Tinted balcony and other window openings - what is good and what is bad

Tinted balcony and other window openings - what is good and what is bad
Tinted balcony and other window openings - what is good and what is bad

There has been an interesting trend lately. We are talking about such a “chip” as window tinting, and not for automobile windows (this is more common, although 20 years ago it was great to “get stuck” if you tinted your car, then it was a curiosity), but windows of houses, apartments, loggias, etc. Where did it come from and what is useful, what types and features - more on that later.

balcony window tinting
balcony window tinting

Everyone has seen huge skyscrapers in American films, which have tinted windows from floor to ceiling, and they are all mirrored, shimmering with the rays of the sun. Yes, tinting has been used in the world for a relatively long time, as it has a number of properties and a number of advantages arising from it.

What is balcony tinting in general and in particular

window tint film
window tint film

This is a coating of a glass surface (which serves as a window in one place or another) with a special film, the main function of which is to adsorb heat that enters buildings along with the sun's rays.

What benefits can you get from tinted windows?

It is clear that indoorsit will be less hot. This is especially important in the summer. But if in winter you hope, except for the sun's rays, there is no one else, then you should not rush to glue the film. Joking aside, if you are very hot, air conditioning is the best option. It can both cool and heat, if equipped accordingly. But tinting balconies and loggias with film is a cheaper option and, in principle, also valid. It will not be frosty in the apartment, but it will be fresher at least. About eighty percent of the sun's energy is said to be reflected in this way. Yes, and in the opposite direction, the film works on the same principle, in general, this is a tool that can protect against a certain percentage of heat consumption from the inside in the winter and excess solar energy from the outside in the hot summer months.

In addition to this main function, balcony tinting can have a lot of other "chips". It all depends on the manufacturer, what decides to put on the film, it will protect it.

A bit of functionality

The mirror surface in the daytime works like a curtain - no one will see anything from the street until someone inside from the back decides to turn on the light, and the mirror surface will already be inside the room. This should definitely be remembered and not immediately thrown into the trash cornices with all the surrounding good. Of course, if the balconies are tinted, the photo with an example below, then the curtains are not very important here.

tinting of balconies and loggias
tinting of balconies and loggias

No distortion of the outside world from the window. Yes, a light dark shade was transferred to him, but the dimensions, angles, othersparameters are normal.

Glare that constantly interferes with watching TV or using a desktop computer, sunbeams from neighboring buildings, from snow - they will not be there if the window is tinted captive.

Protection of residents from infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation - the film is reliably on the defensive against these rays, so harmful to humans.

A little more pluses

Windows with a mirror tint do not fog up, protect the interior from the ruthless effect of the sun on furniture, painting and the like. Soft light passing through a tinted window will not be able to harm the plants (only if these are not plants that need a lot of sun, in which case there will be a reverse, negative effect - consider this). Balcony tinting will keep and prevent glass fragments from flying if suddenly a neighbor's child sends a ball into your window. Balcony tint film protects against minor damage and scratches.

In addition to all of the above, such glass also has a soundproofing ability, which will come in handy in offices, workers will not be distracted by noise from outside, and fire resistance is inherent in the film. What is meant: in the event of a fire (God forbid, of course, from this, but, alas, the situation is not the rarest), ordinary glass heats up strongly, bursts and opens the room for fresh air, due to which the fire intensifies. The film, however, for some time (up to about 45 minutes, depending on the manufacturer) will be able to restrain the glass from destruction, preventing additional oxygen supply to the source of ignition.

About the types of tinting, briefly about other existing methods

Balcony windows are tinted not only with film, although this option is, in principle, the fastest and most economical. There are at least three more ways: bulk tinting, vacuum application and paralysis. The first of these methods is performed at the cooking stage (various dyes are added), the second is that the film is applied to the glass in a vacuum, and the third method is the deposition of a protective layer on the still hot glass. All options are relatively similar in quality sun protection and vary considerably in price.

balconies tinting photo
balconies tinting photo

Questions of style and quality

Windows under tinted film, in addition to their protective properties, acquire a beautiful appearance, and such buildings or its individual parts, if only the balcony is tinted, stand out from the rest, become more modern. And the larger the glazing area, the more spectacular and respectable the structure. The range of films is now huge, you can choose the texture and style of your building that matches the color.

balcony tinting
balcony tinting

When choosing a manufacturer, take into account the film quality indicators: moisture resistance, resistance to temperature extremes, to other atmospheric and natural phenomena in general, which can negatively affect windows and their tuning. Naturally, to decide on the choice of a company that provides the service "tinted balconies and loggias", reviews of people who used the services of one or another will also help.firms.
