At first glance, it may seem that a hammer is the simplest of all existing types of hand tools. But actually it is not. What types of hammers exist and how to choose a quality tool?
Mainly hammers are used to hammer nails, they are also used to remove dried mortar from bricks. With the help of this unpretentious tool, sheet iron is corrected, it helps in accurate work with tiles. Different types differ in weight, in the shape of the working part. Choosing the right tool is not such a trivial task. The most popular type is a metalwork hammer. So let's talk about him.
This type of hammer is one of the most common. It is used for impacts when cutting something, when punching various holes, riveting, straightening and for other works.
Plumbing Hammer
This tool consists of a butt, as well as a wooden or plastic handle.

In modern models, the handle is equipped with a special anti-slip coating. This type of hammer is distinguished by the presence of two strikers. So, on the butt there is a blunt square striker andpointed, which is used for driving small nails. The square part of the butt can be worked with full force.
Classification by weight
Locksmith's hammer is classified by weight. For example, a product weighing from 300 to 500 g is suitable for a home craftsman. The capabilities of such a tool are enough for most household chores. The heaviest locksmith tool weighs 2 kg. Professionals recommend not limiting yourself to any one hammer in your home workshop, but having several models of different weights in your arsenal - this will improve the quality and convenience of the work performed.
Weight also depends on the nature of the work. For example, products of 50, 100, 200 and 300 grams are used in tool work. Models with a weight of 400, 500 and 600 g are used for locksmith work. A tool weighing 1 kg is used in repair work.
Types of locksmith hammers
There are two types of these tools. So, one of them is distinguished by a rectangular shape with a square striker. The second type has a more convex and round shape.
Square tools are cheaper because they are easier to manufacture.

They are also more common among amateur and professional locksmiths. Round-faced hammers have some advantage. The shock part in this case has a certain preponderance, which increases the strength and accuracy of the strike. For lighter work use a square head.
According to the technical requirements for these tools, a machinist's hammer should nothave no chips, burrs or cracks. The striker should be as smooth as possible and slightly convex. The handles are made from hardwood. This is dogwood, beech, birch or hornbeam. The length of the handle must be at least 250 mm in length. Also, the wood fibers must be directed along the length of the handle, otherwise the handle will simply break. The butts are made of carbon steel grades U7 and U8.
If any brittle materials need to be hammered in, then "soft" hammers are used. Often the strikers of these tools are made of aluminum alloys, copper, polyurethane, wood or rubber. The most practical option is a bench tool with interchangeable heads. Such kits allow you to perform a wider range of work.
According to GOST
It's no secret to anyone that there is GOST for hammers. So, this type of tool is made in accordance with GOST 2310-77.
This standard applies to metalwork steel hammers weighing from 0.05 to 1000 g. Tools, as stated in the document, are created for use in the national economy and for export needs. This GOST does not apply to any other hammers, except metalwork.
So, according to the document, in addition to products with a round and square head, there is also a hammer with a round head and a spherical toe.
Machinery tools must be manufactured in strict accordance with standards and drawings.

As materials for heads use steel 50 or U7. Also GOSTprovides for other steel grades, if they are not inferior in mechanical properties. Heads should never be produced by casting.
Hammer wedges are made from CT3 steel or their other steels that are not inferior in characteristics to CT3.
As for the handles, the metalwork hammer GOST provides for the use of hardwood of the 1st grade. Often these parts are made from hornbeam, dogwood, ash, birch, oak or beech, as well as from various synthetic materials that can provide the necessary operational strength and reliability.
The hardness of work surfaces should be between 50.5 and 57 HRC. Hardness is measured in layers with a depth of not less than 5 mm, and also at a distance of not more than 1/5 of the length of the head from the ends and toe of the butt. Some deviations from the mass are allowed - this is 12% for products weighing 100 grams. The heads must be covered with various protective coatings. So, there is an oxide coating with oiling, a coating of chromium, phosphates, cadmium.
As for the connection between the head and the handle, it must be as reliable as possible. Cracks on the handles are unacceptable. The hammer head must have the trademark of the manufacturer, the weight of the product, the price. It is also allowed to apply a trademark on the handle.
How to choose the right tool
As it turned out, a metalwork hammer is serious, so the choice must be approached very carefully. The first thing to know is the required weight and size of the working part. If you choose a product with a light striker,then the impact force will be insufficient, and the heavy striker, on the contrary, will be too tiring. Heavy hammers can also damage some materials.
When choosing, the working part is also important - the material matters here.

As stated in GOST, butts are not made by casting. You should choose only a hammer forged, and the steel must be hardened and then tempered.
The hardening process is carried out with a high cooling rate, however, such materials are characterized by internal stresses. In order to remove these stresses, tempering is performed - the product is heated to 200 degrees and then allowed to cool.
Tempering slightly reduces strength, but the result is a product much stronger than ordinary alloy parts.
In modern models, these hammer parts are made of plastic, polyurethane, fiberglass materials. However, according to the experience of professionals, the wooden handle is still the best and most popular.
Pegs can be driven into the wood, which will make the grip with the striker stronger.

Also, if the handle breaks, you can make it yourself.
Fiberglass is also popular today. It is considered one of the varieties of fiberglass. This material contains more than 70% fiberglass. It also contains polyester resins. This material is characterized by very high durability and resistance.
Among the main benefitsfiberglass - strength. It is 9 times higher than plastic and 4 times higher than aluminum. Hammer handles are not deformed from it.
Market Watch
The modern market provides home craftsmen and professionals with a huge selection of a wide variety of tools. There are also a huge number of locksmith hammers.
Bregadier 41-314
This hammer is designed for a variety of plumbing jobs.

It can also be used in carpentry work. It is made of steel by forging, has a protective phosphate coating, the striker is square in shape. Model weight - 500 g.
There are no unique technical solutions in the design of this tool, but it is reliable and practical enough for simple home work or professional use.
The manufacturer, in addition to this model, offers other products with wooden handles and different weights, as well as hammers for other types of work.
Habero 600 IH 500
This product is also designed for a variety of locksmith applications.

Steel is used as the material. The head is covered with black varnish, the shape of the striker is square.
Chrome vanadium alloy head has high hardness and does not flatten. By the way, for such a metalwork hammer, the price is more than affordable for a home master (from 200 rubles).
The market offers other products. Today, the range of locksmith hammers is unusuallywide. There are a lot of tools according to needs, weight, materials, functionality. The main thing when choosing is the quality of materials, ergonomics and durability.