Preparation of the construction site for construction is necessary in order to quickly and without delay start the construction process. It allows you to minimize a number of negative risks, and also facilitates the coordination of interaction and the implementation of various stages.
Always, before starting the construction or dismantling of buildings, it is necessary to prepare the territories of the construction site. This is required for maximum work efficiency and safety of people. Today, these issues are regulated by a number of regulatory documents. They contain a detailed description of the ongoing activities that must be carried out before starting work. Developers should primarily focus on building codes and regulations (SNIP), the corresponding GOSTs, as well as a number of other regulatory documents. It should be borne in mind that local governments can determine the norms for the temporary use of territories for the needs of construction teams, as well as the implementation of work that does not apply to the working area.venues.
Plot fencing

This is the very first step. Preparing a construction site for future work requires the creation of fencing around it, as well as closely spaced hazardous areas. Also at the entrance it is necessary to install information boards, which indicate numerous data. Among the most important are the name of the object, the developer, the performer of the work, the contact details of the persons responsible for the object, the start and end dates, the layout of the area after the completion of construction. But the requirements are not limited to this. So, for example, contacts of performers should still be on shields, fences, mobile buildings, large-sized equipment items, cable drums. In addition, points for washing or cleaning the wheels of vehicles, as well as bins for collecting the resulting garbage, can be installed. The rules for the preparation and maintenance of construction sites require that all waste be promptly removed and removed without polluting the environment.
Construction of temporary structures
Special buildings are needed to ensure the process. They are raised for a certain time. After construction is completed, these structures are subject to liquidation. They are used for domestic, warehouse, administrative and other purposes. In this case, land reclamation, transfer of communications, demolition of temporary structures and many similar moments should be provided. The preparation of the construction site for the start of construction in this regard should be coordinated with the Statefire service, environmental and sanitary-epidemiological supervision, as well as local government.
Solving challenges with ground and underground waters, as well as with flooding of the territory

Always keep in mind that geological and hydrological conditions may change. This can happen both during the work process and during the operation of the facilities. First of all, you need to check the probability of such calls:
- The presence or possibility of education in the subsequent perched water.
- Natural seasonal/long-term fluctuations in groundwater levels.
- Possibility of its change under the influence of technogenic factors.
- Degree of aggressiveness in relation to the used materials of underground structures and corrosivity.
Technical preparation of a construction site almost always requires an assessment of possible changes in groundwater levels. Thus, structures and buildings of the 1st and 2nd classes must have a guarantee for 25 and 15 years of service. In this case, it is necessary to take into account possible natural seasonal and long-term fluctuations in levels, as well as the potential for flooding of the territory. For buildings of the 3rd class, such an assessment is allowed not to be performed. In addition, the construction project should provide for measures designed to prevent the deterioration of the physical and mechanical properties of the foundation soils, violations of the conditions for the normal operation of buried premises, and the development of unfavorablegeological processes and so on.
What needs to be done to improve the standard situation

Preparation of the construction site for construction involves the following work:
- Waterproofing of underground structures.
- Implementation of measures to limit the rise in the level of groundwater, as well as excluding possible leaks from fluid-carrying communications. These are drainage, special channels, impervious devices.
- Implementation of measures to prevent chemical and / or mechanical suffusion of soils. These are sheet piling, drainage, soil stabilization.
- Arrangement of a stationary network of observation wells to control the development of the flooding process, timely eliminating leaks from water-bearing communications.
Additionally, if the presence of an aggressive environment (groundwater, industrial effluents) is foreseen, which can adversely affect the materials of buried structures, it is necessary to implement anti-corrosion measures that are carried out as part of the preparation of the construction site. If it is planned to conduct activities below the piezometric level of pressure masses, then the pressure exerted by them should be taken into account. To stabilize the situation, special measures are envisaged to prevent the breakthrough of groundwater into the pits, swelling of their bottom, and the ascent of the structure.
Water drawdown

Thisnecessary in cases where it is planned to build underground or buried structures. Dewatering is also necessary when creating pits. For this purpose, drainage, drainage, wellpoints, and lowering wells are used. Also, dewatering involves the implementation of measures that prevent the deterioration of the building properties of the soil at the base of the structures and prevent the violation of the stability of the slopes of the working. The design should provide for flumes and grooves for collecting surface and groundwater with their subsequent diversion to sumps located outside the base of the structure. As a rule, this ends with their pumping to the surface. In this case, the reserve should be at least 50% if there are two or more pumps, and 100% in cases where only one is working. Water from the lowering system, if it is not possible to use it, must be diverted by gravity to existing drains or discharge points.
About drains and wellpoints
If we talk about the former, then here it is necessary to note a large variety of possible implementations. So, trenches are arranged in a territory free from development. Closed tubeless can be used for short-term operation. For example, in a pit or on landslide slopes. They differ in their functionality and throughput. For example, tubular drainage is done in soils with a filtration coefficient of two meters per day.
Laying underground galleries for dewatering is allowed only in cases where other methods are not suitable for this purpose or this approachis economically viable. In general, it is always necessary to take into account a number of factors in order not to spend extra money. For example, vacuum drainage is used in granules where the filtration coefficient is less than two meters per day. Wellpoints are required, as a rule, in building dewatering systems. And electrodrainage is used in poorly permeable soils, for which the filtration coefficient is less than 0.1 meters per day.
Demolition of buildings
Preparation and arrangement of a construction site often assume that a certain structure is located on them. It usually needs to be demolished. After all, it interferes with the work or is not provided for by the plan. During demolition, it is always necessary to monitor the fulfillment of labor safety requirements in accordance with the current regulatory documentation. In the process itself, various approaches, materials and methods are used. For example, explosives, special equipment and other similar devices. At the same time, various security requirements are put forward. For example, if an excavator with a balloon is used, this is one thing. The use of explosives is a completely different level, which requires that a cordon be set up across the work area.
Learn more about the regulatory framework

First and foremost, and in most detail, all the issues under consideration are regulated by SNiP. Building codes and regulations are what the organization and technical preparation of a construction site should rely on in anycase. They are the all-Russian state standards. Therefore, they cannot be ignored.
It should be noted that building codes and regulations are not issued in the form of a single complex. SNiPs consider a variety of situations, so the specifics may vary significantly.
Regulatory Requirements
The entire topographic picture should be displayed in the construction master plan. The site, buildings under construction/permanent, temporary infrastructure - everything should be here. The master plan should exist in two versions: objective and general. The first is needed for individual buildings, while the second is used in relation to the entire site. Temporary infrastructure refers to the entire complex of structures that are being built exclusively for the construction period. These are parking lots, roads, warehouses, household buildings and so on. That is, everything that is on the site, with the exception of the building under construction itself.
General rules

Preparation of construction sites must include:
- Identification of areas dangerous for workers, followed by fencing and marking with safety signs.
- All temporary structures (houses, cabins, and so on) must be located outside of non-safe areas.
- Approaches with a slope of 20 degrees or more must be equipped with ladders or ladders with railings.
- If you plan to move through loose soil, then you need toequip decking.
- Shufras, wells and other similar structures must be equipped with covers, their own fences or shields. In the dark, they must be illuminated with signal lights.
- A passageway of at least 60 centimeters wide and 1.8 meters high must be laid to the workplace.
But this is not a complete list. A whole book is needed for everything and the article format is not suitable for this purpose.

Preparation of the construction site is impossible without fulfilling a number of requirements. It is necessary to approach the matter qualitatively, so that later you do not have to redo it. It will not be superfluous to remember the modest fact that safety precautions are written in the blood of those who ignore them. Therefore, the preparation of the construction site must be carried out carefully, it must be done with full attention to all problematic issues, providing quality conditions for workers.