Reinforcing cage: design features

Reinforcing cage: design features
Reinforcing cage: design features

The reinforcing cage is designed for the production of reinforced concrete monolithic structures. The device allows you to give rigidity to the structure, taking on tensile and bending loads. The reinforcing cage is also used for the manufacture of the foundation of the building and for the production of reinforced concrete slabs.

reinforcing cage
reinforcing cage

There are different types of materials for reinforcing walls, building roads, arranging foundations and making reinforced concrete products. Depending on the diameter and location of the rods, metal frames are divided into light and heavy.

At the same time, depending on the shape, structures are divided into reinforcing meshes, flat and spatial. They come in round, triangular, T-shaped and square shapes. The type of frame primarily depends on the design of the product. So, a spatial reinforcing cage can be assembled from several flat varieties. Moreover, this transformation can be carried out at the construction site, thus reducing transportation costs.

Today the manufacture of structuresmoved mainly from construction sites to factory production shops. This allows you to significantly increase the strength and quality of products, save time on assembly. Reinforcing cages of buildings represent a connected or welded structure of rods and other elements. Under production conditions, the binding of reinforcement is replaced by contact welding.

metal frames
metal frames

The blanks for the production of products are metal rods, which (depending on the design) are installed transversely and longitudinally. The steel grade is determined by design documents. Depending on the ambient temperature, metals are used that are not subject to cold brittleness.

If the products will be operated at temperatures below minus 30, then steel grade VSt5ps2 is used. In the northern regions, for the manufacture of a reinforcing cage, rods made of grade 35GS material of class A3 are used. In addition, the degree of weldability of steel should be taken into account. It is forbidden to join heat-hardened reinforcing material and high-strength wire, as welding will lose the strengthening effect.

building frames
building frames

Reinforcement for the manufacture of reinforced concrete frame structures is divided according to the material used into non-metallic and steel. According to the production technology - for hot-rolled rod (diameter from 6 to 90 mm) and cold-drawn round wire (diameter from 3 to 8 mm). Products are produced in the form of high-strength and ordinary wire, as well as strands andreinforcing ropes.

The reinforcing cage is made of a periodic or round smooth profile. In the first case, the reinforcement has a figured surface, which makes it possible to achieve better adhesion to concrete. By purpose, there are structures made of working reinforcement, which perceives mainly tensile stresses, distribution, designed to evenly distribute the load between the rods, as well as mounting, used to assemble frames.
