a distance of half a meter from each other.
- Then, an injection composition is pumped into them with the help of special equipment.
- Then, various measures are taken to protect surfaces from mold.
- At the final stage, the walls are additionally plastered.
Self penetrating waterproofing
In this case, the surfaces of the walls and floor are also carefully prepared. In addition, they will need to be wetted with water. Do-it-yourself penetrating waterproofing of basements from the inside is carried out either on moistened or on freshly poured concrete surfaces. Cracks in the walls should be opened and cleaned from dust. Next, they need to be sealed with the selected type of penetrating waterproofing. The composition should be kneaded thicker. After a couple of days, it will swell and tightly clog all the cracks.

At the next stage, a penetrating mixture is prepared, in fact, for processing the surfaces themselves. Which one should be chosen for such an operation as waterproofing the basement from the inside? Penetron is one of the best and most commonly used formulations. On the surface of the floor and walls, it is applied in a very thin layer (0.02 cm). To achieve this, make a sufficiently liquid mixture. After the first layer has dried, the product is applied to the walls and floor again.
Pasting the floor of the basement with roll materials
Waterproofing the basement of the garage from the inside, just like protecting the cellar from moisture, should be carried out in stages. Work usually begins with the processing of the floor. Only after the selected agent has dried, you can proceed to the waterproofing of the walls. The floor, since it is subjected to the most serious stresses in terms of groundwater, should in any case be given maximum attention. Let's get acquainted with the technology of its waterproofing in more detail.
Rooferoid is not used to process basement walls from the inside. First, it lags behind the surface as a result of water pressure from outside. And secondly, when using it in the future, it will be problematic to perform a fine finish. However, waterproofing the basement floor from the inside using roofing material can be a pretty good solution.
In order for such protection against moisture to be of high quality, first the soil is excavated to a depth of about 20 cm. Then crushed stone and sand are laid in the resulting pit with careful tamping of each layer. Roofing material is laid on top with an overlap on the walls to a height of 20 cm. Then the material is smeared with bituminous mastic. Then another layer of roofing material is laid. At the final stage, the basement floor is poured with a cement screed at least 5 cm thick.
As you can see, waterproofing a basement is not too difficult using modern materials. The most important thing is to observe the required technologies when performing work. ATIn this case, the protection of the basement from moisture will turn out to be reliable and durable.