Antimagnetic seal for electric meters

Antimagnetic seal for electric meters
Antimagnetic seal for electric meters

The anti-magnetic seal is a weapon of power supply companies against theft of electricity by end consumers. At the moment, this tool is the most effective. This is the determining factor for the widespread adoption of such technology.

antimagnetic seal
antimagnetic seal

Almost everyone knows about the theft of electricity in our country. As a result of such activities, power supply companies incur losses, which can subsequently be scattered among all residents of the building as common house needs. As a result, conscientious payers are forced to pay more money for electricity to strangers.

All experts in the energy sales industry are unanimous in their opinion that the source of fraudulent consumer activity lies in the imperfection of modern control devices, the presence of weaknesses. The anti-magnetic seals on the meter are designed to block the possibility of distorting the readings of the devices.

antimagnetic seals on the counter
antimagnetic seals on the counter

The easiest and at the same time the most common way to steal a resource isdecrease in meter readings. For this, there is no need to disassemble the metering device and manually unwind the accumulating kilowatts back. Craftsmen came up with a different way - this is the installation of an ordinary magnet on the counter. As a result of the action of the magnetic field, the device begins to spin more slowly than it should. And due to this, the apartment owners managed to save a good amount on utility bills every month. To counteract this kind of fraud, an antimagnetic seal is designed. When trying to influence the meter readings in this way, it indicates the fact of what happened.

The anti-magnetic seal looks like a regular sticker. However, in fact, it is a product of actively developing nanotechnologies. A capsule is located on a conventional adhesive tape, in which there is a magnetically stable suspension that reacts to a field greater than 100 mT. If this happens, then it changes its state. This is an indication that the device was affected by a magnetic field. Most often this is expressed in a change in the color of the sticker or in the appearance of special distinguishing marks. At the same time, the time for indicating the effect depends on the strength of the magnetic field and can range from 1 second to several minutes.

how to deceive an antimagnetic seal
how to deceive an antimagnetic seal

An anti-magnetic seal is installed on the body of the meter. The fact of its failure will be immediately visible. This will be expressed in the form of an inscription that appears, signaling a violation. For example, "Open". When pasted back, the inscription does not disappear. It is also possible to replace the filling with anotherpractically impossible thing. This is due to the fact that each such sticker has its own individual serial number. In addition, there are no anti-magnetic seals in the free sale.

As for how to deceive the anti-magnetic seal, this issue is not so simple. This requires the dismantling of the metering device, its analysis and revision. In this case, you must try not to damage the glued seal itself. Performing such an operation is not for everyone. And this means that a much smaller number of unscrupulous payers will be able to live at someone else's expense.
