Currently numerous hybrids and varieties of sweet peppers differ in maturity, which is considered from germination to technical ripeness.
Early-ripening peppers ripen in 90-110 days, for medium-early peppers, the ripening period is determined at 130 days, mid-ripening ones ripen after 130 days. According to the growth and development of stems, peppers are determinant (their growth is limited) - these are low and medium-sized varieties. They are suitable for growing conditions in the open field and in greenhouses without heating. Tall vigorous and large-fruited peppers are indenterminate - they grow constantly and their growth is not limited. These varieties are best grown in heated greenhouses, but early-maturing indeterminate ones give excellent yields in unheated greenhouses.

Pepper is very picky about light and heat. Seeds that have been in the cold may not sprout, take this into account when storing. Do not store them for a long time - germination is reduced to 30% after 2-3 years of storage. Some varieties like germination temperatures above 30 degrees. The sown seeds must be warm all the time, otherwise they will freeze for a long time. Only a night temperature drop to 25 degrees is possible.

The best seeds will be full-bodied - they will give friendly shoots. This is a pepper whose seeds will settle to the bottom of the cup if they are poured with water. Unlikely empty float to the surface of the water. This vegetable has an interesting feature. Peppers, the seeds of which have been stored for a long time, lose their germination and growth strength - the sprouts hatch weak. But the seedlings quickly start moving, and the fertility of such specimens is excellent. Buy seeds from trusted companies.

Dutch pepper seeds are indistinguishable from ordinary ones. Dutch hybrid seeds are expensive but well worth it. They are excellent for greenhouses: the most practical - F1 Orange Wonder - yields 10 kg per 1 sq. m, cuboid fruits with a wall thickness of 1 cm, larger than it - F1 Indalo. They are slightly inferior in appearance, but the early ripening F1 Montero and F1 Pantino are also fruitful and tasty. In addition, F1 Montero is resistant to pepper tobacco mosaic.
For orientation in the world of sweet peppers, based on the experience of vegetable growers, the following are the names and a brief description of some varieties. The best early ripe pepper seeds: Belozerka (even cone-shaped fruits are good for freezing), Spanish sweet (really sweet and fruitful), Bogdan (very sweet and thick-walled). For the conditions of the Siberian summer, Snowball, Snegirek, Dobryak, Freckle are good. These varieties are planted at a seedling age of 65 days, it is desirable that by this time they have reached the budding phase. Then these peppers of excellent taste will delight you with a friendly return of the harvest.

The following varieties proved to be the best mid-early varieties: Red Giant, Claudio, Bogatyr, Red Giant. The fruits of peppers in all of the listed high-yielding varieties are sweet, juicy, large. For unheated greenhouses, varieties Agapovsky, Fidelity, Dobrynya, Golden Rain, He alth, as well as domestic hybrids - Orange Miracle F1, Rhapsody F1, Yubileiny Semko F1, Atlant F1 were created. The mid-season unpretentious variety Korenovsky in favorable conditions produces an excellent harvest of very tasty and large fruits.
Many people know the California miracle pepper (there is red, there is also yellow). The fruits of this variety are large, thick-walled, very juicy and tasty. Thick-walled, weighing up to 350 g, grow in Ilya Muromets, Lolita, Titan, Fat master. Tall Vikings (red and yellow) will generously endow a caring owner with elongated fruits with excellent taste. If you want to diversify the red-orange-yellow-green color scheme of peppers with purple and chocolate colors, you need to plant the Star of the East variety and grow the fruits to biological ripeness.

Having planted pepper on the site, you can prepare seeds from the best varieties yourself, but first learn how to do it right. Do not stock up on hybrid seeds - this is in vain. They will not yield. And, of course, for the best harvest, you need to provide this vegetable with the sunniest place on the site, ensure the timely implementation of agrotechnical measures - loosening and weeding, applying the necessary fertilizers, fightingpests and diseases.