Operation of angle grinders requires compliance with special safety measures. In the process of performing operations with an angle grinder, dust is inevitably formed, as well as small abrasive fragments that can cause mechanical damage. Accordingly, a kit with personal protective equipment should be prepared. It usually includes a mask, gloves, and an apron. At the same time, the use of a mask is not always convenient, so goggles for working with a grinder in a suitable design can be a good substitute. It is an inexpensive yet functional accessory that will allow you to perform your machining operations with confidence and without interference.
Features of protection in working with a grinder

From the general range of goggles, models of this purpose are distinguished by the use of light, but at the same time reliable material. This is due to the nature of the mechanical influences that the work process involves. Cutting or grinding concrete, stone, metal and other materials is accompanied by the active release of hazardous for the eyesparticles. In turn, the security means must have the appropriate quality. Therefore, goggles for working with a grinder are usually made of impact-resistant plastics or polycarbonate. High-strength plastic is not only resistant to physical impact, but also easy to handle, which is important when working with angle grinders.
Varieties of glasses

There are several classifications that suggest the division of such glasses. First of all, they are distinguished by the type of construction - closed and open. It is believed that modifications of the first type are ideal for an angle grinder, since they fit snugly against the skin and leave no chance for small dust particles to get into the eyes. In addition, closed goggles for working with a grinder can withstand a blow with a force of about 6 J. But there are also parameters in which the benefit remains with open models. In particular, products in this design provide sufficient ventilation and do not fog up. Most often, open models are used in working with machine tools, but in some conditions they are also suitable as an addition to hand tools.
Another equally important division relates to the degree of glass tinting. The best option for angle grinders in most cases are transparent goggles for working with a grinder, but if welding operations are performed in parallel with cutting in the same area, then it is advisable to use darkened versions.

While the complexity of the design of auxiliary accessories in such workflows is not welcome, sometimes the additions bring considerable benefits. So, if you want to maintain a closed structure, but at the same time eliminate the risk of fogging, then they turn to special models with ventilation. It can be done from the side or directly. It is worth noting that the anti-fog coating provides only indirect ventilation, so it is more convenient to work with. Also, in the question of how to choose goggles for working with a grinder, one cannot do without considering the possibilities of adjustment. Adjustment options are provided in almost all models, but in some cases the adjustment has only a symbolic meaning, while in others it really contributes to the optimal placement of a protective accessory on the head. Experts recommend purchasing models that have several directions of adjustment. For example, modern glasses can be adjusted not only in length, but also in the slope of the temples.
Glasses instructions

Before starting work with the tool, check the reliability of fastening of all components of the glasses. Next, the adjustment parameters described above for the temples, length, etc. are adjusted. Sometimes manufacturers also recommend treating the inner surfaces of the lenses with special compounds that counteract fogging before work. But if the design containsventilation hole, then such measures are unnecessary. Also in the instructions you can find a point indicating the outer coating of the product. The need for this event depends on the conditions under which the work with the grinder is performed. Protective goggles can be protected from chemicals by external treatment - for example, when working with environmentally unsafe concrete grades. After completing the work, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse, clean and dry the product.
Manufacturer Reviews

This security segment is dominated by products from Pocom3 and Stayer. If you need functional open models, then you should contact the first manufacturer, as he offers inexpensive, and at the same time high-quality products. According to users, such protection against dust when sawing concrete with a grinder is practically not felt, but at the same time it reliably protects against dust. Stayer specializes in closed models. These are classic polycarbonate models that offer a wide range of customization and fit on the head. True, there are reviews that such glasses poorly protect the lenses from fogging.
Question of price
Products of these brands can be purchased for an average of 400-600 rubles. This category presents the optimal models for basic protection against dust and all kinds of small particles formed during the processing of the same concrete. But for simple operations, you can also purchase budget goggles for working withgrinder, the price of which rarely exceeds 200 rubles. Such products are usually made of inexpensive plastic with minimal impact resistance and modest functionality. For regular use, this option is hardly suitable.
Glasses or a mask?

In terms of eye protection, a mask is the best solution. But she has a lot of weaknesses, which is why even professionals prefer glasses to them. The fact is that the process of working with an angle grinder requires quick reactions from the user and, as a rule, an appropriate orientation in space. Therefore, in the question of how to choose a protective mask for working with a grinder, you should focus on a good overview and the ability to adjust the device. It is the weak ergonomics of many builders that repels masks, although with proper adjustment, inconvenience during operation can be minimized. By the way, glasses in some modifications sin with a loose fit with an uncomfortable fit, so it’s hard to talk about their unequivocal advantage in terms of comfort. But according to the safety criteria, the mask wins without any reservations - of course, if we compare products of the same level.

In most cases, ordinary polycarbonate effectively copes with its function of dust protection. But in the process of long-term operation, its characteristics may decrease, and with them, safety. As an alternative to this materialother composites are offered, but they do not always guarantee durability. Therefore, in order for goggles for working with a grinder to perform their tasks properly throughout the entire operational period, they should be properly taken care of. Preventive measures also affect the nuances of glass maintenance, and maintaining the working condition of the adjustment and fixation mechanisms. By the way, manufacturers usually complete such glasses with special lubricants that help restore the structure of the protective coating. This allows you to eliminate the consequences of minor damage - for example, smooth out microcracks and chips.