To all of us, once in childhood, our parents read a fairy tale about a miracle pot that cooked food on its own. Today, modern innovations in the field of technology have helped create a device that can completely replace a person in the kitchen - this is a multicooker. Until recently, such miracle saucepans on the domestic market could not boast of a large assortment, but then the Dobrynya multicooker appeared. Consumer feedback indicates that this appliance has many additional functions that help to cook in water, and steam, and fry, and even bake.
An attractive appearance is also of great importance: the case of such an assistant can be made of stainless steel, and also be white or black with a Gzhel or Khokhloma pattern. Cook first courses, fry pieces of meat, bake muffins or a pie and make a steamed diet dish - all this can be done with the Dobrynya multicooker. The reviews of the hostesses who have already managed to test it in practice testifythat this appliance is simply indispensable in the kitchen. For example, with a 24-hour timer, you can set a program so that lunch or dinner will be ready before the hosts return home.

The miracle saucepan consists of 3 elements - a removable bowl with a volume of 4-5 liters, a lid that tightly closes the body, and an induction heating element. The multicooker "Dobrynya" will help to cook quickly and easily from two to ten servings of a delicious dish. Reviews will help in choosing the model of this unique "miracle pot". Many men and women who have not yet started a family, or who do not have time to stand in the kitchen for a long time and cook, speak only positively about such an assistant. Affordable price, a large number of programs, which are quite enough for cooking different dishes, beautiful design, a book with recipes - all this is included in the Dobrynya multicooker. Reviews about this device are really only positive and therefore it is worth buying and enjoying delicious, nutritious and dietary food.
In operation, the multicooker is so simple that even a child can handle it - this is what satisfied users think. Maximum opportunities, minimum money and beautiful design - all this is the Dobrynya DO1003 multicooker, which is available to everyone. It is worth noting not only the versatility of this device, but also how convenient it is in terms of external parameters: a simple design, a carrying handle and legs for greater stability. This makes such a saucepan convenient to use, it does not require much space and does not need to be installed in a special place, an ordinary kitchen table will do.

The inner bowl of the appliance has a wear-resistant non-stick coating, so do not worry that the food will burn and taste bad. Groats, milk porridge, pies, boiled vegetables and steamed meat, stewed meat and vegetables - everything will be prepared by the Dobrynya 1003 multicooker, which has thick heat-resistant walls that retain heat for a long time. Such a device has long been no longer a luxury item and is now rapidly merging into the daily routine of every family.