Wood trim inside the house: combination of textures, choice of materials, work features, interesting design ideas, photos

Wood trim inside the house: combination of textures, choice of materials, work features, interesting design ideas, photos
Wood trim inside the house: combination of textures, choice of materials, work features, interesting design ideas, photos

Every year, natural materials in interior design are becoming more and more in demand. The most popular decoration of the house inside the tree. Photos of such projects look simply amazing and will surprise anyone. This trend is due not only to aesthetics, but also to environmental safety. In addition, when sheathing walls, floors and ceilings with wood, this can significantly reduce heat loss during the cold season, so that a person gets the opportunity to save on utility bills. As a rule, a special structure is placed under the cladding, in which there is a layer of heat and sound insulation. Thanks to this, living in the house becomes more comfortable. But in order for the interior to turn out to be successful, many nuances should be taken into account in the repair process. This will be discussed in more detail later.

The benefits of using natural materials

wood trim inside the house
wood trim inside the house

Let'slet's dwell on this in more detail. Decorating the inside of the house with wood and stone provides many advantages. If they were mined in regions with good ecology, then better materials cannot be imagined.

At the same time, they can be used for facing the following surfaces:

  • sten;
  • flooring;
  • ceiling;
  • stairs;
  • bearing structures;
  • decorative elements.

Besides this, the material is excellent for making doors and windows. Wood decoration inside the house walls (photos of the interior are simply breathtaking) allows not only to give the room a special and unique comfort, but also to create an excellent microclimate for living in it. Unlike artificial materials, natural materials do not emit toxic fumes into the air that can cause various serious diseases. In addition, wood helps to regulate the level of humidity in the room, so mold and fungi will not form in it.

Among the main advantages of this finish are the following:

  1. Durability. If you properly care for the materials, they will last much longer.
  2. Aesthetics. Wooden surfaces look much more inviting and create a homely feel in the room.
  3. Variety of options. The range of materials is simply huge, thanks to which you can realize any design ideas.

Thus, the wood finish inside the house is far superior to that made of synthetics.

A few words about the assortment

wood trim inside the house
wood trim inside the house

If you have clearly decided that you will have wood trim at home, then before you start repairing, you should very carefully familiarize yourself with the variety of choice of materials. In particular, this applies to wood species, since they all differ in different characteristics and properties. First of all, you need to decide what exactly you like best - coniferous or deciduous varieties. Practicality, wear resistance and performance also play an important role.

For rooms with high humidity, it is better to choose softwood, as it regulates the microclimate in the room much better. To decorate the rest of the rooms, you can use deciduous varieties, for example, oak, alder and linden would be a good option. They are breathable so your home will breathe.


So what's special about her? Finishing a brick house with wood inside using this material is the most common. This is due to the fact that the lining has a locking fastening system, so it is very easy and convenient to work with it. You just need to get the spike into the groove, and no additional fixations are required. Due to the ease of installation, finishing work can be completed in a very short time, which is very important if the family does not have other housing and plans to move into the house before the onset of cold weather.

In addition, the material is highly practical, versatile, excellent performance and relatively low cost. Whereinsheathing of working surfaces can be performed both vertically and horizontally. With proper care, the lining will last for decades. On sale you can find boards with a rough and smooth surface, which will give the room absolutely any look.

The main advantages of lining are:

  • naturalness;
  • security;
  • aesthetic;
  • good smell;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • easy to install;
  • high strength;
  • heat and sound insulation;
  • affordable price.

Among the main disadvantages are the following:

  • possibility of material distortion;
  • poorly withstands changes in ambient temperature;
  • may crack if the humidity is high.

Given all the advantages and disadvantages, it is safe to say that decorating a country house inside under a tree (photos of examples demonstrate the attractive appearance of the material) using lining will be the best option for people with a limited budget.

Euro lining

house decoration with wood and stone
house decoration with wood and stone

It is worth noting that such wood trim inside the house is more popular than domestic counterparts. This is due to the fact that this material is made from selected raw materials using modern technologies, and also undergoes strict control at all stages of production. Depending on the quality, eurolining is divided into three classes. However, even if you buy the cheapest one, itwill last quite a long time.

Unlike Russian, Western materials have a special groove that provides good air permeability and moisture removal. This increases the durability of the lining, and it does not deform or crack during the entire period of operation, even if it is used in rooms with high humidity. The panels are immediately impregnated at the factory with special compounds that protect the wood from mold, fungi and pests, and thanks to the lacquer coating, the surface will always remain clean and attractive.

Among the main differences between European materials and domestic materials are the following:

  • smoother surface;
  • compliance with modern international quality standards;
  • possibility of operation in more extreme conditions;
  • better mounting system;
  • good ventilation;
  • presence of protective coating.

Decorating the house inside with wood (photos fully confirm this), made of eurolining, looks more stylish and attractive. As for the cost, it is slightly higher than that of Russian materials. This is why many people prefer to use foreign skins.


decoration of a private house inside with a tree
decoration of a private house inside with a tree

What is it and what is its feature? Wood trim inside the house walls is perfectly combined with flooring made from natural materials. For its implementation, use massive or gluedboard. As you might guess from the name, the first is a solid tree, and the second is spliced pieces. In addition, lumber differs depending on the installation method.

As in the case of lining, boards can be of domestic and foreign production. European ones are made using the most modern technologies, therefore they have higher performance characteristics. However, there is also the other side of the coin, namely their rather high cost, so not everyone can afford a Euroboard. But the materials fully justify their price. They are made of better quality, contribute to a better maintenance of the level of humidity in the room, and also do not have any factory defects. As in the lining, the boards have a ventilation slot, so they keep their perfect shape for several decades.

Finishing a wooden house inside with wood, in which euroboard acts as a floor covering, has the following advantages:

  • naturalness;
  • sustainable;
  • speed and ease of installation;
  • high strength;
  • attractive appearance;
  • low heat loss;
  • good noise suppression;
  • maintaining an optimal indoor climate.

As for the shortcomings, there are practically none. In some cases, there may be resin pockets on the material, but this is very rare. It is worth noting that wood trim inside the house of euroboard walls is preferable because it can berestore. The material can be polished at least 15 times, so that the service life reaches 100 years. However, with proper care, the physical wear and tear of the flooring will be low, so restoration work will rarely be necessary.

Wooden block house

This material is one of the modern ones. It is distinguished by its versatility, since it can be used to cover the facade of a building from the outside, as well as wood trim inside the house walls. Photos of such projects best demonstrate the benefits of using natural materials in interior design.

The material has many advantages, the most important of which are:

  • practical care;
  • decorative;
  • durability;
  • he alth safety;
  • relatively low price.

Also, the wooden block house has a good degree of drying, so it retains its original shape for many years, and is also not affected by aggressive environmental factors. In addition, the material has antiseptic impregnation and flame retardant impregnation, so you don’t have to do anything extra yourself, but you can immediately start installation, so decorating the house with wood inside with your own hands will not take much effort and time.

The block house is made from various types of wood, but the most common are larch, linden, cedar, pine and birch. For interior and exterior decoration, this material is excellentlooks both on its own and in combination with concrete and brick surfaces. Fixing individual elements at the corners of the building is carried out using special corners, giving the structure a sense of solidity.

It is worth noting that the block house is not only completely safe for human he alth, but can also have a beneficial effect on it. For example, larch materials have a positive effect on the psychological and emotional state of a person, normalize blood circulation and improve the functioning of the respiratory system.

False timber

decorating the house inside with a tree with your own hands
decorating the house inside with a tree with your own hands

What is its feature? Natural materials are quite expensive, so some people with limited financial resources resort to using a lining that imitates a board. Such a wood-like finish inside the house (photos of the interiors of the premises are practically no different from rooms sheathed with clapboard) does not require significant financial costs. At the same time, individual elements have a convenient fastening system, so people who have absolutely no experience in construction will be able to cope with the installation.

A special technology is used to make imitation timber. First, the raw materials are well dried for 2-3 months in special chambers. During this time, moisture completely evaporates from the wood and all harmful insects die. Next, the boards are sent for sorting and cutting. Since the material is well dried, it does not deform or crack during operation. Fixing individualelements is carried out according to the tenon-groove system. Installation can be carried out both in vertical and horizontal position.

With every passing year wood finishing inside the house walls made of imitation timber is becoming more and more popular, as it has a much lower cost compared to natural materials. As for performance, they are at a very high level. In addition, false timber retains heat well. If you live in a region with a very harsh climate, then an additional layer of thermal insulation is created under the cladding, due to which the housing is very warm.

Thanks to a wide range of types and colors, this material can be used to give your home a unique and original style, in which all elements will be in perfect harmony, creating a complete image.

Wooden wallpaper

Another economical option is to decorate the inside of the house with woodgrain wall panels made from pine or spruce. Other types of wood are also used in the production process, but they are much less common. This material is a solid base on which a thin veneer is glued.

Product strengths are:

  1. Large assortment. Wallpapers are made from different types of trees, so you can choose an option that is perfect for your interior in style and color.
  2. Versatility. The material can be applied to any type of work surface. As for the areaapplication, it is not intended for use in rooms with high humidity.

Among the shortcomings, only susceptibility to mold, fungi and pests can be distinguished. In general, wood interior decoration based on the use of such wallpapers is not widely used, since the material is very specific. It is difficult to install and maintain, so most people prefer natural wood or lining.


Today they are very popular among consumers. This finishing material is an MDF board, on which various veneer options are applied. Also on sale you can find elite slabs made entirely from an array of valuable tree varieties, but their cost is prohibitively high, so they are rarely used in the repair of ordinary residential apartments.

The advantages of the material are:

  1. Excellent decoration. The slabs look quite expensive and elegant, so they give the room a rich appearance.
  2. Durability. Since the basis is wood, the service life is measured in decades.
  3. Maintaining a he althy microclimate. The panels are covered with natural varnishes and wax, so they do not emit harmful substances into the air.

This wood trim inside the antique walls of the house looks amazing. It can be done in any room, regardless of its purpose, making panels one of the most versatile materials.

General tips and tricks

interior decoration of a country house
interior decoration of a country house

In order for the interior decoration of a private house with wood to be of high quality, practical, stylish and durable, it is very important when choosing materials to take into account your own goals and wishes, as well as the type of room. In addition, you should first prepare a working base, which must be carefully cleaned and have a perfectly flat surface.

When decorating the cooking area, the following criteria should be taken into account:

  1. The surface of the materials must be varnished so as not to absorb dirt and grease.
  2. Wood must be treated with special products that increase its performance and durability.

Colors can be any, the main thing is that it does not fade over time. Professional designers recommend using natural shades that are as close as possible to the natural environment.

Repair your living room with the following rules:

  1. For walls, panels are considered the best option, and for ceilings - beam structures.
  2. It will be very interesting to look at the interior, in which all the elements are located in different directions, with a combination of horizontal and vertical mounting method.

The same rules apply when decorating bedroom interiors with natural materials.


original wood trim
original wood trim

Wood finishes in living quarters are very common these days. It is perfect for interior decoration in any style, isnatural and environmentally friendly, and also has good practicality and high durability. With proper processing and care of the material, it will reliably serve for decades, so you do not have to think about repairs every few years. Therefore, if financial resources allow you, then you can safely use wood for facing various types of surfaces in your apartment. Don't be afraid to experiment with your own home design! Create all conditions for a comfortable stay.