Welding technology with the support of semi-automatic inverter machines has spread widely in recent years in various fields - from professional construction to households. The compact power tool with ergonomic controls allows for spot mounting and repair operations with minimal effort from the user. Nevertheless, the variety of models on the market significantly complicates the process of choosing the right tool. The rating of semi-automatic inverter welding machines presented below will facilitate this task, demonstrating the main characteristics, pros and cons of the best representatives of the segment.
10. Solaris MIG-203
The unit is one of the most modest proposals on the domestic market in terms of technical and operational qualities. The power of the device is only 5.5 kW, althoughthe current range is standard - from 20 to 200 A. How did this semiautomatic device deserve its place in the rating? In addition to the lowest price tag (about 12 thousand rubles) of all the presented options, this model is distinguished by high physical ergonomics and advanced functionality.
Firstly, the solaris inverter-type semi-automatic welding machine has a modest weight of 11 kg, is connected to a 220 V household network and is equipped with all the accessories necessary for the work process, from electrode holders to a brush-hammer. Secondly, the device can be used for all main types of welding, in principle available to modern inverters. Among them are the MIG, MAG, MMA methods, as well as a number of technologies for melting metals without a gas protective environment. Of course, the technical limitations of this model will not allow a professional welder to confidently perform complex and voluminous work, but in garage conditions this tool will find its organic place.
9. Interskol ISP-200/7

The next in terms of price level (17 thousand rubles) and quality characteristics, the device is also designed more for the household segment. As the reviews show, the model performs well in temperature environments of -5 … + 40 ° C, making connections using electrodes with diameters of 1.6-5 mm. What is especially important, despite belonging to the budget class, the ISP-200/7 inverter-type semi-automatic welding machine is oriented specifically to the conditions of unstable behavior of the power grid. The developers provided the electrical stuffing with reliable protection againstpower surges in the range of 160-240 V. Plus, it is worth adding an effective ventilation system that reduces the risk of overheating. In terms of welding capabilities, again, the model is not the most productive and generally corresponds to the previous device. The maximum supported current is 200 A, and thin-sheet workpieces can be processed at 20 A. The advantages again include a moderate weight of 12.6 kg.
8. "Resanta SAIPA-200"
Electrical equipment of the Latvian manufacturer "Resanta" is widely represented on the Russian market. The semi-automatic welding segment illustrates this especially clearly. One of the most popular models can be called "SAIPA-200". This development is popular due to the combination of reliability, functionality and flexible settings for operating parameters. The basic characteristics, on the other hand, have average values, however, with the same current reserve of up to 200 A, the Resanta inverter-type semi-automatic welding machine has a decent constant-on ratio of about 70%. This means that during long-term work, the operator will be less likely to take breaks to cool the equipment.
There are, however, disadvantages of this tool. The manufacturer stinted on the package, excluding protective devices for the operator from the basic set. Also, many users complain about the short sleeve of the standard torch, which is only 2 m. This nuance may affect the ergonomics of using the device, but it does not affect the quality of welding as such.

7. Foxweld Invermig 160
The last representative from the strictly budget segment in this review of inverter-type semi-automatic welding machines, the cost of which fits into 20 thousand rubles. We must immediately emphasize the very modest performance of the inverter, even by the standards of entry-level technology. In particular, Foxweld offers a power of 4.6kW, a current of up to 160A, and a continuous operation ratio of 60%. However, the model has many more important advantages that should be considered separately.
Mostly users of the Invermig 160 pay attention to the digital control of the modern type, which is typical for premium class instruments. With the help of a digital indicator, the operator can accurately and quickly set the optimum operating values. But that's not all. It is rightly considered that the low price of budget equipment during operation is compensated upwards due to unbalanced energy consumption. Experts explain this by the narrow voltage ranges allowed for the operation of semiautomatic devices. Foxweld's inverter type welder is not only suitable for problematic electrical networks, but in each welding mode, whether MMA or MIG, sets special limits on power consumption standards. As a result, the seam is of high quality, and energy consumption is kept within reasonable limits.

6. Atlant MIG 190K
Model from the middle segment, providing durable and smooth connections of almost all popular metals used inconstruction. In particular, the device supports methods of powder welding and work in protective gas environments using copper-plated wire. Ordinary consumable electrodes are also allowed to be used. For specialists, the ability to adjust the indicators of current strength, inductance and polarity will be important. Proper adjustment ensures quality performance with flux consumables, eliminating the need for gas service connections.
In terms of technical and operational indicators, one can single out the available voltage range from 180 to 240 V, power up to 6.5 kW in MMA mode and the possibility of using thin working equipment with a diameter of 0.6 mm. The fact is that the inverter-type welding semi-automatic device of this version is provided with a special wire roller, thanks to which the process of physical handling of consumables is greatly simplified. The maximum wire thickness can reach 1 mm.

5. Fubag IRMIG 200
The German firm is famous for its high-quality welding equipment, but limits its audience to high price tags. Therefore, in this case, not the most typical representative of the Fubag family is considered - an optimized household version of the IRMIG 200 semiautomatic device worth 23 thousand rubles.
As often happens, inexpensive and amateur models of various electrical tools are not the best for large brands. The device in question suffers from a low coefficient of continuous operation up to 20% and a low current strength of 170%. But, as it showsoperating practice, high-quality element base and thoughtful design allow the IRMIG 200 inverter-type semi-automatic welding machine to work effectively with thick workpieces, connecting electrodes with a diameter of about 2-3 mm to the process. In addition, the maintenance of performance at maximum load without interruptions for cooling can be increased in time if the device is set to a current of up to 90 A. In this mode, welding with wire up to 0.8 mm thick is quite possible, which is usually used in household repair shops. works.

4. Elitech IS 220P
Another product from one of the leaders in the welding machine segment. In this case, a more advantageous combination of current and continuous operation ratio is realized - respectively 180 A at 80 percent of the operating time without cooling delays. What is more important, the Elitech inverter-type welding semi-automatic device favorably tolerates voltage drops up to 160 V. The users themselves put ergonomics in the first place in the list of strengths of this model. There are convenient voltage regulators, high speed wire guidance, as well as compact dimensions with wide possibilities for transporting equipment.
3. AuroraPRO Speedway 200

Semi-professional device worth 35-37 thousand rubles. Optimally suitable for large volumes of work with a maximum current of up to 200 A and with a voltage drop of up to 140 V. The features of this version include a mechanicalmanagement, which may seem strange for equipment with such a price tag. However, operating parameters, arc voltage and current are displayed through digital indicators. In production and construction, the Aurora Speedway 200 inverter-type semi-automatic welding machine will be beneficial in its ability to work with electrodes with a diameter of 3-4 mm. The duration of the welding session can be increased by loading massive coils of wire with a powerful pulling system.
2. "Kedr MIG-175GD"
Also a model close to the professional group, deservedly taking second place in the ranking of semi-automatic welding machines. Technical and operational indicators generally correspond to the previous version, but the approach to management is fundamentally different. The creators have implemented a fully programmatic synergistic interface. Only one button with the support of a multi-function controller will be at the disposal of the operator, and the setting of operating parameters is done through a digital display. Also worth noting is the increased level of equipment protection. In terms of safety, this is the best inverter-type semi-automatic welding machine in its class, as evidenced by the presence of the VRD mode. This technology automatically adjusts the voltage so that the operator can even touch the tooling without the slightest risk in the pauses between work steps.
1. Svarog PRO MIG 200
In terms of characteristics, ergonomics and degree of reliability, this is the most attractive model. There are no restrictions on the type and parameters of the wire used for it, all modes are availableinverter welding, and the continuous operation ratio is 100%. In any case, when using a 4 mm electrode, forced pauses due to overheating of the equipment are completely excluded. Also, for the argon burner, the developers have provided a special one-touch ignition mode - using the TIG Lift system. As for the minuses, the Svarog inverter-type semi-automatic welding machine in this modification costs more than 50 thousand rubles.

The considered technique covers the entire range of operating parameters, functional and technical-ergonomic qualities, which represents the niche of amateur and professional inverters. In choosing a specific option, it is worth relying on individual requirements and conditions for the use of equipment. This rating of inverter-type semi-automatic welding machines represents models suitable for working with light alloys and thick workpieces by various methods. There are no restrictions in terms of network connectivity. Almost all devices can operate from a 220 V mains, and some semi-professional devices are universal in this respect and are connected to three-phase power lines at high load.