Storm sewage systems - what is it and how are they arranged?

Storm sewage systems - what is it and how are they arranged?
Storm sewage systems - what is it and how are they arranged?

The storm sewer system is also called rainwater or storm water. It is installed on the site to collect and drain water from the roof of houses, road surfaces and land. Storm drainage should not be confused with ground drainage, which is laid to a certain depth and is designed to lower the level of groundwater. It is relevant for areas in the lowlands, for areas where a significant amount of precipitation falls.

Storm drainage is also used in flood areas. If there is a lot of water in the area, then this can cause flooding. The foundation erodes over time, the soil becomes swampy, and the basement is flooded. The storm sewer system protects the site and the house from such troubles.

What is a storm drain

storm sewer systems
storm sewer systems

Rain sewage system - these are pipes, trays, plugs, sand traps, storm water inlets, siphons and other elements. The system can also be supplemented with a storm well. final schemewill depend on the type of rainfall. The main purpose is to collect surface water and direct it to the sewer.

Moisture is collected in a single stream. The drainage of water from the system cannot be done into the drainage soil system. They are installed in parallel at the same angle, but are different designs. Storm drainage is above ground.

Drainage scheme

geberit storm sewer system
geberit storm sewer system

Storage sewage treatment systems are installed under vertical drainage pipes. There should be several water collectors on the territory. All of them are tied with polymeric sewer pipes. This allows you to connect the elements into a single system.

The scheme also provides for a prefabricated well, which is usually located at the lowest point of the site. Therefore, stormwater uses the principle of gravity. The drainage scheme may include the use of pipes that are installed in the form of a Christmas tree or in a circle.

In the first case, a straight contour is drawn from the water collectors near the house to the well. Contours from parts of the site and outbuildings are connected to it. In a circular circuit, there is a main circuit, but additional ones are connected in a circle. A system of sewer pipes is laid around the main house, which are complemented by contours. If the area is large enough, then there may be several circular contours.

How stormwater is arranged depending on the method of rainfall removal

list of works on the maintenance of the systemstorm sewer
list of works on the maintenance of the systemstorm sewer

Storm sewer system can be classified according to the method of water drainage. It can be open and is also called superficial. Rainwater is discharged by this system using open gutters in the form of trays and channels. Moisture goes outside the site. Trays are recessed, installed in tracks, as well as blind areas. They are sometimes fixed with cement mortar. Sewer gratings are installed on top of the gutters, which are removable.

Open system is most common in private homes, as well as small towns with low population density. The storm sewer system is also closed, it is called deep. Water in this case is collected in built-in trays and sand traps. Moisture enters the storm water inlets, which are wells. The sloping line leads the sediments to the sewer network. Pumping equipment can also be used to transport water.

Rain and melt waters pass through the sewer collector, thalwegs and get into sewage treatment plants and artificial reservoirs. The closed system is used in large settlements and cities, sometimes in private areas.

Mixed rainwater device

work camp drainage and storm sewerage system
work camp drainage and storm sewerage system

Mixed storm sewer is a drainage system that consists of street trays and underground pipes. In the design, drainage is carried out by gravity. The only exceptions are unfavorable terrain conditions.

The storm network route is located along the shortest path to the point of discharge into a reservoir or sewer. The device uses reinforced concrete non-pressure pipes. Mixed stormwater is suitable for reducing construction costs.

Classification of drainage by type of drainage

storm sewer sampling methodology
storm sewer sampling methodology

Point storm drainage is provided using local drainage systems in the form of stormwater wells. They are installed to collect water from a point area, for example, from a roof. The work camp's drainage and storm sewer system has grates that filter baskets, the last of which is needed to retain debris.

The system is connected to underground sewer pipes that transport water to a collector well. Storm drainage can also be linear. It is installed to collect atmospheric precipitation from the territory of an impressive area.

Linear drainage is designed to solve the problems of water disposal in a complex way. This system is based on:

  • channels;
  • trays;
  • chute;
  • sand traps.

The latter are containers for retaining fine debris and sand. Inside there is a basket where garbage accumulates. Cleaning of such sewers is carried out by emptying baskets.

Drainage device with drainage

storm sewer is a drainage system
storm sewer is a drainage system

If the storm drain is supplemented with drainage, then the latter can be equipped using a closed technology. The pipes are underearth, and on the surface only the covers of the wells are visible. Underground drainage sewerage can be installed in areas with clay soil and with soils where loam prevails. Drainage is also relevant in those areas where the aquifer lies high. Drainage is required if there is water in the basement in the spring, or the foundation had to be deeply buried.

When considering a storm sewer with a drainage system, you should note that the latter provides for:

  • manholes;
  • drainage lines;
  • sand traps;
  • drain;
  • storage and overflow wells.

Perforated pipes collect excess moisture from the soil, and sand traps clear it of silt. Excess water enters the water collectors through the main pipeline. This process is controlled by wells, the design of which may be different. With the help of them, the system is also cleaned.

Drains can be made from the following materials:

  • ceramics;
  • asbestos cement;
  • plastic.

Asbestos-cement pipes are quite cheap, but inferior to the rest in terms of durability. Ceramic ones are ready to last for decades, but are more expensive. More common are plastic pipelines, which may be based on polyethylene, polypropylene or PVC. Polyethylene products are the most resistant to frost, they do not crack under sudden temperature changes.

The roof storm sewer system is an integral part of the scheme. Its elementsare installed along the walls on the roof. With the help of trays, water is collected from the roof and transported to the ground storm sewer. The drainage system provides for:

  • funnel;
  • connectors;
  • drainage gutters;
  • stubs;
  • tees;
  • swivel knees.

Modern gutter system is a designer, the details of which are assembled in a certain sequence. Items can be made from the following materials:

  • plastic;
  • ceramics;
  • galvanization;
  • copper.

The choice will depend on the architecture of the house and the type of roofing material. Gutters are sometimes supplemented with protective nets, drips and anti-icing cables. These devices are optional, but improve the functionality of the storm drain.

Storage sewage systems of a private house provide for inspection and drainage wells, which can be made from:

  • plastic;
  • stone;
  • brick;
  • reinforced concrete rings;
  • car tires;
  • fiberglass.

Materials may vary, but the construction is the same. It assumes the presence of a cover, a shaft, a working chamber and a bottom. Ready-made well structures are easier to install than others. This is especially true in the case of plastic. The most budgetary option is made of reinforced concrete rings or car tires.

Drain "Geberite"

storm sewer with drainage system
storm sewer with drainage system

When it's time to add a roof gutter system to your home, there are several options you can consider. Among others is the Geberit stormwater storm, which has an increased throughput and a reduced pipe diameter. The siphon storm drain system has been setting the standard for indoor drainage for decades.

Funnel design ensures that risers and pipes fill without air pockets in the event of rain. The Geberit storm sewer system has pipes into which water enters, forming a closed column. It creates low pressure and sucks in drains. This increases the flow rate and capacity despite the reduced pipe diameter.

Design freedom and labor savings with the Geberit storm drain

Geberite gives consumers maximum design freedom as designers need fewer rainwater outlets, sewer pipes and risers. When laying the supply pipes, it will be possible to provide a reduced pressure, so slopes are no longer required, which simplifies installation and saves space.

Geberit's storm sewer system reduces material costs and labor costs. To plan the system, you can use the program with the Pluvia module. As a service, the company offers consumers to perform calculations for internal drainage systems.

Sampling from the storm drain

The storm sewer system sampling methodology involves the analysis of water from a well, whichlocated in front of the discharge of treated water. The unit is equipped with a butterfly valve and is designed to take a sample of the treated effluent. The well can be made of fiberglass reinforced plastic and must have high chemical and corrosion resistance. An excellent example is the UNILOS-KK well, which has durability, low operating costs and low thermal conductivity.

Wells are located on the route of wastewater after passing through the last filtration systems. Sampling locations, which are also called control points, are selected in accordance with the objectives of the work. Samples should be taken from mixed streams. Pickup locations should be close to the drop point.

Sample classification

For lowering, transporting and lifting the sample, if necessary, mechanization means, such as trolleys and winches, should be provided. There are simple and mixed samples. The former characterize the composition of water and are obtained by a single selection. A mixed sample characterizes the composition of a liquid over a certain period of time.

Shower maintenance

Storm drains are regularly checked and cleaned. Inspection is carried out in spring and late autumn in preparation for winter. The entire system is inspected after every heavy rain. Even if the scheme provides for nets on water inlets and sand traps, suspended silt and small debris can get inside the sewer.

The list of works on the maintenance of the storm sewer system provides for the removal of foreign elements from the gutters,pipes and wells. This must be done during regular checks, otherwise the drainage elements will silt up, which will lead to the cessation of the stormwater system.

Cleaning up

Pipe cleaning is carried out with a pump and a large volume of water. Using a hose with a nozzle, you can wash away all deposits from the walls of pipelines. Limescale and sludge will end up in the well, from which the debris is pumped out by a drainage pump or vacuum sludge pump. Usually rinsing is enough, but sometimes you have to resort to mechanical cleaning with scrapers or a hooked plumbing cable.

In conclusion

Every house should have a storm drain. It consists of plastic sewer pipes, fittings and a collection well. The scheme also provides for the presence of manholes, as well as collections in the form of cones. We should not forget about the decorative grilles, with the help of which the design of the water collectors is carried out and the system is protected from penetration and debris.
