Building mixtures. PGS is

Building mixtures. PGS is
Building mixtures. PGS is

PGS is a sand and gravel mixture. It is used to make building mortars. It should be said that the solutions in which ASG is present are an excellent material for arranging roads.

pgs is
pgs is

General information

PGS is a material with good chemical and physical characteristics. Compared to other blends, it is inexpensive. That is why it is very popular among building materials. Two types of sand and gravel mixtures can be distinguished: natural (ordinary) and enriched.


PGS is a natural material. It is mined in places where there are sea or river beaches. Work in quarries is carried out using excavator equipment. Enriched sand-gravel mixture is produced by adding a certain amount of gravel to the originally mined volume. When the material is removed from the ground, it can be seen that large grains of gravel are present in it. Such a natural mixture includes, in addition to gravel, sand in a significant amount. ASG of this composition is usually used to backfill the top layer of the road. It can also be used in drainage systems.

pgs concrete
pgs concrete


There are some standards that regulate the ratio in which gravel is present in the total amount of ASG. Thus, the presence of bulk material with a diameter of 5 mm should not exceed 95%, but the minimum amount should be at least 5%. The main impurities that make up ASG are dust or clay. According to the standards, their number should not exceed 5%. Gravel, which is present in this natural mixture, has a number of useful properties. This, in particular, hardness, density, frost resistance. One of the main advantages of PGS is its affordable cost. Compared to other natural minerals, the mixture is very cheap. Thus, with small funds, you can purchase impressive volumes of material. But a mixture of sand and gravel, despite the fact that there is a wide variety of their natural compounds, is used in construction only as auxiliary materials. For a process such as leveling and planning surfaces, it is better to use enriched raw materials.

crushed stone pgs
crushed stone pgs

Using CGM

Concrete, as you know, is used for the construction of a variety of structures. This is due to the fact that it is considered a universal material. Concrete consists of the following components: water, cement and filler. In some cases, chemical additives are added to improve the characteristics of the solution. One of the most popular aggregates for concrete is sand and gravel. PGS, screenings, brick scrap are used only in some brands. The presence of one component or another dependson the nature of the work being done. In order for the concrete mixture to be of high quality, it is necessary to observe the proportions and production technology. Do not forget about the quality of the components used. The proportion between cement and sand-gravel mixture can be different, it all depends on the purpose of the concrete. Usually it is 1:4 or 1:3 - one serving of cement and three or four sand and gravel mixtures. This ratio is suitable for fine-grained concrete. Basically, the ratio between ASG and cement depends on the quality of the future solution. An important role is played by the size of the fractions included in the sand-gravel mixture. If concrete is used to fill the foundation, then the ratio between the components will be 1:8 (one part of cement and eight of sand and gravel).

sand cgs
sand cgs

In concrete, which includes ASG, it is not necessary to add crushed stone, gravel separately. But everything is not so clear. Much depends on the ratio of gravel and sand in the concrete mix. Usually at the enterprises where the mortar is bought, you can find out details about the ratio of ASG and cement used. When making it at home, one nuance should be remembered. Sand should only be added to concrete when gravel predominates in its structure.

Concrete from OGPS

The composition of the concrete mixture from OGPS is different from that which includes ASG. To obtain a solution, it is necessary to combine the following components: water (0.5 parts), cement (1 part), OPGS (4 parts). All these proportions should be taken in accordance with the weight of the materials. ATIn some cases, it is recommended to add sand separately. But it all depends on the percentage of this component already present in the OGPS and on the brand of cement. Exactly the same recommendation must be applied for the manufacture of concrete from ASG. Everything is very interconnected. Depending on the ultimate goal of concrete application, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of sand in ASG and the brand of cement itself. In what proportion the components of the sand-gravel mixture are contained, you can find out at the time of its purchase. But if this possibility does not exist, then you can determine this at home. To find out the ratio between gravel and sand, it is necessary to sift the ASG through a sieve.
