Modern lighting systems are based on new lighting lamps instead of outdated incandescent lamps. The latter conscientiously worked out its age, but is still widespread and has not been discontinued. Experts believe that this is a matter of time, and soon it will finally go down in history, as it is being actively forced out of the market by economical analogues: halogen, LED, fluorescent, metal halide and diode bulbs.
Lighting starts with a small LED

Strange as it may seem, but experts believe that diode technology is the future of lighting systems, despite the fact that until recently LEDs were not used for this purpose. The maximum for which it was possible to use them was for decorative lighting devices. But in recent years, improvements in diode manufacturing technology have greatly increased their technical capabilities, and now they are shining brighter. This made it possible to create diode bulbs that emit much more light than a conventional incandescent lamp at the same power. Initially, this was misleading for many consumers when they saw a light bulb power of 15-20 watts on the package, but in practice it turned out that with suchpower, they shine even better than incandescent lamps with a power of 100 watts.
Advantages of LED bulbs

Since the power of the diodes is low, the light bulb as a whole consumes much less electricity. Its main advantage is efficiency, and not only in terms of electricity consumed, but also in terms of the duration of work. The fact remains: the price for diode bulbs is much higher than for incandescent bulbs (ranges from 180-300 rubles), but they last 40 times longer than the latter. Consequently, they have to buy much less often. In addition, such light bulbs take an active part in the design of the interior of the premises. Their soft white light creates a cozy atmosphere, especially when used as decorative lighting.
Which bulbs to buy for home

Since LED light bulbs are a relative innovation in the field of lighting, not all manufacturers have managed to establish their production, but nevertheless, the choice on the market is already quite wide. Undoubtedly, one of the leaders is Philips, which has long won a world name not only in the direction of lighting. Economical light bulbs of other types of earlier developments serve for years and even continue to work beyond their resource. Now the company is promoting LED products to the market, and quite successfully, as these are the best LED bulbs for the home. Prices, of course, leave much to be desired and range from 300 to 400 rubles for onelight bulb, but this cost is justified by their quality.
Other manufacturers whose products are well suited for home use include Osram, Magnum, Delux. Of course, it is difficult to determine whose products are of better quality, because everything is known in comparison. Therefore, in order to determine which LED bulbs last longer, you need to purchase one from each manufacturer, and only time will tell which company has longer-lasting products.