Having a small area of the apartment, it is almost impossible to equip a full-fledged bedroom. It is thanks to consumer demand for compact furniture that provides a comfortable sleeping place when unfolded, manufacturers are striving to create a wide variety of models of sofas and soft corners. The best option for small apartments would be an ottoman bed with a lifting mechanism.

Varieties of bed
The ottoman can be single or double. The principle of its operation and design features are almost the same in both types. The difference is only in functionality and size. A single bed has less storage space, while a double bed provides space to fully accommodate a host of personal and bedding items.
The ottoman bed with a lifting mechanism makes it possiblesave on the purchase of bulky cabinets that occupy a large area of an already limited space. In addition, the main plus is the presence of an orthopedic mattress, which provides a comfortable and correct position of the body during sleep, so that in the morning you do not feel tired and there is no pain in the muscles or back.
How to choose furniture for a small apartment?
It is the hardest thing to equip a small-sized living space. Indeed, in one room all the functional areas necessary for a comfortable stay should be located.
The corner ottoman bed with a lifting mechanism is a folding bed that acts as a sofa during the day. Multifunctional furniture allows you to comfortably equip any living space.
Features of mechanisms
Depending on the required dimensions, you can purchase a traditional single or double ottoman bed or order custom-sized furniture, which is especially convenient in case of non-standard and small space.

When ordering furniture, it is important to take into account the changing cost when choosing non-standard models. The price of the mattress in this case can also increase significantly. The most popular sofa bed option is the box-spring sofa. A poor-quality mattress will not be able to provide a he althy and comfortable sleep and will cause a feeling of fatigue and curvature of the spine.
An ottoman bed with a lifting mechanism should have a high-quality frame of sufficientthickness and strength. Only in this case will it be able to withstand the necessary loads.
An ottoman for a child
Using an ottoman for a child has several advantages at once:
- A high-quality frame, mattress and spring block ensure the correct position of the body during sleep, so that the child's internal organs and spine are not deformed and most diseases do not develop.
- For young children, it is possible to equip special bumpers that will protect the baby from falling at night. The ottoman bed with a lifting mechanism fully meets all the requirements of a children's bed.
- The design and mechanism of the bed is very simple, so a middle-aged child can unfold and fold it by himself.
- The choice of finishes allows you to choose the desired design in a fabric that will be easy to clean and somewhat resistant to dirt. In the children's room, it is better to choose patterned colors in bright colors. In this case, during the daytime, the sofa can replace the playground.

An ottoman bed with a lifting mechanism can provide a full-fledged sleeping place, be used for receiving guests during the daytime, it does not take up much space and can become a highlight of the interior.