Gas silicate blocks are one of the most popular building materials on the modern market. The houses built from them are characterized by durability, attractive appearance and excellent performance characteristics. But, of course, it is possible to build high-quality walls from such blocks only if the bonding mixture is chosen correctly. In our time, there are several types of products such as glue for gas silicate blocks on the market. The consumption per 1m3 of these funds can vary significantly.
Mortar or glue?
Sometimes gas silicate blocks are laid simply on a cement-sand mixture. However, this method of building walls is used only in extreme cases. The advantage of gas silicate blocks is, first of all, that they are able to perfectly retain heat indoors. According to this indicator, such blocks are not inferior even to popular wood. The low thermal conductivity of the gas silicate material is associated primarily with its porous structure.

When usedconventional cement mortar in the masonry of such blocks, cold bridges subsequently appear. And this, in turn, reduces the main advantage of gas silicate to nothing.
When using adhesives, the building blocks of this variety are stacked using a special technology. The fastening agent is applied on the rows and between the individual elements in a very thin layer. As a result, no cold bridges appear in the masonry. Sometimes such mixtures are applied in a rather thick layer. But in this case, their composition necessarily includes special additives that increase their heat-preserving qualities.
Modern adhesive for gas silicate blocks: consumption per 1m3
There are funds intended for laying gas silicate blocks, in most cases relatively inexpensive. But, of course, before buying such a composition, you should definitely calculate its required amount. The consumption of adhesives for gas silicate blocks of different brands can vary greatly. Some adhesives are applied in masonry with a layer of 5-6 mm, others - 1-3 mm. The manufacturer usually indicates the permissible thickness on the packaging. Also in the instructions, in most cases, there is also information about the estimated consumption per 1 m23 masonry.

Make all the necessary calculations, thus, if necessary, it will not be difficult at all. In order to find out the right amount of the mixture, you must first calculate the total volume of masonry. To do this, you just have to multiply the length, width and thickness of each wall, and then add the resultingresults.
In most cases, the consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks, according to manufacturers, is 15-30 kg per 1 m23. That is, for a cubic meter of masonry, the master should take about one bag of the mixture. However, unfortunately, manufacturers usually slightly underestimate the consumption of sold formulations. In fact, most often when laying 1 m3 1.5 bags of mixture are used.
Characteristics of adhesives for gas silicate blocks
The basis of such compositions is very often the same cement mixture. However, in the manufacture of adhesives of this variety, manufacturers usually add to them, in addition to standard components, special substances that increase their plasticity, moisture resistance and frost resistance. Also, a solution for gas silicate blocks often includes additives designed to improve heat-retaining qualities.
They are such products in most cases, dry mixes, packaged in bags. The preparation of glue from them is done simply by adding water in the right quantities.
Thus, ease of use is what, among other things, distinguishes the adhesive for gas silicate blocks. The prices for such compounds are usually not too high and are quite comparable to the cost of a standard concrete solution.
Types of adhesive for gas silicate blocks
All compositions currently sold on the market for laying this material are divided into several varieties:
- adhesives used to build partitions and walls inside a building;
- compositions intended for masonry outside;
- universal mixtures that can be used both indoors and outdoors;
- mixtures with increased setting speed;
- construction adhesive designed for laying the building envelope of those buildings that will subsequently be operated in conditions of high humidity.

Glue manufacturers
Of course, when choosing the composition most suitable for laying walls from gas silicate blocks, one should pay attention not only to its specific purpose, but also to the brand of the manufacturer. Today, many companies supply similar mixtures to the domestic market. The most popular brands of adhesives among Russian developers are:
- Eunice Uniblock.
- Ytong.
- “Founding Selform.”
- Prestige.
- “Standard Teplit”.

Compositions "Unix" for cellular concrete
Laying gas silicate blocks on the glue of this brand can be done both indoors and outdoors. It is also allowed to use "Unix" for sealing chips in cellular concrete. It is possible to correct the position of the blocks when using this composition within 10-15 minutes. Among the advantages of Unix glue, consumers include the fact that it differs in heat-preserving qualities almost the same as cellular concrete itself.
Also a plus of such mixturesIt is considered to be resistant to moisture and very low temperatures. According to the manufacturer, "Unix Uniblock" is an absolutely environmentally friendly product. The recommended layer of its application is 5-10 mm.
Another indisputable advantage of this brand of adhesives is their availability. You can buy "Unix Uniblock", unlike mixtures of many other manufacturers, in almost any building materials store.

Founding Selform Blend
This summer glue is based on a cement-sand mixture. He also earned relatively good reviews from consumers. Its undoubted advantages, among other things, include low cost with good performance. In order to give the adhesive properties corresponding to aerated concrete masonry, the manufacturer adds special substances to it that increase its heat-preserving qualities.
The thickness of the masonry joint when using the mixture "Osnovit Selform" can be equal to 2 mm. The advantages of this glue include the fact that it is able to penetrate into the smallest recesses and irregularities of the blocks, which, in turn, increases the adhesion strength. It also has one more unconditional advantage of this adhesive for gas silicate blocks. Consumption per 1m3 of it is only about 25 kg.

Ytong Tool
Glues of this brand are quite expensive. But they also have excellent features. Apply Ytong construction adhesive toblocks can be a layer of only 1 mm. Therefore, its consumption is very small. The composition of the mixtures of this brand, in addition to cement, includes polymers, mineral additives and special substances that give it plasticity. Among the advantages of Ytong adhesives, consumers include, among other things, their ability to quickly set. Also, the advantage of mixtures of this brand is a high degree of frost resistance. Such adhesives can also be used during the construction of enclosing structures in the winter season.
Etalon Teplit mixes
Like "Unix", such compositions are found on sale quite often. The advantages of winter glue "Etalon Teplit" consumers attribute primarily a high degree of its plasticity. Being applied to gas silicate, this composition does not exfoliate and does not spread. You can store this glue after preparation without loss of quality for several hours. At the same time, in masonry, it grabs literally in 10-15 minutes.

Reducing the cost of construction is also what this gas silicate block adhesive is valued for. Consumption per 1 m3 of it is only 25-30 kg.
Means "Prestige"
This is also a very high quality mixture that can be used both in the warm season and in the cold. The undoubted advantages of these compounds, consumers include primarily a high degree of plasticity and reliability. Viability glue "Prestige" retains for 3 hours. It can be applied to blocks with a layer of 3-6 mm thick. The set mixture reaches its full strength after three days.
Adhesive for gas silicateblocks: prices for funds from different manufacturers
The cost of compositions intended for laying gas silicate blocks may depend not only on the brand, but also on the supplier. The price of Unix glue is, for example, 240-260 rubles. per bag 25 kg. For the same amount of "Founding Selform" funds, you will need to pay about 200-220 rubles. Ytong glue costs about 310-330 rubles, and "Etalon Teplit" - 170-200 rubles. For a bag of 25 kg "Prestige" you will have to pay only 130-150 rubles.