Updating parquet: sanding, varnishing

Updating parquet: sanding, varnishing
Updating parquet: sanding, varnishing

The first impression of a room depends on the gender. If it is dirty, with defects, cracks, then it causes unpleasant sensations in people. I want the house to be cozy and prestigious at the same time. For residential premises, the best floors are solid wood and parquet. Such floors serve for a long time, it is only necessary to regularly update the parquet.

Parquet renovation
Parquet renovation

When carrying out restoration work, first of all, all loose problem areas are very carefully removed so as not to damage neighboring rivets. All cracks are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, removing debris with a wire. When operating the floor, the most important thing is not to run it, but to update the parquet in time. During these works, scraping, grinding and puttying are carried out.

First of all, they do sanding, removing the old varnish with a layer of wood. I must say that this procedure is rarely carried out, since the life of the parquet is reduced from such rough processing. In order to preserve the parquet, sanding is the best way to process it, as it is gentle. It is desirable thatthis procedure was carried out by high-class professionals using special equipment.

Sanding technology

Special machines are used when sanding parquet boards. In this case, rough surface treatment occurs. All unevenness, roughness, dirt and old varnish are removed during this stage of cleaning the floor. The drum-type grinder performs rough processing, and it works very noisily, which is not always acceptable in city apartments.

Parquet sanding
Parquet sanding

More advanced belt-type equipment renovates parquet without ripples. As a result, the surface of the parquet is perfect. Also, these machines have an advanced dust collection system. In hard-to-reach places, special equipment is used, or they are processed manually.

Then, the cracks are puttyed with a special mass. To do this, take a spatula and, slowly, fill the gap and all the chips and potholes over the entire depth. When the putty dries (1-1.5 hours), sanding is carried out with a special machine. Good equipment has an advanced dust collection system. Therefore, specialists carry out grinding with high quality, quickly and without dust.

Board sanding
Board sanding

Varnishing parquet must be done initially multi-layered. Because the more layers, the more stable and durable it is. But not only the strength of the coating depends on the number of layers, but the type of varnish used is also important. More recently, the most fashionable was oak parquet, which was rubbed with mastic. But modernthe production of varnishes such as matt and semi-matt, allows you to save the pattern of the parquet. After the invention of durable varnishes such as polyurethane, varnished floors became very popular. Updating parquet with a modern tool becomes safer for human he alth. Hazardous chemicals are not found in water-based varnishes.


Parquet board is a beautiful and practical covering in the house. Every day, the floor experiences heavy loads, so it gradually wears out, fades and needs to be restored. Parquet can be renewed and given a second life with the help of special equipment and modern varnishes.
