Small bugs in the apartment: causes and methods of struggle

Small bugs in the apartment: causes and methods of struggle
Small bugs in the apartment: causes and methods of struggle

Various types of insects often appear in apartments - ants, bugs, cockroaches and many others. They cause great inconvenience, spoil furniture, plants and products. Man has learned to successfully deal with these pests. The most effective ways to deal with bugs will be discussed in the article.

Brown bugs

Brown bugs in the apartment live in wardrobes, under the baseboard, in products, they climb into the carpet and upholstered furniture, live on indoor plants. Most often, kozheeds and anthrenuses start up in the dwelling. Caterpillars of kozheedov are very tenacious, unlike adult bugs, they can do without food for several weeks. The larvae hide behind the back walls of cabinets and baseboards, developing first into caterpillars and then into adults.

Insects enter the room through open windows that do not have mesh, through ventilation holes, as well as along with old furniture, cereals, books and spices purchased by weight.

Small bugs in the apartment prefer dry places, because they do not like moisture, so the bathroom is not included in their habitat. Kozheeds feed on any organic matter, eating skin, fur, down, flowers, feathers and food. They are very fond of destroying books whose bindings are glued together with a composition containing starch. The insects are two to four millimeters long and come in brown, dark brown and black colors.

Varieties of brown bugs

One of the frequent uninvited guests in the apartment is a grain skin eater who loves nuts, cereals, bran, grain and flour. And also - ham kozheed, eating any meat and fish products. This bug also destroys stuffed animals, leather goods and furs. Kozheedy calmly endure sudden changes in temperature.

Disinsection of cockroaches
Disinsection of cockroaches

The way from a larva to an adult they pass in a period of 6 to 12 months. Females of all varieties of these beetles lay more than a hundred eggs, which develop in inconspicuous places. For example, brown beetle larvae in an apartment are most often found in dark corners, as they do not tolerate sunlight very well.

Anthrenuses are small pests and reach a size of one to four millimeters, have a brown or black color. They live in carpets and upholstered furniture, prefer to eat particles of the epidermis and any organic matter. Often cause skin irritation and allergic reactions in humans.

Small black bugs in the apartment

Black bugs get into the apartment in the same ways as brown ones. The main problems when these insects appear in the house are damage to food, furniture, human bites, as well as quickpest reproduction. Some types of black bugs are resistant to various types of infectious diseases. There are quite a few varieties of black bugs.

Black bugs in the apartment
Black bugs in the apartment

Let's look at some of them:

  • Black cockroaches that reach a length of two to three centimeters. They have a dense black coat. The main danger of these insects is that they are carriers of pathogenic bacteria and viruses to which they themselves are not susceptible.
  • Flour beetle. These insects reach a size of two to four millimeters and are black in color. Such small bugs in the apartment prefer to settle in the kitchen, since their main food is flour, cereals, grains and legumes. They do not pose a danger to humans, but they spoil food.
  • Carpet bugs. This species prefers to settle in carpeting, bedding and clothing. Usually it is also not dangerous to humans, with the exception of some cases when an allergic reaction is possible.

White bugs

White bugs in the apartment most often live in the bathroom or toilet, as they love wet rooms. The most common white bugs that live in our homes are silverfish or wood lice.

White bugs in the bathroom
White bugs in the bathroom

The silverfish, growing up, reaches a length of about one centimeter, has an elongated body and a light gray, white or translucent color. It is active at night and moves very quickly with the help of numerous paws. Eatsorganic food, wet paper, mold, synthetic fibers and dead relatives.

Woodlice also prefer to settle in bathrooms and toilets because of their love of moisture. They have a gray, white or brown color, and the body is divided into segments, each of which has a pair of legs. These animals cannot do without water, as they are related to the species of land crustaceans, and their breathing is carried out with the help of gills. They eat any organic matter and are distinguished by good fertility. The females of these babies lay about a hundred eggs in an apartment, and after 25 days a fully formed individual appears.

Flying bugs

Very often flying bugs start up in houses. In most cases, this is a mosquito. They are small in size and, growing up, reach a length of about three millimeters. Midges do not cause much harm, but they get into food and drinks, get into a person’s ears and crawl into their eyes.

small flying bugs
small flying bugs

Some types of flying bugs in the apartment can bite, and also cause the death of plants and flowers in the house. Most often, midges appear in expired products, in stagnant water and in the soil of houseplants oversaturated with water.

Some types of skin beetles and black bugs can also fly around the apartment. From time to time, aphids may also appear, which feed on the juice of representatives of the room flora. In addition to discomfort, aphids cause dangerous diseases in plants. It reaches about three millimeters in length, and only somespecies are five to seven millimeters long. These insects come in a variety of colors: green, grey, dark brown and black.


In the kitchen, you can often find another pest - this is a weevil beetle or, as it is also called, an elephant beetle. These small brown bugs in the apartment start directly in the products themselves. They got their name because of the peculiarities in the structure of the calf. In front of their head they have a long tube with which weevils feed.

Beetles - weevils
Beetles - weevils

Weevils are one of the largest families of beetles, in apartments, in most cases eight species are found. Cereals are considered the most harmful of them. These insects cause damage in agriculture, reducing crop yields by 40%. Weevil larvae are omnivorous, eating stems and leaves of house plants, buds and shoots, as well as cereals, grains and legumes.

After the cereal weevil bugs start to lay eggs in the apartment, they begin to lay eggs inside plants or fruits, in which the larva develops in the future. Feeding and destroying its "home", it turns into a chrysalis, and then into an adult bug.

Another kind of weevil

Another common type of weevil is the rice beetle, which is just as dangerous to food as the grain weevil. It is a brown bug, three to four millimeters long. It has small wings and a lighter color than the barn weevil.

He also eats almost all types of cereals, cereals and beans, even eats tobacco found in cigarettes. In the apartment, rice weevil bugs settle in the cracks of the floor, walls and hide among old books. The female lays 150 to 300 eggs. At home, eight to ten generations of these pests can appear per year.

In addition to spoiling food, weevils cause allergic alveolitis in humans. They also pose a great danger to grain stores and flour mills. Grain with weevils, which is eaten after the preparation of baked goods from it, can cause serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in people.

Weevil control methods

When small bugs appeared in the apartment, it is urgent to take measures to destroy them. If you find a weevil beetle or its pupae in the products, you should immediately throw away these products, having previously carefully packed them in plastic bags. If this pest did not have time to spoil the food supplies, you can get rid of it in the following way.

Insect disinsection
Insect disinsection

Cereals, legumes and grains that have been found to have bugs must be refrigerated where, at zero temperatures, adults will die in two months, larvae in one month, and oviposition in three weeks. Weevil can be frozen at -15°C and will die after 24 hours.

And there is also an option - to calcine food in the oven attemperature of 60 degrees for 48 hours. You can also use the numerous insecticides that are widely available in retail. You should choose exactly the drug that is right for your case, in a good price-quality ratio.

Ways to deal with brown bugs

How to get rid of brown bugs in an apartment? First of all, it is required to identify all the places where brown bugs live. It is imperative to find egg-laying places and mechanically destroy them, in order to avoid the reproduction of pests. The next step will be the selection of the necessary means for removing parasites. It is necessary to select the drug taking into account that there is no allergy to it, since most of these drugs are highly toxic.

Still brown bugs in the apartment are removed with the help of folk remedies and chemicals. The difficulty in dealing with this type of insect lies in the fact that you will have to process a fairly large amount of territory in your apartment. If it turns out that there are a great many brown bugs in the dwelling, then in this case it is recommended to call the pest control service. Its representatives will effectively deal with insects in a short time and at a relatively low price for their services.

Fighting black bugs

Bugs in the apartment, living in carpets, can be destroyed very simply. It is enough to give the carpet to dry cleaning, and after it has been treated with special compounds, all bugs and their egg-laying will die. Tree bugs and skin beetles, which often live in bed linen and clothes,can be destroyed by heat treating these things.

Beetles hide in secluded places
Beetles hide in secluded places

But it is not easy to deal with black bugs and cockroaches, as these insects tolerate various types of poisons and insecticides well. Moreover, over time, this type of bug adapts to the poison, and it becomes immune.

And it is also likely that after you process your apartment with special means, some of the bugs will move to the neighbor's living space, and after a while will return back. It is for this reason that it is recommended to contact the insecticidal service in order to quickly, competently and efficiently deal with uninvited guests.

Removal of flying bugs and prevention

Flying bugs in the apartment will cause much less trouble compared to black bugs. Midges or aphids can be easily removed with insecticidal sprays and powders. They are very sensitive to chemicals and unable to resist them. It will be enough just to choose a means for their destruction from the assortment available in specialized stores.

It is also important to search your apartment for the presence of midge or aphid eggs, and if found, destroy it mechanically, and treat the place of insect dislocation with a pest control. After baiting small bugs in the apartment, it is necessary to do a wet general cleaning and ventilate the room well.

An important aspect in the fight against insects that have settled in your apartment is prevention. Necessaryperiodically sort through the products in the kitchen, especially cereals, legumes and grains. View carpets, bedding and clothes. Pay attention to secluded places in the bathroom and toilet. If bugs reappear in the apartment, then you must immediately take measures to combat them.

In order to prevent the appearance of insects in the apartment, it is also necessary to cool the room in winter. When the temperature outside is minus 10 degrees, open the windows wide open for at least four hours, leaving the room yourself for this time. The procedure is recommended to be carried out once a month. This will help prevent the appearance of various pests in your apartment.

It is necessary to keep the house clean and tidy, once a month to do wet cleaning with disinfectants. Clothes and bedding in the summer - soak in the sun, and in the winter - freeze on the street. This will help prevent the appearance of bugs and destroy them if they are present on things. By following these guidelines, you can effectively deal with insects that have appeared in your apartment, as well as prevent their reappearance along with the problems they cause.
