Cherry serrate: description and photo

Cherry serrate: description and photo
Cherry serrate: description and photo

Cherry serrate sakura is a very unusual tree. For Japanese culture, it is a symbol of the country, beauty and youth. In nature, there are about sixteen types of sakura. In this article, the reader will get acquainted with one of them - small-sawed cherries and some of its varieties.

View description

Cherry serrate sakura is a species of plant from the Rosaceae family. The height of trees of individual varieties reaches twenty-five meters. Their smooth bark is gray, with a brown or brown tint, and bare shoots are yellow. Horizontal cracks of small depth are visible on the bark. Wood has elasticity, which gives the resin. The crown is egg-shaped.

Leaves come in different shapes: ovate, elliptical, obovate. Their length reaches thirteen centimeters or more, and their width is five. The top of the leaves with serrated edges is drawn off, and the base is rounded, wedge-shaped or heart-shaped.

Cherry serrated
Cherry serrated

Flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences, each with two to four specimens. Brushes are small, up to fivecentimeters in length. Sakura serrated cherry flowers have different shades, but more often they are white or pink.

Blooming is a mesmerizing sight. Delicate flowers bloom before the leaves appear. Flowering time and its duration are different for each variety. This process is influenced by the place of growth and weather conditions. Cherry blossoms last longer in cooler climates. Rain and wind are extremely unfavorable phenomena for the plant, the cherry blossom time is significantly reduced.

The fruit of the cherry is a drupe, rounded, ovoid or ellipsoidal in shape with a pointed apex. At the beginning of maturation it has a purple-black color, and then it becomes just black. Depending on the variety, the fruit is either edible or inedible. The price of edible fruits is very high.

Cherry ornamental serrated sakura Kiku shidare

This plant is a kind of serrated cherry. Kiku shidare is a low tree, about four meters. The openwork crown is lush, sprawling, its diameter is the same as its height. It has a flat-round shape and arched hanging branches, they are called weeping. The crown has a tendency to thicken, so it must be shaped by removing excess branches.

Cherry decorative small-serrated sakura kiku shidare
Cherry decorative small-serrated sakura kiku shidare

Cherry serrate surprises with the peculiarity of elliptical leaves to change color throughout the vegetative period. In the spring, when the leaves are just blooming, they have a bronze color. With the onset of summer, they turn green. In autumn they acquireorange-yellow color. The length of the leaves reaches nine centimeters, there are frequent notches along the edges.

Cherry blossoms in the middle of spring, in April. A huge number of double pink flowers appear on the branches, which are collected in large brushes with a diameter of five to seven centimeters. The flowering period is short - a few days.

Growing conditions for Kiku Shidare

Kiku shidare cherry serrate sakura grows on different soils, but prefers calcareous moist soils. This cherry loves well-lit areas that are not blown by the wind. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, superphosphate should be applied regularly and in a timely manner to the soil.

Cherry serrate sakura kiku shidare
Cherry serrate sakura kiku shidare

Unusually beautiful tree is used in landscaping garden and park areas. The Kiku Shidare variety is suitable for the climatic conditions of the steppes and forest-steppes. In these zones, its growth is comfortable.

Cherry Tai Haku

This is an ornamental plant - a kind of serrated cherry. The British call it differently - the Magnificent White Cherry. Her homeland is Japan. Tai haku cherry was exported from the country in 1900.

Cherry serrated tai haku
Cherry serrated tai haku

This is a deciduous plant. It occurs as a large shrub or small tree. Very strong branches are funnel-shaped, growing rapidly in a vertical direction. The height of the plant reaches a seven-meter mark. The crown is lush, its width is up to five meters.

Characterized by alternate arrangementvery large leaf cherry serrate Tai haku. The description includes parameters such as length and width, which are respectively equal to sixteen and ten centimeters. Leaves have the ability to change color. Freshly opened leaves have a reddish-pink hue, and in autumn the large leaves turn yellow-orange.

Cherry serrated tai haku description
Cherry serrated tai haku description

Snow-white flowers are large, their diameter is up to six centimeters. Flowering is plentiful, but short-lived. Ornamental cherry Tai haku is unpretentious in cultivation, resistant to diseases and frost. Used in vertical gardening.

Christmas budding (grafting)

It is held in May, in the middle of the month, when the threat of frost has passed, but the heat has not yet set in. It is necessary to make incisions on the bark and bend it. Then cut off the peephole from the handle along with a piece of bark and insert it into a pre-made incision in the rootstock. The grafting site should be rewound tighter with polyethylene tape. After a couple of weeks, the garter should be loosened. Provided that the eye has a good survival rate, the tree will begin to grow rapidly. Flowering can be expected in two years.

Caring for ornamental cherries

For landing, a sunny place not blown by cold winds is chosen. You should not plant sakura in a hollow or on the north side, as the soil will warm up too slowly, and planting dates will have to be postponed to a later time.

Sakuras prefer moist, well-drained soils of any composition except heavy, clay. Floating soils need to be improved, for which baking powder is added to them: deoxidized peat, compost, vermiculite, manure, sand. But the serrated cherry still gives the greatest preference to fertile and light soils.

Cherry serrated sakura
Cherry serrated sakura

Newly planted plants are very sensitive to drought. Therefore, at first they should be watered more often so that the soil is always moist. Care for decorative and other sakura is the same, with the exception of pruning. Young trees of small-sawed sakura are subjected only to sanitary pruning in a sparing mode.

Cherry serrate is prone to gum flow. It is better to prevent the phenomenon than to cure. Therefore, as a preventive measure, trees are sprayed, watered and fed regularly and in a timely manner.

Wintering of serrated sakura

In order for the small-serrated cherry to successfully overwinter, at the end of summer, any feeding of trees with fertilizers containing a large amount of nitrogen is stopped. But phosphorus and potassium will help to endure the winter more easily. Therefore, fertilizers with their content must be applied. Before wintering, it is necessary to saturate the soil with moisture. To do this, near-stem circles of trees are watered abundantly. As soon as the first frosts come, boles and crowns are tied. For this, covering material is used.

To protect the trunks from sunburn and cracks, they need to be whitewashed or tied with agrofiber. With the onset of spring, while there is still no movement of juice, it is necessary to prune the branches in order to save the crown from thickening. The instrument and sections are disinfected. When the woundsdry, they should be treated with var.
