The main function of interior or entrance doors is to divide the space and make it isolated from other rooms or premises. This kind of barrier prevents the penetration of sounds, smells, allows you to retire. However, recently there has been a tendency to increase space by removing interior partitions. Often in such cases, people are faced with the question of how to ennoble the doorway so that it harmoniously fits into the interior of the room.
Preparing for finishing
The preparation of the interior opening depends entirely on the materials chosen. If you plan to decorate the opening with a decorative finishing mixture, it is imperative to prime the surface, and then rough finish with ordinary cement plaster. After drying, the surface is carefully polished with a finely dispersed sandpaper. As a result, the plastercracking and not chipping. Using the building level at the initial stage will save materials on the finish coating. This is important, since every owner dreams of ennobling a doorway at the lowest cost.

Decoration with overhead materials (tiles, artificial stone, PVC panels) does not require leveling on a plumb line, it is enough to remove obvious defects: pits, tubercles. If the lathing will be done with a tree or a profile, a rough finish can not be done at all. The use of drywall also does not provide for plastering and cleaning the surface after its fastening. The opening can be immediately decorated without further preparation steps.
Advice from the masters
Modern manufacturers offer a huge range of materials for finishing the openings of interior and exterior doors. Among them, there are expensive options and more affordable alternatives.

The choice directly depends on the design, needs and capabilities of the buyer. In addition, when buying materials, it is important to take into account a number of recommendations from experts on how to ennoble the doorway:
- No need to skimp on the quantity or quality of finishing pieces. So, for example, when planning to make a wooden crate, you need to carefully inspect the bars for mold, cracks or rot and use only undamaged ones.
- When purchasing materials packed in multiple boxes, it is important to check the batch numbers of the shipment. If they are different, then it is likelythe occurrence of differences in colors and shades of the contents of the packages.
- The life of the material, its ability to withstand daily mechanical stress - this is what should be considered when buying.
These tips are necessary first of all for those who are going to ennoble the doorway with their own hands.
The most common type of doorway decoration is considered to be plaster. This is due to the simplicity of work, affordable price category and practicality in the operation of the material. Consider how to ennoble a doorway with this material.

Before you start finishing, you should take care of the safety of the floor covering, you need to cover it with newspapers or polyethylene.
The sequence of work is as follows:
- First of all, you need to prepare the opening, remove the old coating and prime the surface.
- Then they knead a little composition and use the building level to fix the beacons on the walls.
- A special reinforcing mesh for masonry work is laid between them.
- The solution is mixed in the required amount.
- Using two spatulas, the building mixture is applied to the prepared surface in a chaotic manner, then the layer is leveled using the rule.
To avoid the formation of voids and cracks, each layer should not exceed a thickness of 2 mm. The previous coating must dry thoroughly and only after that a new one is applied. For decoration(painting, wallpapering) you can proceed when the final layer of plaster dries. After completing the preparatory work, you can proceed to the question of how to ennoble a doorway without a door (photo examples are presented in the article) and the inside of the entrance to the dwelling.
Clinker tiles, mosaic
Let's consider the first type of material. Finishing with clinker tiles is best suited to solve the problem if you need to ennoble the doorway of the front door of a private house or cottage from the inside. There are no specific rules for laying, it all depends on the design of the room. The classic version involves the design of butt-to-butt with smooth edges around the perimeter of the opening. A more modern style can be paired with scalloped, ladder, chaotic styling.

Facing an interior opening with mosaics or tiles is not difficult, it does not require many years of experience and a special tool, the work is done in stages:
- On a previously prepared surface, markings are made in accordance with the size of the tile. Following it, lining will be carried out in the future.
- If laying is done on drywall or other perfectly flat surface, you can use liquid nails. Otherwise, the tile adhesive will mix.
- A layer of bonding compound is applied to the reverse side of the tile and evenly distributed over the surface, the excess must be removed.
- Then the tile is applied to the wall according to the markup, pressed and held for a few seconds. Between tilesinsert plastic glazing beads that maintain an even seam. After drying, they are removed.
When working with clinker tiles or mosaics, it is very important to ensure that the mortar does not get on the material. It is quite difficult to clean it, while the surface will look untidy. In conclusion, the seams are rubbed with a special mixture to match the color of the material.
Decorative stone
Often, instead of clinker tiles, another modern material is used. This is a decorative stone, which has a number of advantages in comparison with other finishing products. Consider below the features of how to ennoble a doorway without a door (the photo can be seen in the article) using this finish.

Material advantage:
- appearance is similar to natural stone, which looks quite presentable;
- there is a huge variety of types and textures on the market: brick, marble, jasper, granite, limestone;
- tolerates humidity easily and without consequences;
- easy to clean, no special chemicals required for cleaning;
- properly laid material is resistant to mechanical damage, resulting in a longer service life.
The process that allows you to ennoble the doorway (see photo in the article) with a decorative stone is in many ways similar to the installation of clinker tiles, but it is worth highlighting a few key points:
- before buying a finishing material, it must be examined: if it is visible to the naked eye from the reverse sidepores, which means the stone has a low density and will crack and break easily;
- depending on the variety used and its weight, the consumption of the adhesive composition is calculated.
To ennoble the doorway of the front door in this way, you need to know that there are two types of decorative stone:
- Natural. It is made from natural stone rocks, crushed into small crumbs and poured using a mold. The material is characterized by high strength, heavy weight and good performance.
- Artificial. It is made of gypsum with the addition of polymers and dyes. The main advantages are affordability and a wide range of textures.
Wooden panels, MDF
Wooden panels and MDF are in great demand for finishing interior openings. They are best suited for rooms decorated in a classic style. If you decide to ennoble the old doorway in this way, you need to take into account the main advantages of such materials:
- durability;
- aesthetic appearance;
- no obvious flaws in contact with water.
For the installation of wooden and MDF panels, additional components will be required: rails for the manufacture of crates, fasteners, decorative caps.

Let's look at how to ennoble the front doorway with these materials:
- Rails are sawn based on the width of the opening, and fixed to the wall using fixing tools (self-tapping screws, dowels).
- Panelsfit under the doorway with a minimum indent. In the future, it will be hidden by the end corner.
- The first panel is fastened with liquid nails, all subsequent panels are fixed with a special tongue-and-groove connection system, which the products are equipped with.
- The end part of the structure is closed with a casing, it is attached to the crate using corners or nails.
After completion of the installation work, the visible part of the fasteners are rubbed with furniture wax or plugs with an adhesive base to match the panels. Even if inexpensive material was used, this finish looks stylish and tasteful.
Recently, finishers increasingly prefer this finish. The material is easy to work with, which makes it possible to sheathe walls, corners, niches and door slopes with it. The right color scheme of the laminate will successfully fit into the interior, decorated in any style.
The main drawback of the material is its intolerance to moisture. Often, after prolonged contact with water, blisters form along the edges of even moisture-resistant panels, which subsequently cannot be eliminated.
How to ennoble the doorway of the front door with a laminate? Fastening is carried out in the same way as for wood and MDF panels. If the surface is flat, the crate can be omitted, but the material can be fixed on liquid nails, taking care of spacers in advance, which will press the laminate for several hours for better adhesion.
Gypsum and polyurethane foam moldings
Stucco molding is considered the most unusual and "capricious" material. To fit in harmoniouslyinto the interior solution of the room, the overall design concept must comply with it. Looks best in combination with pilasters, columns, frescoes and other similar elements of a classic interior. To ennoble the doorway of the interior passage, you need to know about the features of the material.

There are two main types of stucco:
- Gypsum. Often it is used in the design of country houses made in the neoclassical or Venetian style. If we talk about small city apartments, then here gypsum stucco does not look entirely appropriate. It makes the already small space heavier, visually narrows the doorway. Moreover, despite the fact that gypsum is a very heavy material, it is quite fragile. With regular mechanical action, it will very quickly lose its original appearance.
- Polyurethane foam or artificial stucco is a more affordable option for gypsum products. As advantages of the material, it is worth noting the lightness of the product, ease of installation (polyurethane foam can be cut with an ordinary clerical knife), attached to the surface with liquid nails in a matter of minutes (no need to knead the mortar), has a wide range of ready-made shapes, and is easy to color.
Most of all, stucco is suitable for finishing arched openings, especially if it is possible to install monolithic columns along the edges.
Varieties of openings
No less important for the decor is the shape of the doorways. Some of them allow you to visually expandspace and bring in more light, others - to make the ceilings higher. In addition, the shape of the doorway directly affects the interior of the room. Few people would think of decorating a room in modern style and making arches in the transitions between rooms. Before deciding how to ennoble a doorway, you need to decide on its shape.
Rectangular - the most common among others. Perhaps that is why it is initially created during the construction of buildings. Its main advantages include:
- no need for additional construction, just dismantle the door frame;
- finishing is done with any materials;
- fits harmoniously into almost all interior solutions, simplifying the problem of how to ennoble the doorway after installing the door;
- Effortlessly delimits a living space while expanding both sides of it.
Arched is an interior opening in the shape of a semicircle. This is the most affordable way to visually make the ceilings higher, fill the room with light and air. However, if the archway is very wide, the ceilings appear lower. This feature is very often used by designers when creating interiors.
Many people prefer this solution for the softness of the lines, the lack of corners. The rooms seem to smoothly flow into one another, while delimiting the space. Usually an arched opening is made between the living room and the hall, provided that the latter is quite spacious. In stores, you can purchase a ready-made design, which is selected depending on the width of the passage. Additionaldecorative elements will make it front.
Trapezoid opening of this form is extremely rare. This is explained by the fact that using it in small rooms has the opposite effect - the ceilings seem lower and the room narrower. This effect is even more pronounced when the upper part of the opening is too narrowed. This option can be considered if there is exactly the same window in the room opposite the passage. Only in this case, the trapezoid will harmoniously fit into the interior.
Asymmetric - a doorway made in the same style. It is not only the border between the two zones, but also becomes a decoration of the room and a continuation of the interior. It all depends on the imagination of the designer. It can be an elliptical, round, triangular, wavy or any other type of opening. However, there are some nuances here, you should pay attention to them:
- before proceeding with the expansion of the opening, it is important to draw up a detailed diagram of the future structure, taking into account the possibilities of load-bearing walls and partitions;
- it is worth noting that sharp lines and angular forms have a depressing psycho-emotional effect, therefore, if possible, external stimuli in the interior should be avoided.
Decoration with curtains, partitions
People often wonder how to ennoble a doorway without a door? The easiest and most inexpensive way to decorate it is to decorate it with curtains. This trend was observed several decades ago and is now gradually returning to fashion. Increasingly, designers are using textiles to delineate small living spaces.spaces into separate zones, for example, for receiving guests and sleeping in a one-room apartment. The room seems to be a lightened space, while at the same time there is some isolation.
The range of textures, colors and fabrics is amazing. In a modern interior, partitions in the form of bamboo sticks are often used. They are strong enough and emit a light tapping when touching each other. If desired, they can be painted in accordance with the interior of the room.
Taffeta is in harmony with classical styles: baroque, renaissance, rococo. In addition to standard solutions, you can try more original options: silk threads, beads, etc.
Accent design option
The open doorway itself is an important interior detail due to the lack of a standard design. Sometimes, when decorating a room, the passage is made less noticeable so that the layout seems open. And in some cases, on the contrary, they create a bright accent on it. How to ennoble a doorway without a door with this solution?
You can do this using one of the following methods:
- Color. The opening is painted in a rich shade. It can be combined with other bright interior details or, conversely, have a contrasting color.
- Light. Most often, this technique is used in asymmetric designs. During installation, it is necessary to provide places for installing spotlights. Such an opening attracts attention not only with its non-standard shape, but also with original lighting.
- Texture. In a room with a flatwall covering (painting, plaster, wallpaper), the interior opening, finished with brick, ceramic tiles, stucco molding, volumetric panels or decorative stone, stands out in particular.
- Shape. In the past few years, openings with unusual outlines have been very popular. With some skills in working with drywall or plywood, installation can be done independently. The result is an author's performance pass.
Decoration allows you to ennoble the doorway of the interior door and the entrance, update the interior of two rooms at once, visually expand the space, while maintaining its main function - the delimitation of space. A huge range of building materials allows you to implement the most daring design solutions.