Sometimes it's worth remembering that a homemade rat trap can be more effective than a standard factory item. This fact is confirmed in practice. The most common example is when rats bypass an ordinary mousetrap, feeling that it is dangerous, but rather quickly fall into a new trap, which is an unfamiliar design for them.
At the same time, tinkering to catch a pest is not necessarily something complicated that requires serious skills. Everything ingenious is simple, a home-made rat trap, assembled from improvised materials, can be the best confirmation of this. What it lacks in expensive parts, skills, or time it makes up for in ingenuity in design and ingenuity.
An effective trap can be assembled in just a few minutes using plastic bottles, pots and buckets, and there are a lot of options for such devices. Below are the most effective and simple rat traps.
Types of traps, necessary materials and technology for performing work. Tilting Rat Trap

This design has the following principle of operation: the animal approaches the bait and falls into the trap. This mechanism is quite simple to implement. You can make a tunnel out of cardboard. Instead, you can use a wide plastic pipe. It is placed on the edge of the table so that half of the tunnel hangs over the edge. The other end of the pipe or tunnel can be attached to the table with tape so that the rat cannot move it. The bait is placed on the other side. A deep bucket or barrel should be placed under the tipping point. When the animal is attracted by the bait, it will climb the tunnel, end up on the edge of the table and knock over the pipe, falling into the container with it.
This homemade rat trap is one of the simplest. But there may be several options for its manufacture. You can put a tipping bridge on the edge of the bucket by leading a ladder to it. For this purpose, it is more convenient to use a piece of drawing paper in which slots are made. The bucket is covered with paper. As soon as the rat climbs up and reaches for the bait, it will fall through the slots.

If you use a can or bucket to catch pests, then it is better to pour water there, because without it the beast will jump out of the trap. In the water it will be easier to catch a rat, only before that you should wear construction gloves. A trap working on the same principle can be made with your own hands and from a bottle. A bottle with an open neck is placed on the edge of the table. You can make a special inlet. Fits insidebait. The bottle must be tied around the neck with a thread to something heavy. As soon as the mouse climbs inside, it reaches the bait and, being halfway, it will overturn the container with its weight. After that, the whole trap, along with the prey, will hang on a thread.
Having made a homemade rat trap from a plastic bottle, you must remember that it will not work to catch the pest in this way, because the beast will jump out of the trap. As an option, you can make a paper-like tunnel, which was described above. To do this, cut off the neck and bottom of the bottle, then you can catch the mouse in a barrel or bucket.
Another option for making plastic bottle traps

A variant of this trap looks like this. In the bottle, you need to cut the top. It will open up the interior. To this component of the trap, it is necessary to strengthen a long rod, a tourniquet is fixed to it, which will act as a spring. Near the bottom, through a hole in the wall, it is necessary to strengthen the trigger, to which the bait should be tied. With the help of a tourniquet, the door from the neck is attracted to the body of the container so that it slams shut when the animal pulls the bait.
The capture will look very simple. The rat will be inside, pulling on the treat, and the elastic will allow you to slam the door. With your own hands, a homemade rat trap from a plastic bottle can also be made a friend of technology. To do this, the container is strung on a rod, which can be used as a thick wire. outside the bottlecoated with bait, it can be stew, porridge or sour cream. A rod is placed on the edge of the barrel or bucket, a bridge from the board is brought to the container. As soon as the rat climbs the bridge, it will climb onto the bottle, which will spin, at which time the animal will fall into the bucket.
A similar design can be made from a beer can and a bucket. The disadvantage of such a homemade rat trap is that the design is rather cumbersome, and it is not always convenient to use it at home. Mice are easier.

If you can classify yourself as a fan of aesthetic solutions, it is better to make a compact mousetrap. It can be placed in a closet or under a table. But if the animal has enough time, it will be able to gnaw through the walls of the trap and get out of it. The main thing here is to choose the right center of gravity. The bottle is located on a nail, and a stand should be placed at its neck, along which the animal will climb inside. As soon as it is in the bottle, it will outweigh and be in an uncomfortable position for the mouse.
Making a live trap
The easiest way to make a homemade rat trap is a technology that involves the use of pots and coins. The container is turned upside down, tilted slightly, and its edge rests against a coin placed on its edge. Bait should be placed under the pot.
When the rodent climbs inside, it will touch the coin, which will knock over the pan and cover the animal. Before you doa rat trap using this technology, you should be prepared for the fact that it has one significant drawback, which is frequent false positives. A rat can touch a coin or container before it has climbed inside.
The most sophisticated trap of this type is the improved capacitance. It can be rested against an unstable stand, to which a thread is tied. The latter is thrown over the spacer in the tank, and the bait is tied to the end. The rat gets inside, pulls on the bait and moves the gatehouse.
Another option is to use a strip of cardboard instead of a coin. The cardboard on the inside of the mousetrap should have a special corner on which to put the bait. When the animal pulls on it, the cardboard will topple the trap and cover the animal. To make such traps, you should take a rather heavy container so that the rat cannot move it.
Cage Trap

If you want to make a homemade rat trap with your own hands, then you can use a cage for this. This design has high reliability, efficiency and durability, but the work can be accompanied by difficulties. This will require special parts and materials. The body is made of steel mesh, wooden panels or metal elements. The trigger mechanism will be designed based on springs.

With sufficient skill and desire, the assembly can be done independently. Atcages should have one rising door with a gatehouse. In the initial state, the door should open with the spring tension upwards. At the end of the trap is the bait, the other end of the hook will hold the gatehouse. When the mouse pulls on the bait, the gatehouse will lower and the door will slam shut.
Tunnel Trap

If you want to make a homemade rat trap with your own hands, then you can make a panel trap. The inlet will look like a valve with sharp petals. This design is even used to catch moles in garden plots.
The basis will be a piece of pipe, a valve is installed at each end. The trap must be located in an underground passage. It doesn't matter which side the rat approaches the trap from, the animal will still be caught.
If you are faced with the question of how to make a rat trap, then you can use the technology that will allow you to create real snares. But they may not be suitable for rats that are small in size. To carry out the work, you should prepare:
- piece of fishing line;
- paper clip;
- cable tie;
- heavy load;
- bait.
A wrench can act as a load. In the manufacture of such a trap, it is necessary to select the mass of the load. If it turns out to be insufficient, does not tighten the screed with the necessary force, the rat can run away. When the load is very heavy, this design should not be used as a live trap.succeed, because the animal will have broken ribs.
Zurner Trap
If you are faced with the task of how to make a good rat trap, then you can make a design that works on the principle of a tipping device. The difference is expressed only in completeness and appearance. Such a trap is a wooden house with two entrances. In the middle there is a corridor where the bait is located. The floor on both sides is made of boards on hinges.
As soon as the animal gets close to the bait, the board will fall under the weight of the animal, which will fall into the closed chamber. The hinged board will then return to its original position. Thanks to this trap, you can catch several rats at once. Such a trap is made of wood, since the industry has not established production. In practice, however, this design is rarely used due to the complexity of manufacturing.
Glue rat trap
If you are deciding how to make a simple rat trap, you can pay attention to the glue option. There are even ready-made solutions on sale today. But often such traps are prepared independently. To do this, take a special glue for rodents. They process a piece of cardboard, in the center of which the bait is placed. The rat will be attracted by its smell and will try to get a treat by standing at least one paw on the glue. The animal will understand that it cannot peel off, and will begin to try to break free, getting into the trap with its other paws. After that, the rodent will definitely not be able to get out.
If you do not release the pest, he will die only after a few days. This is the mainthe lack of such traps, because you have to throw out the rat trap with a live rodent, which is especially difficult for impressionable people. Before you make a rat trap at home according to this principle, you should exclude the possibility of pet dogs or cats getting into it, which can get dirty in glue. Washing off this mass will be very problematic, but if this happens, it is better to cut off a piece of wool.
Electro Ratcatcher
This design is popular because after catching a rodent you don't have to worry about how to neutralize the pest. Making an electric trap is easy. It is important to determine its size. If there are large rats in the house or shed, then a box with the following dimensions is suitable for them: 20 x 50 x 30 cm.
The basis is a metal mesh so that the bait can be seen from all sides. If you are thinking about how to make a homemade rat trap, then you should make a door with a mechanism like a Zurner trap. The feature is at the bottom of the device. According to the parameters of the cell, wooden bars are assembled. On the opposite side of the entrance to the bars is wired.
It is necessary to prepare a plate of tin or aluminum, which is located on top of the bars. On the one hand, the springs should be fixed. A bait is suspended above the mechanism. The rat will crawl through the door and move towards the bait by stepping on the spring. In the meantime, the tin surface will sink onto the bare wires, which will provoke a short circuit. The electronic mechanism will work.
Now you know how to make a rat trap out of a bottle. But a rather important factor is also the bait. The best for rats is meat. This animal is predatory and does not particularly lean on grain, flour and cereals. In a hopeless situation, rats begin to gnaw on inedible materials, as they do not tolerate hunger. They need about 50 g of food per day. So they start sharpening plastic, wood, concrete, styrofoam, fabric and brick.
In homemade mousetraps you can put:
- fish;
- chips;
- ham;
- seeds;
- fat;
- cheese;
- meat;
- sausage;
- fresh bread;
- beer.
Instead of food, ready-made poison baits are often laid out. They have flavors that are tempting to pests at first, but contain rat poison inside. Catching a rat is quite simple in many ways, but after that the question of where to put the captured animal remains open. Rodents are caught with only one purpose - to get rid of them completely. By releasing the animal, you give an exact guarantee that it will return again, but not everyone is ready to kill with a scream and blood.
In order to get rid of a rodent, it can be killed with a heavy object. Some use the more humane method of putting the rat in a bottle. In another container, soda should be extinguished with acetic acid, after which the mixture is placed in a jar with a rodent. From carbon dioxide, the animal is deprived of oxygen, loses consciousness and dies painlessly from suffocation. Traps and traps are used whenwhether or not you want to use poison. You can buy a ready-made device, but making it yourself will be more interesting.
In closing
It happens that rats or mice come into the house. But it also happens that such an unexpected guest even enters the apartment. In the latter case, the owners are rarely prepared for such a visit, and they do not have a mousetrap. In this case, you can make a design for catching the beast yourself.