When running their own farm, many summer residents grow tomatoes on their plots. These vegetables are indispensable components of many dishes and are widely used in cooking.
Tomato Marmande. Variety description
First, consider the features of the variety. Due to its characteristics, the Marmande tomato is popular among many agronomists. This variety was bred in Holland in the 21st century and does not have F1 hybrids of the same name, which makes it even more unique and interesting to grow.
In terms of ripening, it belongs to the early ones. Tomato Marmande will give ready-to-eat fruits 3 months after planting (85-100 days).
Also, this variety is unpretentious to weather conditions and soil quality, it can be grown without much effort throughout Russia, from the southernmost regions to the northern regions. Such tomatoes tolerate planting in open ground well, although they can also be grown in greenhouses.
Marmande tomatoes are not standard tomatoes. The height of shrubs can vary from 1 to 1.5 meters.
Tomato Marmande, reviews of which are almost always positive, gives large fruits of a flattened shape with an unusual ribbed relief. Suchthe tomatoes are dyed deep red.

Their pulp is characterized by high density and a small number of seeds. Thanks to these qualities, vegetables are excellent both for eating raw and for various types of processing, such as canning or making tomato juice.
This variety tolerates transportation well and can be stored for a long time. In addition, experts note that it bears fruit very well and gives a rich harvest.
Features of cultivation
Tomato Marmande, the description of which was presented above, is very easy to care for and undemanding to the quality of the soil. Even on the poorest soils, it will produce a stable crop. But in order to increase the number of harvested fruits, it is necessary to work hard and provide the plant with comfortable living conditions:
- This variety prefers light and fertile soils, loves warmth and sunlight.
- Growing tomatoes starts with sowing seeds. The best time for these works is the beginning of March (from the 1st to the 10th day of the month).
- For germinating seedlings, it is best to use a small container measuring 10 by 10 centimeters. A special soil mixture for tomatoes is well suited as a soil, because it is already adapted to the characteristics of this crop.
- Then for 55-60 days, the seedlings should be watered regularly using the sprinkling method.

As soon as the seedlings grow up, they can be planted inopen ground, taking into account the individual characteristics of the plant:
- Usually, the Marmande tomato is transferred to the garden from May 15 to May 31. Also, experienced summer residents successfully use a little trick: if you plant seedlings in early May and cover with a film before the onset of warm weather, you can get a harvest a few weeks earlier.
- The distance between individual plants is on average 50 centimeters, and between rows - 40 centimeters. It should be borne in mind that from 7 to 9 shrubs can be placed on one square meter.
- It is not recommended to plant Marmande tomato in areas where peppers, potatoes or eggplants have grown before.
- The best option would be a sunny area, sheltered from the winds.
- Before planting, it is recommended to dig up the ground with a small amount of humus or rotted manure.
Further care of tomatoes is very simple. They need to be watered regularly and protected from frost. Also, this variety responds well to the application of organic fertilizers. With a favorable outcome, the Marmande tomato will bear fruit for 1.5-2 months.

Pros and cons
Very often in many garden plots you can see the Marmande tomato. Reviews of this variety note only one significant drawback - if the plant is "overfed", the shrubs grow strongly, and caring for them becomes more complicated.
These tomatoes have much more advantages:
- fruits are very tasty and attractive onview;
- because of good transportability and long shelf life they are suitable for commercial use;
- the first harvest can be obtained as soon as possible;
- tomatoes ripen together, fruiting lasts long enough;
- among other things, the variety is immune to many common diseases.

Diseases and pests
Tomato variety Marmande is resistant to many diseases, for example, increased immunity is observed to fusarium and verticiliosis.
To protect the plant from pests, various insecticides are used. They are a good prevention against the appearance and reproduction of most insects.
Tomato Marmande is a godsend for both the beginner and the experienced gardener. In order to grow this plant, you do not have to spend all your free time on the beds, and the resulting fruits will undoubtedly please you with excellent taste and long shelf life.