Pest control

The woodlice came to visit - an insect that should be got rid of

The appearance of insects in the bathroom in the first place indicates the wrong microclimate of the premises. It is almost impossible to meet wood lice in clean and dry houses. Even if they come through the ventilation from the neighbors, they won’t stay long. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Fumigator - a new mosquito repellent

The most effective remedy for mosquito bites is to prevent them. Here the choice is very large - from folk remedies to the latest technical developments. Today, many people know and, perhaps, have used such a device as a fumigator more than once. Let's see what this mosquito repellent is, how it works and what it is?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

"Big booze", or How to get rid of snails in the garden

Snails… These gastropods cause a lot of trouble for gardeners: they damage cucumbers, tomatoes, their favorite delicacy - cabbage, as well as all other vegetables that people grow with such love. Therefore, it would not hurt to learn how to get rid of snails in the garden. Yes, get rid of it, because these mollusks themselves will not leave your site. You need to try different methods. We will talk about this in our article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Choose the best remedy for bark beetle

The bark beetle is not the most pleasant insect that you can encounter in the country. The invasion of these beetles can cause serious damage to wooden buildings. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to hesitate when faced with such a problem. It is necessary to apply one of the most effective methods against bark beetles as soon as possible. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What remedies for bears exist?

Planting seedlings in the garden, everyone wants to get a good harvest. But dreaming is not enough, you also need to take care of the plants. But all care can go down the drain if a bear settles on the site. This insect is very voracious and can destroy all the seedlings in the garden. Therefore, it is necessary to use all possible means of the bear, just to get rid of the parasite. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How should the fight against aphids be carried out with folk remedies?

Finding pests on their indoor or outdoor plants, many panic. But after all, getting rid of the bear, the Colorado potato beetle or the fight against aphids with folk remedies can be carried out very effectively. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Flying ants: flying on the wings of love

Immediately after mating, the flying ants part: the males die, and the females begin to look for a place for the future anthill. Having found a secluded corner (it can even be a city apartment, and not just a rural area), the female hides the eggs glued in one lump and waits a week. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Grapes: pests and their control

Grapes have ceased to be a purely southern culture. Varieties have been bred that grow well and bear fruit in central Russia with a temperate climate. As with any other cultivated plant, grapes require good care. First of all, pest control of grapes must be carried out correctly. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Gel "Dohlox" from cockroaches: reviews, instructions for use

There are many ways to deal with insects that appear in residential premises. You can use traps, sprays, pencils, etc. But many of them are ineffective. As a result, insects appear again after a short period of time. The manufacturer is always responsible for the quality of the goods. Dohlox gel has a high efficiency rating and helps to get rid of insects for a long time. And in a short time. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Where to buy a remedy for bedbugs "Executioner": application features, effectiveness and reviews

Where to buy a remedy for bedbugs "The Executioner", many would probably like to know. Judging by the reviews of the owners of apartments and houses, it allows you to get rid of these unpleasant insects in a short time and with great efficiency. This drug is very inexpensive. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to get rid of flies in a wooden house? Folk remedies and household chemicals

Spring… What could be more beautiful! However, with the advent of the first gentle rays of the sun, all nature is reborn, and annoying, annoying flies are no exception. Especially a lot of these insects live in rural areas. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Dichlorvos from bedbugs: reviews, effectiveness, instructions for use and types

Uninvited insects have appeared in your house… And life turns 180 degrees sharply: there is no restful sleep, constant thoughts about it deprive you of rest. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to get rid of cockroaches with folk remedies quickly and effectively?

Many of us, especially those living in rented or communal apartments, have faced such a terrible problem as the appearance of cockroaches. These unpleasant insects appear suddenly quickly, but it is very difficult to get such uninvited guests out. How to get rid of cockroaches forever with folk remedies or chemical poisons, we will tell in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse: how to fight? Folk remedies. Methods of dealing with aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse: reviews, photos

The appearance of aphids is quite easy to determine: the leaves on the plant become lethargic and sagging, on their reverse side, as well as entire colonies of uninvited pests are easily visible on flowers, ovaries and shoots. How to deal with such a pest? What methods to apply? How effective are they?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

"Anteater" - a remedy for ants: instructions for use, reviews

Often, gardeners are faced with such a problem as ants in the garden. By themselves, they do no harm, but, nevertheless, they cause a number of troubles. First of all, these hardworking insects build anthills and carry aphids through plants. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself ultrasonic insect repeller. Ultrasonic rodent and insect repeller: reviews

The ultrasonic rodent and insect repeller is an electronic device that protects outbuildings, houses, warehouses, granaries, cottages and other buildings from rats, mice, insects and other small pests. It functions in different climatic conditions, is not dangerous for the he alth of people, animals, requires little energy. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What is an insecticidal lamp. Instrument efficiency

Insects must be got rid of, the only question is how to do it. Today you can find on sale a device for fighting flies and mosquitoes - this is an insecticidal lamp. Let's get to know this device better and find out how effective it gets rid of insects. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Can a cockroach get into a person's ear or nose?

Cockroaches bring pleasure to few people. These creatures firmly occupy the niche of human enemies in terms of everyday life. But not only. A cockroach can, as you know, be harmful to he alth. In this article, we will discuss whether a cockroach can get into a person's ear or nose. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Mustard against the Colorado potato beetle: methods of application

Mustard against the Colorado potato beetle is often used by gardeners when growing potatoes and is sometimes much more effective than some special chemicals. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Mosquito repellent Off Clip-On: reviews

When we wait for the onset of spring and summer in winter, we somehow forget about such accompanying phenomena as mosquitoes. But they can ruin any outdoor recreation. What to do? Do not leave the house before the onset of autumn?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Pests of carrots and their control (photo)

The article is devoted to pests of carrots and ways to deal with them. In addition, measures for protection and prevention against diseases and rodents are considered. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Ermine moth: photo and methods of dealing with it

Ermine moth is an insect that reproduces at a tremendous rate, forming numerous colonies. One of these colonies can completely infect an entire tree. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Clove mosquito oil: application, reviews

Summer is not only a time of flowers, sun and fun, it is also a period when millions of insects fly in the air. Not all of them are harmless, and sometimes it seems that it is impossible to escape from clouds of mosquitoes and midges by any means. Fortunately, there are effective ways to deal with insects, and folk methods are not the last on this list. For example, you can use vanillin for midges or clove oil for mosquitoes. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to kill ticks? What agent kills ticks?

How to kill ticks attached to human or animal skin? How to kill spider mites on plants? What drugs are the most effective and are there alternative methods? These questions are of interest to most of us. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Pine sawfly: control methods

Pine sawfly is a dangerous enemy for all types of coniferous trees. It lives in forests where similar tree species are found. It spreads quickly, capable of infecting a large area of forests. Insects cause great damage to trees. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Preparation "Spark" from pests: instructions, reviews

To get rid of many insects that spoil fruit trees, shrubs, vegetables, ornamental and flower crops, the "Spark from pests" tool will help. But keep in mind that there are several types of drugs, each of which has its own purpose. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Pear leaflet: how to deal with it. How to process a pear from a leaflet?

The biggest threat to pear growth is pests. Insects can significantly affect both the development of the tree itself and its yield. The fruits become small and are less common on the branches. One of the most dangerous pests is a pear leaflet (photo below). Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Snow beetle: methods of struggle

The snow beetle is a very dangerous pest of country lands, a kind of product of agrotechnical and environmental illiteracy of gardeners. Previously, such an insect lived on waste lands and in wild tracts, the active development of which by summer residents became an exorbitant joy for the beetle, which brought high-calorie and tasty food in the form of cultivated plants. And yet, if a snow beetle wound up on the site, how to deal with it?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Aquafumigator "Raptor": reviews. Fumigator against cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, fleas, flies, mosquitoes

Insect pests in the house have not pleased anyone yet. They can become carriers of serious infectious diseases. Therefore, a variety of chemical agents are used to combat various types of insects. Aquafumigator "Raptor" is designed to protect the home from all types of pests. Consumer reviews speak about the effectiveness of this product. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Remedies for midges - folk or modern?

A wonderful time has come - the season of summer holidays, sun and warmth. Children spend a lot of time on the street, and summer residents are busy working on their plots. Many go fishing and hunting, and just have a picnic with friends. However, not everything is so beautiful and joyful in nature, especially near water bodies, because insidious creatures are waiting for us there - midges and mosquitoes. Going on a summer walk, do not forget to use insect repellant. What - choose for yourself. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to cook vanillin from midges

The chemical industry produces a variety of repellents that promise 100% protection against blood-sucking insects. But if these funds still have at least some effect on mosquitoes, then the midge simply ignores them. But the usual vanillin from midges helps best. Annoying little thing just can't stand his smell. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Beware of slugs! Fighting them is a must

Reticulated slugs are especially common in Russia. Fighting them is simply necessary: mollusks covered with mesh skin destroy root crops stored in cellars, manage to eat not only cabbage leaves, but even get to the head of cabbage. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Beware of pine pests

When planning to plant an evergreen tree on the site, make sure that pets, and in this case, pine pests, do not approach it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Attention, moles in the country! Mole Remedies

Mole remedies are very different, but they are all based on the impact on the hearing and smell of these pests. Some repellers are based on odorous chemicals, while others are based on sound signals and vibration movements. Let's consider both of them in more detail. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Effective battery-powered mosquito repellents

The arrival of the long-awaited summer heat is overshadowed by the presence of annoying blood-sucking insects. They are able to completely spoil outdoor recreation, turning it into a continuous torment. New effective battery-powered mosquito repellents perfectly repel intruders, they are compact, practical and absolutely safe for people and their pets. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Attention, moles in the country! Part two: how to catch a mole on your own

Hello! In the first part, I told you, dear readers, how to deal with moles in garden plots, expelling them from there. In this article, I will reveal to you some secrets on how to catch a mole in the garden with your own efforts. After all, it is one thing to drive out furry diggers, and quite another to catch them and carry them far beyond the boundaries of your site (for example, to the neighboring garden quarter) or kill them (but such methods are not for me). So let's go. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Aphids? The fight against aphids: how long skillfully

Fight against aphids should begin as early as possible, because these insects can create up to 10 colonies in one summer. If you do not get rid of them in time, the trees may die. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What harm does the barbel beetle do?

The barbel beetle (or lumberjack beetle) belongs to the beetle family, which includes more than 25 thousand species of insects. Their development is associated with shrubs and trees of various species. Beetles accurately determine whether a particular tree is suitable for feeding their larvae. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to get rid of aphids on trees? gardening tips

Invasion of aphids can not only deprive gardeners of the harvest, but also completely destroy the tree. That is why the question of how to get rid of aphids on trees worries every dacha owner. Methods may vary. You need to choose not just the most effective, but those that bring the least harm to the human body. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to repel mosquitoes? Fumigators and mobile phones

So how can you scare away mosquitoes without hurting yourself? In fact, there are only three ways: you can kill a mosquito, you can scare it away, and you can simply not let a mosquito into the room. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01