The design and construction of modern buildings using the concept of "solar home", their architecture and features, thanks to the Internet, became known everywhere, even where their construction has not yet begun. Therefore, many are interested in the question of what reviews the solar house has from those who were lucky enough to live in it.

In all likelihood, the reviews should be good, because these houses are designed taking into account the laws of natural harmony, respect for the he alth of residents, respect for local traditions and love for nature. Each individual project includes developments in the field of alternative energy sources and energy saving. Schematically, the concept of a solar building is presented as follows: the space is protected from the wind and open to the sun thanks to a radial wind-protective wall formed in plan that collects solar radiation energy. From the high summer sun, the building is protected by a canopy that gives shade. Finishing materials and the shape of the inner surfaces of the walls contribute toconcentration of solar energy and its conversion into heat for additional heating of the premises.
The solar house is receiving positive reviews, as its solar architecture is a kind of long-term financial investment. Such buildings have almost no competitors. Their full payback in terms of energy costs occurs within five to six years. According to the reviews, a sunny house allows its happy owner not to invest heavily in heating and hot water supply, since it is to

construction is focused on alternative resources. Spaces are heated by solar panels, which never emit carbon dioxide and other products of combustion and decay into the atmosphere, and this will positively affect not only local environmental conditions, but also the he alth of the entire planet, especially if there are many such buildings.
The construction of such houses is usually carried out by specialized construction companies.
If you decide to place an order, you can always look at reviews about the company. A sunny house will be a great and inexpensive home for you.
Of course, the initial cost of such houses is slightly higher than conventional ones, but low operating costs quickly pay for this difference, and the dwelling itself is more comfortable and environmentally safe.

In recent years, construction of not only one-story, but also multi-storey houses of this type has already begun in Russia. Sunny House reviews inIn most cases, it gets positive, as people completely trust new housing. The advantage of solar houses is that they are actually ordinary buildings that use solar plants, which are fully responsible for heating water and heating due to solar heat. Savings on heat supply is up to 45%.
Those who decide to build such a dwelling for themselves should pay special attention to what kind of reviews a sunny house has from residents who have already lived in it for several years. This will make it easier to decide if it's right for you or not. People who know how to look ahead and think long-term, when building their own housing, will certainly consider the option of a solar home. So they will be able to take care of the future of their own children and grandchildren in advance. It is very important that the microclimate of solar buildings is the main guarantee of the he alth and comfort of the people living in it.