Besides skillful human hands, it is also necessary to have good quality equipment. Such equipment includes welding machines "Lincoln". These units are easy to use and are in great demand among buyers. This article will discuss welding machines "Lincoln Electric", reviews about them and characteristics. And it’s worth starting with the price of this equipment. So, first things first.
Price for Lincoln devices in the store
The price of Lincoln welding machines may seem exorbitant for many buyers. But on the other hand, when buying this equipment, the user receives not some kind of screwdriver or drill, but a full-fledged welding machine. And all because the maximum price tag is four hundred and seventy-five thousand rubles.

That's how much the buyer will have to pay for welding machines "Lincoln 350". But the minimum price for a Lincoln welding machine is fifteen thousand rubles. But worth itremember that you should not expect high power from the device for such an amount. And yet, even with such equipment, work can be done with high quality.
The price of Lincoln welding machines on the Internet
Besides stores, there is another place where this equipment is sold - the Internet. Of course, in online stores the price will not be lower than in conventional stores. But second-hand equipment can be bought cheaper. But even there the price difference will not be very high.

The minimum price for used Lincoln Electric welding machines is thirteen thousand rubles, but the maximum price is one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. For such an amount, it would be more rational to purchase a new device, but everyone has their own opinion.
Technical characteristics of the welding machine
Due to the fact that Lincoln welding machines (semi-automatic) have a fairly wide range of models, in order to talk about technical characteristics, a specific model of the middle price category will be taken - "Lincoln Electric Powertech 305c".
Specifications "Lincoln Electric Powertech 305c"
Welding machines "Lincoln" of this model have a price tag in the region of one hundred and thirty thousand rubles. But what does the buyer get for this amount? For starters, power. The minimum welding current on this equipment is thirty amperes, but the maximum current is three hundred amperes. The type of this model, like most of the welding machines of this company, issemi-automatic The type of welding is also semi-automatic. Power consumption is 15 kW. For home use, this is more than normal. Indeed, for most other manufacturers, the power consumption is quite high, which in the future will seriously hit the wallet of users when it comes time to pay for electricity. The minimum wire diameter is 1mm and the maximum is 1.2mm.

That's all the specifications of this model.
Manufacturer's warranty
The manufacturer did not skimp on the warranty period of their products. Three years - that's the guarantee he gives. When buying, you need to ask the seller to affix all the necessary seals in the warranty card. In addition, you do not need to throw away the receipt for the purchase of this product. And all because in the case of contacting the service center, the buyer will be asked to present a receipt with the date of purchase indicated on it. In case of repair, the manufacturer guarantees the fulfillment of its obligations within thirty days. In addition, there is technical support, which you can contact absolutely for any question. The technical support phone number can be obtained both from the seller and in the instruction manual.
Operating instructions
In addition to the technical support phone number, you can read in detail about the principles of working with this equipment in the Lincoln instruction manual. Detailed instructions will tell the reader how to replace certain consumables. What security measuresmust be known and accepted when using this machine. And there are security measures. You need to work with gloves and a protective mask. In addition, if there are any malfunctions, then how to solve them, the instruction manual will also answer. It is completely in Russian. Everything is written in an absolutely understandable and simple language for a person.
Lincoln welding machines semi-automatic: appearance
The appearance of the welding machine is quite simple. And what could be unusual in this type of equipment?! The device itself is like a box. It has wheels on the bottom. They are quite strong, can withstand a weight of 95 kilograms! That is how much the welding machine weighs. If the wheels become unusable, then they can be easily replaced with new ones. Another point that facilitates the transportation of the Lincoln is the handle on top of the hull. It is quite comfortable due to its shape and size. You can also see the display on the front of the device. It is medium in size, quite informative. Everything is clearly visible on it and there is no unnecessary information. Below the display are the Lincoln controls. They spin quite easily, do not jam. The device is small in size.

The welding machine will not take up much space during storage. Here are the specific numbers:
- The height of the welding machine is 810 millimeters.
- Width - 467 millimeters.
That's all that can be said about the appearance and characteristics of this equipment. But worth itwhether "Lincoln" their money? Does the price match the quality of this equipment? Lincoln customer reviews will help answer this question.
Positive customer feedback
There are quite a few positive reviews. Most of all, buyers are pleased with the slow consumption of consumables. They are enough even with a lot of work. The price is also quite acceptable for buyers. For many, "Lincoln" has been working for more than one or two years. The quality of the weld is also at a high level. Everything is even and smooth. In general, there are no special complaints about working with this device. Even an inexperienced welder will get used to working with this welding machine. In addition, it is convenient to transport the Lincoln. Weight and dimensions - the distinctive quality of the products of this company. And the wheels also work with a bang. The weight of the welding machine is not a hindrance to long service life.
Negative customer reviews
Reviewed customer reviews for a long time. And no matter how much we wanted to find at least one minus identified by users, this was not possible.

Only positive feedback, only praise and recommendations for buying equipment from this particular manufacturer. Well, what, apparently, the buyer pays such a lot of money not for a pig in a poke.
In this article, semi-automatic welding machines "Lincoln" were considered in detail. Photos, technical and external characteristics, as well as customer reviews became the basis of this article. Summary of all that has been saidyou can do the next one. Buying a Lincoln welding machine for a fairly decent price, the buyer receives a truly reliable and high-quality equipment. She will faithfully serve more than one or two years. Also, this device can be purchased in a used condition.

Excellent welding seam, easy to operate even for a novice welder, small size - these are just some of the positive aspects of the Lincoln welding machine. The manufacturer did not skimp on quality, which makes it a leader among its competitors.