Bottle jack: reviews

Bottle jack: reviews
Bottle jack: reviews

Jacks have been used by builders and craftsmen from other areas of the economy since ancient times. Of course, the modern designs of this device have many differences from the first units of this type, but the very concept of a small lift has always been in demand in various fields of human activity. In today's market, you can find variations of this tool in a wide range, but the most popular is the telescopic bottle jack, which is distinguished by its modest size and rather high load capacity. Such designs are used by both professionals and ordinary users, in particular motorists.

Overview of bottle jacks

bottle jack
bottle jack

The principle of operation is the main difference of this device, since it largely determined both the range of technical and operational indicators of the tool and its design features. All bottle jacks work on the basis of the law of communicating vessels, but the ways of controlling the load ratio can be different - from this point of view, screw and hydraulic models can be distinguished.

The structure includes several parts, including a cylindricaloil container, plunger and lever with pump. As the force against the smaller piston increases, the pressure in the "bottle" will change, which will lift the larger plunger associated with the weight. As a rule, a bottle jack is a two-rod design, in which the most important task is shifted to the pressure valve.

Pros and cons of jacks

bottle jacks
bottle jacks

A simple and reliable device has led to the wide popularity of such jacks. Nevertheless, it is necessary to immediately note the limitations of this tool. They refer to the carrying capacity and dimensions of the objects to be lifted. That is, a bottle jack is hardly suitable for working with bulky cargo weighing more than 50 tons. On the other hand, in the range of its working capabilities, the telescopic unit shows high fixation accuracy and smoothness when lifting. These qualities have made bottle models especially popular among motorists. The ability to lift several tens of tons with optimal stabilization is quite enough to service passenger cars, and the preservation of the functional state of the liquid, regardless of temperature changes, also expands the range of applications for this type of jacks. From the point of view of user convenience, it is worth noting the small dimensions. The ratio of the weight of the hydraulic design and lifting capacity provides the highest performance in the class.

bottle jack reviews
bottle jack reviews

Reviews about jacks Matrix

Companyproduces several families of jacks. The most popular is the Master line, represented by models with a load capacity of 5 to 12 tons. Users note the decent quality of the tool, the ability to easily and quickly perform lifting and maintainability. By the way, if you need a unit with a good load capacity margin above the nominal level, then you can count on this particular bottle jack. Reviews note that even models designed to lift cars cope with the maintenance of small houses. True, this requires a complex technical organization of the event. In addition, the manufacturer still does not recommend experimenting with loads that are significantly higher than the nominal values.

screw bottle jack
screw bottle jack

Reviews about Zubr jacks

The domestic manufacturer also offers good options for jacks. According to the owners of such equipment, the products are durable and durable. But there are some downsides to this product. Many users criticize the Zubr bottle jack for poor ergonomics. Difficulties arise when working in difficult areas, when the possibilities for installing the tool are significantly limited. But in working with cars, gazelles and even buses, such a jack shows its best side - the main thing is to correctly calculate the power potential of the unit and the mass of the load, otherwise a breakdown will be inevitable.

Reviews about Jet jacks

telescopic bottle jack
telescopic bottle jack

One of the widest rangesVarious jacks are offered by Jet. At the same time, all models cause mostly positive feedback regarding power, ease of construction and durability. Both a 2t bottle jack with a small stroke of the rod, and versions with a load capacity of up to 12 tons have these qualities. True, you will have to pay a lot for high quality. For example, a medium power tool is available for 3-4 thousand rubles, while similar items from other brands can be bought for 1.5-2 thousand. But the owners note that the reliability of jacks of this brand fully justifies the investment when it comes to about solving responsible tasks in car maintenance.

Ombra jack reviews

If you need a budget jack for simple household purposes, then it makes sense to contact the manufacturer Ombra. This is a Chinese brand that produces models with low payload and compact dimensions. Users of such a tool, of course, note many shortcomings, including the presence of design backlash, problems with the stroke of the rod, and the need to apply great physical effort during the lifting process. A screw bottle jack from a Chinese manufacturer receives less negative feedback, but even here there are unpleasant nuances of operation. These include the impossibility of using the tool in working with machines on a long suspension. One way or another, a considerable part of users put up with such shortcomings due to the low cost of Ombra jacks, which is 1-1.5 rubles.


bottle jack 2t
bottle jack 2t

Equipment,designed for regular force impacts, it is initially developed with the ability to provide sufficient resistance to mechanical stress. This can explain the fact that the bottle jack is made of high-strength metals, and also has a special design shape. Despite this, breakdowns of this type of tool happen quite often. Basically, such phenomena occur due to non-compliance with operational recommendations. This applies not only to the work of jacks with loads that have higher mass values, but also to the observance of permissible time intervals designed to stably hold the object in one position. By the way, the possibility of long-term fixation of the same vehicles in a stable position without changes in height is one of the most important criteria for assessing the quality of a telescopic jack.
