Fire doors: GOST and types

Fire doors: GOST and types
Fire doors: GOST and types

Mankind has been using the doors in their dwellings for many centuries. However, if earlier this element was intended only to protect the house from the intrusion of unauthorized persons, today the functions of the doors have become much wider. And one of the most important is to become an obstacle in the way of fire. Modern fire doors (GOST, its main requirements and recommendations will be discussed below) are able, at a minimum, to delay the penetration of an open flame into the room, thereby giving people the opportunity to leave the building or, if this is not possible, wait for outside help from fire services. The maximum that fire door structures are capable of is to block the flame in a burning room until the fire extinguishing services arrive.

requirements for fire doors GOST
requirements for fire doors GOST

Main regulations

The main regulatory document regulating the requirements for fire doors is GOST. Today there are several such documents, and each of them describes certain parameters of door structures.

n/n GOST number Main requirements and recommendations of the document

R 53307-2007

(instead of 30247.2-97)

Describes various techniques for evaluating fire resistance parameters. The document obliges to test the door for a time period during which the structure will be able to contain the flame, and the temperature indicator at which destruction will begin.
2. 30247.0-94

Describes the test procedures and requirements for resistance to fire under temperature influence under standard conditions.

3. 26602.1-99 Describes methods for determining the resistance to heat transfer of doors and other structures installed in buildings (heated) for various purposes.
4. 26602.3-99 Describes methods for determining the soundproofing of doors. Tests are carried out in laboratory conditions.

The fundamental factor when choosing doors are the characteristics that determine the resistance to fire. When marking structures in literal terms, it looks like this:

  • "E" - the appearance of cracks on the door or the loss of integrity of the entire structure with direct exposure to fire after a designated period of time. For example, "E30" means that destruction will begin after 30 minutes of burning.
  • "I" - loss of properties or combustion of heat-insulatingmaterial.
  • "R" - limit indications of the integrity of the door leaf. After the specified period of time, deformation or destruction will begin.
GOST wooden fire doors
GOST wooden fire doors

Types of fire doors

Before you stop the choice on any one option, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with what types of fire doors there are in general. GOST, SNiP or other regulatory documents regulate the classification of door structures in three directions.

  • Regarding the material from which they are made, the doors can be wooden, metal and glass (the latter is very convenient, as the source of ignition and the intensity of the flame are visible).
  • According to the type of construction, fire doors can be made single-leaf and double-leaf.
  • According to the degree of resistance to fire, there are 3 types of doors - 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

In the production process of such products as fire doors, GOST regulates the technical requirements that any ordinary doors are subject to, and in addition to this, requirements are put forward regarding the parameters of fire resistance, flame resistance. The main point is that the structural elements should not be heated to high temperatures and, moreover, melted. In addition, the deformation from high temperatures should be directed outward or inward.


Today, there are quite a lot of manufacturers on the construction market producing fire doors. Dimensions GOST R53303-2009 regulates the followingway. Usually, any one standard size of doors from a particular manufacturer is tested for fire resistance. The test results described in the protocol are valid for this model within certain dimensional tolerances, which are between +10% and -30% in height and width. Rounding is possible up to 5 cm up and down 10 cm.

fireproof metal door
fireproof metal door

To put it simply, this manufacturer of fire doors GOST allows to produce with deviations of +10% to -30% of the dimensions of the door, which has been tested and has a certificate.

Already the gate or more doors?

Fire doors and gates, GOST
Fire doors and gates, GOST

What size structure can be considered a fire hatch? And what size doorways are they talking about when fire doors and gates are installed? GOST describes both designs with absolute dimensions (the market for certified products will not be able to offer products with larger or smaller dimensions), and certified doors from a specific manufacturer. Since the dimensions start from the doors, the -30% deviation to the design with the smallest dimensions will determine the transition point from doors to hatches. And an amendment of + 10% to the door with the largest dimensions will indicate the moment the doors go into the gate.

Possible installation locations

Installation of fire doors (GOST and SNiP contain complete information) is possible only in certain places. Since the main purpose of such structures is to protect people from fireand property, then the main installation points are considered to be premises with an increased risk of fire. In the field of industry, these are warehouses, corridors, the main switchboard of an enterprise, workshops. In office premises, it makes sense to install such doors where important documentation is stored.

installation of fire doors GOST
installation of fire doors GOST

Applied materials

According to the opinion of the majority of consumers, the metal fire door has the highest degree of fire resistance. GOST - the main regulatory document - obliges to use alloy steel grades for manufacturing. Non-toxic refractory compositions and materials should be used as coatings and heaters. Sufficiently reliable and providing good protection against fire are wooden fire doors, pre-impregnated with special compounds that slow down combustion.

In general, modern technologies make it possible to use aluminum profiles with thermal storage fillers, laminated refractory glass for the manufacture of doors. As a rule, load-bearing structures made of aluminum profiles are supplied with high-quality fittings.

The main stages of manufacturing doors

Technological process, as a rule, step by step looks like this:

  • materials from which door structures will subsequently be made are tested;
  • main structural elements are manufactured in strict accordance with GOST;
  • fire doors GOST 30247.0-94 recommendssubjected to all sorts of tests.

Each structural element has its own specific characteristics. For the manufacture of the door frame, a steel bent profile is used. According to the technical requirements, the presence of a threshold is mandatory. Door handles are made of metal and coated with a special polymer composition, which will allow you to open even a door that has had time to warm up. The body of the lock must be fire resistant. High-quality steel is used for the manufacture of its components.

Special technologies have been developed and widely used in the process of manufacturing metal doors, heat-insulating fillers, thermal tapes expanding from hot smoke, rubber seals from cold smoke are used.

Do I need a license to install doors?

Before giving preference to one or another company for the installation of fire doors, you need to find out if a license is needed for such activities. Since this kind of work must be carried out exclusively by professionals in their field and with the highest quality, a license is, of course, needed. Until the client sees the full set of permits, he will hardly be able to fully trust the contractor. The fire service is responsible for issuing such papers. In the future, it is this structure (the fire department) that will have to monitor whether the work on the installation of fire doors has been carried out with high quality, whether all the requirements and standards described in GOSTs and SNiP have been met.

All requirements, in turn, can be divided into two parts: those stipulated by the normative document andthose that are put forward by the customer to the contractor.

Requirements of regulatory documents (GOST, SNiP)

There is no regulatory document regulating the installation of fire door structures. However, for the installation of ordinary iron doors with some nuances and features, such a document has been developed, and this is GOST. Installation of fire doors must be carried out with construction anchors with a diameter of at least 10 mm. The distance between adjacent fasteners is at least 700 mm. The door structure itself must be installed using a level and a plumb line. The deviation of the box from the axes is allowed no more than 1.5 mm per 1 meter of length. The door unit must be installed in the prepared opening symmetrically with respect to the vertical of the opening. Construction gaps and seams must be filled with mounting foam.

GOST installation of fire doors
GOST installation of fire doors

Customer's requirements for the contractor

Firstly, this is a necessary package of documents. This includes:

  • document giving the right to carry out work on the installation of fire doors (license);
  • fire safety certificate;
  • passport at the door.

It is also necessary to have a well-adjusted closer, under the force of which the door should close itself. Make sure that a special non-combustible fire-fighting foam was used for installation. This is quite easy to do, as it has a pink color. Foam of any other color must be replaced. Accessible for review should be places where the main parameters of the door and itsmanufacturer. In addition, a metal fire door (GOST does not contain such information) must fit snugly against the box. A backlash noticeable for a visual review is poor-quality work on installing the door. The sealing rubber should be slightly compressed. The coloring must be uniform, the thermal expansion tape must be glued well, and the door must be closed by the door closer without impact.

If the customer is satisfied with everything, then the door installation act is signed.

Use and care

fire doors GOST
fire doors GOST

Caring for a fire door is no different from servicing a conventional design, it is not regulated by GOST. Wooden fire doors, just like metal doors, must be used for the declared service life. Structures that have fulfilled their main function during a fire are subject to replacement. In such cases, the door is dismantled and another is installed.
