In the middle of summer, beautiful dahlias bloom in the gardens. According to some reports, there are about 15,000 varieties, and this list is regularly updated. Dahlias differ in their shape, color, size and structure of inflorescences, bush height. You can use these flowers not only in single plantings, but also in flower beds, and when creating group compositions. Today we propose to talk about varieties of dahlias. The names and photos of the most popular are waiting for you below!
Dahlias single row
To this category, gardeners include flowers with simple buds, the diameter of which is up to 10 cm. This group is also called simple dahlias. They are characterized by the arrangement of petals in one row, flat, fully opened flowers. The middle of such dahlias consists of a large number of tubular flowers that have a bright yellow hue. The height of a single row dahlia is usually between 25 and 50 cm, but there are exceptions.
One of the most popular varieties of single-row dahlias is Romeo, which is distinguished by its juicy scarlet color. The height of the Romeo stem is usually about 55 cm. The diameter of the buds depends on the soil and the conditions of detention, usually the flowers reach 10 centimeters. Such dahlias bloom for an extremely long time - they delight the eye until late autumn!

Happy Kiss
Happy Kiss also enjoys special love from gardeners. It was bred by breeders from Holland at the very beginning of the 21st century. The flowers of this dahlia have a rich orange hue, their diameter usually reaches 10 cm. Happy Kiss bushes rarely grow above half a meter.
Considering the varieties of annual dahlias (we will definitely introduce you to the names and photos of some of them), one cannot fail to note the bright flowers of Piccolo. Due to their short stature - about 45 centimeters - they are great for growing both in pots and in open ground. The color of dahlias of this variety can be very different: red and white, yellow and pink. You can gently pinch the main stem, this will allow you to get a huge flowering ball that will definitely not leave any grower indifferent!
Funny guys
Often, representatives of the single-row category are sold in the form of varietal mixtures. The variety mix Merry guys deserves special attention. This plant is characterized by a height of 70 to 100 cm. The diameter of the flowers is usually about 8-10 centimeters. Like Romeo, the variety of annual dahlias Cheerful guys is distinguished by a single row arrangement.petals and a bright yellow center.
By the way, you can save the tubers of your favorite colors and turn them from annuals to perennials! To do this, immediately after the first frost, you need to dig up the vending dahlias along with a clod of earth, cut off the withered stems, and leave the root tubers to dry. Gardeners recommend not removing the remaining soil: it forms a crust that protects the tubers from drying out. Dried tubers must be folded into cardboard or wooden boxes, having previously lined the bottom with thick paper, and put away in a cool place, for example, in the basement. It is necessary to periodically check the root tubers: it is important that they do not have mold or rot. In the spring, the planting material must be inspected, the damaged places removed with a knife, then sprinkled with coal powder. It will also be useful to treat with phytosporin. Stored tubers can be planted immediately in the ground in May. They should be sprinkled with earth to the base of the sprouts, which will stimulate the formation of new young roots, on which, in fact, new root tubers will appear.
Annual dahlias (pictured) varieties Cheerful guys will retain their colors even in subsequent offspring. However, flower growers note that repeated repetition of the cycle can lead to the fact that root tubers may begin to degenerate.

Anemone (anemone) dahlias
As the name implies, the flowers of these dahlias look very similar to anemones, only terry. Their inflorescences usually consist of two or three rows of delicate flat petals. This categoryIt is represented by both monochromatic varieties and dahlias with a core of a contrasting color. Low-growing varieties of anemic dahlias usually grow about 30 cm, tall ones reach 80.
Due to the interesting shape of the flowers, these dahlias go well with perennial annuals. Landscape designers recommend planting them in the foreground of spring-blooming flower beds to camouflage wilting leaves. Anemone dahlias begin to bloom in July and delight with their beautiful appearance until November. When choosing a place for this garden category, you should pay attention to areas with permeable fertile soil located in the sun. The distance between plantings should be 30-50 cm.
Boogie Woogie
Dahlias such as Boogie Woogie will bring bright colors to your garden and will surely become a favorite variety. Its luxurious dense flowers bloom in July and delight until October. The diameter of the inflorescences ranges from 5 to 10 cm, they all have a pleasant sweet aroma. The coloring of the Boogie Woogie deserves special attention: the upper petals have a bright yellow tint, the lower ones, in turn, are distinguished by white and pink tones. The petals are quite densely arranged, strongly dissected at the tips. The bush of this variety is compact, but at the same time lush. Its height is 80-100 cm. The stems are dense, strong, they do not need to be tied to a support. The color of the leaves is dark green. In reviews of the Boogie-Woogie variety, gardeners note: its flower stalks are stable in cutting, which means they will delight for a whole week,perfectly retaining its decorative effect. You can plant such dahlias not only in flower beds, but also in containers and planters.

Reviews about this variety of dahlias say: Lambada is the real queen of the garden! It blooms in July, is characterized by unpretentious care and an incredible play of shades. The upper petals of this variety of dahlias have a pleasant milky hue, the core is dark pink. The lower petals are painted in pleasant soft pink tones. The diameter of the blossoming inflorescence is usually about 15 cm. Anemone Lambada usually grows up to 100-110 centimeters, its stems do not need to be tied up, in rainy weather the flowers do not lean to the ground. This makes dahlias of this variety indispensable for various flower arrangements.
Cactus dahlias
This variety of dahlias is characterized by large buds with an unusual shape of petals - they are all twisted into tubules. Representatives of this group are perennial plants, and therefore they do not need to be dug up in the fall. Varieties of dahlias (pictured below) of the cactus group are both dwarf and tall: their height can vary between 30-150 cm. The diameter of the flowers is usually about 10-30 cm. Choose a place for cactus species, preference should be given to sunny areas, protected from drafts and cold. Flower growers say that dahlias of this garden category should be in sunlight for at least 6 hours a day. As for the soil, choose either sandy or loam.
Stars Lady
Speaking of the best varieties of dahlias, this elegant cactus beauty should be noted. Gardeners joke: Stars Lady is direct proof that beauty does not require sacrifice. This variety is characterized by unpretentiousness, long and lush flowering, which begins in July and lasts until the first frost.

Stars Lady flowers are quite large and dense, the petals have a pleasant creamy shade with a slight pink tint, their edges are twisted into a tube. This variety has an enchanting aroma. Like other representatives of the cactus group, Stars Lady does not need to be tied to a support. The height of this shrub usually does not exceed 60 cm. This variety is ideal for creating graceful borders.
Park Record
If it seems to you that the garden lacks bright colors, then you should pay attention to such a variety of dahlias as Park Record. This pretty dwarf plant is characterized by a height of 40-50 cm, strong stems, dense green leaves. The diameter of one flower of this variety is 15-18 cm. The Park Record variety is characterized by bright color: flowers, the petals of which are twisted into tubules, have a rich copper-orange hue. It is worth noting that flowering begins in July, it can be called repeated, each flower adorns the bush for 15 days. Flower growers say that Park Record is simply indispensable for border compositions: it allows you to create a clear and bright line.

Semi-cactus dahlias
Transitionalbetween cactus dahlias and their decorative forms, gardeners call semi-cactus varieties. They are characterized by terry inflorescences, wide petals, which are folded at their base by less than half the length. This class has many advantages: for example, they are not particularly whimsical to growing conditions, grow very quickly and delight with lush flowering. The description of the varieties of dahlias in this category pleases gardeners: if you place them in a site where there is enough sunlight, dahlias will bloom in the middle of summer and will delight the eye until the first autumn frosts.
Mix Peppermint
This variety was bred in 1992 in the United States of America. Delicate and at the same time colorful flowering of these dahlias can decorate even the most unsightly corners of the garden. The flowering period falls on July-October, representatives of this variety bloom with dense lush flowers, each with a diameter of 15-20 cm. The flowers are characterized by a milky hue with chaotic strokes of lilac or pink. Each bud blooms for about 2-3 weeks, its flowering is accompanied by a light sweet aroma. The height of perennial dahlias of the Mix Peppermint variety is 130 centimeters, they do not need to be tied to a support. It is worth saying that, like other semi-cactus dahlias, Mix Peppermint does not bow to the ground.

Speaking of the most popular varieties of low-growing dahlias, one cannot but mention the Aspen variety. The height of this plant does not exceed 60 cm, not very large and the flowers - their diameter is usuallyis no more than 10 centimeters. This variety is characterized by a luxurious white color. Aspen blooms in several stages, each lasting about 2-3 weeks. In reviews of the variety, flower growers note its delicious aroma. Typically, these dahlias are used for border planting, decorating flower beds and mixborders. In addition, they are great for growing in pots at home.
The bright yellow handsome Kennemerland also belongs to the varieties of dahlias of the semi-cactus group. The height of this plant can reach 1.1 m, the diameter of the flower is usually about 11 centimeters. This variety originated in the Netherlands. The date of its creation is considered to be 1973. The bush of the plant is quite dense, keeps its shape perfectly. Differs in unpretentiousness to conditions of cultivation. Luxurious flowering begins in mid-summer and lasts until the first autumn frosts.
Globular dahlias
Perhaps the most favorite class of dahlias are globular flowers. The diameter of the buds of this category usually ranges from 8 to 20 centimeters. As the name suggests, the flowers are ball-shaped. They are completely fluffy. The petals are usually arranged in a spiral. Florists note that planting spherical dahlias in areas prone to flooding is not worth it. Their root system does not tolerate high humidity and rots. As a preventive measure, a drainage layer is suitable - broken brick or expanded clay.
Boom Boom Purple
This variety of dahlias (pictured) has amazing shapes and a unique shade. For flowers with a diameter of about 7-10 cm, it is characteristicdeep purple hue and incredible fragrance.

The edges of the petals are slightly pointed, the petals themselves are slightly folded, so the flower looks like a neat ball. The flowering period is about four weeks, it is lush and repeated. The height of Boom Boom Purple rarely exceeds 100 centimeters, its stems are very strong, the leaves have a rich green tone. Dahlias of this variety are stable in cutting, perfect for creating combined bouquets. In landscape design, they are usually used for single planting and decorating mixborders.
Fanny Face
The name of the dahlia variety can be translated into Russian as a funny face. Charming colorful balls fill the garden with bright highlights and amazing aroma. Dahlias begin to bloom in June, while they form spectacular balls, the diameter of which is about 10 cm. On the bright yellow petals of Fanny Face, there are fancy strokes of a rich red hue. Gardeners recommend using this variety in flowerbeds and mixborders, Fanny Face looks equally good in both single and group plantings. In addition, this variety is great for masking not the most decorative parts of the garden.

Pompon dahlias
One of the most spectacular types of dahlias is considered to be pompoms. Lush inflorescences reach a diameter of 7 cm. In its form, a pompon dahlia is a low bush with dense strong shoots. The difference from other species is noticeable in the shape of the petals:they are folded along the entire length into loose tubes. Flower growers note a variety of colors of inflorescences, but such dahlias do not have a blue color. But the play of tone, which changes from the center of the flower to its edges, is surprising. Beautiful dahlias please with their bright colors throughout the summer season. But even a slight decrease in temperature leads to the fact that the flowers and leaves die off. Frost sensitivity is perhaps the only drawback of this category of dahlias.
Do you dream of growing lush white flowers in your garden? Pay attention to such a variety of dahlias as Snowflake! It belongs to the category of early flowering, the height of the bush reaches 80 cm. The petals are slightly twisted, have a snow-white color. Bloom Snowflake begins in July, ends in October. It is worth noting that strong flowers do not fade for a long time, the plant is ideal for cutting. It is also important that this ornamental plant can be grown even in a pot on the windowsill.

Golden Touch
The name of this flower can be translated as a golden torch. This is not surprising: under the bright rays of the sun, the petals of these dahlias seem to become even brighter! In reviews of dahlias of this variety, flower growers say that this is a real yellow giant. On long peduncles (about 60 cm) are flowers of a golden or pale yellow hue. The diameter of each bud is about 8-10 cm.