Krasnobay (tomato): characteristics and features of the variety

Krasnobay (tomato): characteristics and features of the variety
Krasnobay (tomato): characteristics and features of the variety

Growing tomatoes, every gardener dreams of getting huge fruits that will delight with their taste characteristics and perfect appearance. Modern breeders have bred many varieties that differ from each other in color, size and height of shrubs. One of the most successful hybrids is the tomato variety Krasnobay F1.

General characteristics of the plant

Krasnobay - mid-early tomato. From the moment of sowing seedlings to the first harvest, an average of 3 months pass. The shrub is standard and tall, its length can reach 1.5 meters.

tomato krasnobay variety description
tomato krasnobay variety description

This hybrid was bred in Russia in 2008. It is best suited for growing in greenhouses. If we take this quality into account, then it can be noted that Krasnobay is a tomato that can be grown in any region with a glazed greenhouse. If we are talking about a film construction, then this variety is suitable for the southern regions.

The same can be said about growing in the openground. The plant needs to provide the appropriate temperature (this variety loves heat) and a lot of light throughout the growing season, otherwise the fruits will not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.

Tomatoes Krasnobay: description

When ripe, these tomatoes are very beautiful and large. The color of the skin and pulp is bright red, the surface is even, without visible defects. The shape is slightly flattened, and the weight can reach 500 grams, although the average stops at around 350 grams.

The structure of the fruit includes 5 chambers, the dry matter content varies from 5 to 6 percent. Due to its rather dense consistency, Krasnobay is a tomato that perfectly tolerates transportation over long distances and can be stored for a very long time.

gossip tomato
gossip tomato

Also, tomatoes of this variety can be harvested in an unripe form - if there is a warm room, they can "walk" at home.

Tomato Krasnobay, reviews of which are mostly positive, is very popular due to its very good yield. If you provide the plant with all the necessary conditions and do not neglect high-quality care, you can get 12-14 kilograms of large fruits from one shrub.

These tomatoes are great for fresh consumption and for barrel pickling. It is not very convenient to preserve them in their entirety due to their large size.

The balanced chemical composition, the right combination of sugars and acids make these vegetables very tasty and he althytomato juice.

Pros and cons

Tomato Krasnobay is very popular in many regions of Russia. The description of the variety will be incomplete if you do not characterize all its pros and cons.

From the positive qualities, the following can be distinguished:

  • fruits are large, even and very bright;
  • the taste of these tomatoes will not leave indifferent any lover of these vegetables;
  • variety resistant to an extensive list of diseases;
  • a record amount of harvest can be harvested from one bush.

The main and only drawback is the impossibility of growing the variety in open ground in the central and northern regions of the country. A tall greenhouse is desirable for a bountiful harvest.

tomato krasnobay reviews
tomato krasnobay reviews

Growing tomatoes

Krasnobay is a tomato that, like other varieties, is grown from seeds. Seedlings must be prepared 1.5 - 2 months before they are planted in the soil. On average, such work is recommended to start in early March.

In order for the sprouts to sprout as soon as possible and continue to grow actively, they need to provide favorable conditions, which boil down to the following indicators:

  1. Lots of sunlight (therefore, it is best to give preference to the southern windowsill). If there is no possibility to provide natural light, it is necessary to install special lamps above the seedlings.
  2. Daytime air temperature should be between 18-25 degrees.

Beforeto plant seeds collected with one's own hands, it is recommended to disinfect them. To do this, planting material is soaked for a day in a 0.5% soda solution.

The earth must be subjected to the same procedure. Usually, experienced gardeners simply bake it for 15 minutes in an oven set to a temperature of 180-200 degrees. You can also soak the soil with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

The prepared soil is poured into a container, thoroughly moistened and the seeds are sown to a depth of 1 centimeter. Then the container is covered with glass or film and for 2 months the soil is moistened twice a day by spraying it from a spray bottle.

Krasnobay tomatoes description
Krasnobay tomatoes description

As soon as the seedlings get stronger, they can be transferred to the greenhouse. Before this, it is best to dig the soil with the addition of organic fertilizers. For the Krasnobay variety, it is recommended to use such a planting scheme in which there are 3 plants per square meter of land. Further care will consist in timely watering. Also, these tomatoes respond well to complex top dressing.

toman variety krasnobay
toman variety krasnobay

Features of the variety

In addition to the generally accepted rules, when growing this tomato variety, its individual characteristics should be taken into account:

  1. Krasnobay is a tomato that does not tolerate neighborhood with other types of this crop, so they need a separate plot.
  2. Given that the plant grows up to 1.5 meters and at the same time gives a rich harvest of large fruits, it needs a garter. Atthis branch must be propped up using various designs.

Diseases and pests

Krasnobay is a tomato that is immune to many diseases. Usually gardeners are faced with such an ailment as phomosis. To treat plants, the level of soil moisture and the amount of nitrogen contained in it are reduced. Diseased tomatoes must be removed.

From the pests you can meet the whitefish, the codling moth and the sawfly - the drug "Lepidocid" helps well against them. Also a common problem is a miner. In order to get rid of it, they use a tool called "Bison".

Tomato Krasnobay is several times superior to other varieties in terms of quality and size of fruits, but, unfortunately, it can be easily grown only in the southern regions. This variety will be available to gardeners from other regions only if there is a glazed greenhouse.
