Grinding logs: technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step work instructions and expert advice

Grinding logs: technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step work instructions and expert advice
Grinding logs: technique, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step work instructions and expert advice

Grinding rounded logs is a mandatory procedure after any structure has been erected from them. Most often these are log cabins. Without such work, it is impossible to create a high-quality finish. In addition, the procedure performs a number of necessary functions - alignment, getting rid of defects, decay and mold. In addition, antiseptics are quickly and easily applied to the treated surface, and their consumption is small.

When a log is polished with your own hands, this allows you to remove some of the gaps and mistakes made in the process of sawing it. This is the location of the flooded areas. They do not accept special impregnation well, as a result, they quickly deteriorate, mold forms, which eventually spreads throughout the log house.

And when processing takes place, all defects are removed. When is polishing a log house made of rounded logs needed? Many people ask this question, but the masters know thatit is better to do this immediately after the construction. Although many wait for time, this is a mistake, because the log shrinks and changes its shape, as a result, it becomes difficult to grind it. And insects can already penetrate inside, which will damage the base of the walls, which will worsen the appearance and reliability of the building.

What should I cook?

In order for the log to be polished quickly and efficiently, it is worth preparing the right tool before starting work. This procedure is performed by specialists or independently. The technique itself is not complicated, but small skills in this area will not hurt anyone. But, this is subject to independent work. For grinding, it is worth preparing a simple set of tools:

  • Eccentric sanding machine.
  • Bulgarian with nozzles.
  • Belt type sanding machine.
  • Chisel.
  • Personal protection of the worker.

Features of tools

Using a belt sander is not easy. Not every person without experience will be able to work on it, as a result, many mistakes occur, which leads to damage to the material. But an eccentric sander has a slightly different principle of operation, and making random "hollows" is not so easy. Between the logs, you can easily process using a grinder. And in those places where it is difficult to do something, you can use chisels. They can be very different, it is worth choosing a tool in accordance with the size of problem areas.

grinding by hand
grinding by hand

Not worth itforget about antiseptics

What buildings are being built? Basically, these are log cabins, bathhouses, houses, and so on. Although today many people choose wood for the construction of country cottages. And all because the material is environmentally friendly. But during the construction process, it is worth creating such conditions so that the processed log house lasts as long as possible. It is for this reason that after cleaning, you need to purchase special antiseptic compounds. They will extend the lifespan by creating a protective barrier against mold, mildew and insect attack.

Which technology to choose?

Grinding a log is not so easy, so today there are several execution technologies. Some experts believe that after the construction of the structure, you will have to wait and then start processing, others say that it is better to immediately start grinding. Before cleaning, it is worth evaluating the material from which the structure is made.

log grinding
log grinding

If you need to polish a log house from a log made on a factory scale, then it is treated with special compounds and such a structure will stand for about two years without changing its characteristics and parameters. But after this time, it will take a lot of effort to clean it up. Therefore, you should immediately decide at what point to start work.

Which tool to use?

The main process of processing the facade and the room should be done using an eccentric sander. So that the procedure does not drag out, you need to divide the structure into squares, and perform a certain task in one day.amount of work. Another point - when cleaning is completed, then the worked area should not remain without painting or applying special products for more than three days. This leads to darkening, which means that you will have to work on the surface with a grinder again.

wood sanding by hand
wood sanding by hand

How to do the work?

Before starting work, you need to select a nozzle and fix it. The best option would be a plastic nozzle. Others will wear out or clean everything poorly. To carry out the whole process, you need to go through two stages:

  1. The first step is to walk over the surface of the logs with coarse sandpaper. At this stage, the top layer is removed and with it any small bumps, mold and fungus.
  2. Next, the house is polished from rounded logs with emery of a fine fraction. This is the procedure for maximum leveling of the surface. Because after the first stage there may be notches and other errors. The result should be the most even and smooth surface. This is easy to understand by running your hand over the log - it should be smooth and pleasant.

When the main surface is processed, you need to proceed to hard-to-reach places. For this there is a grinder. Sanding the log is done in grooves, but their diameter is smaller than the sandpaper itself. The remaining hard-to-reach areas are also processed with a chisel or something else.

What must not be forgotten?

There are some nuances in such construction work. According to experts, a mistake is often made when working onbath. This is the use of the wrong tool that would bring the effect. People without experience want to quickly cope with the task, but they can’t get away from the routine. They take the grinder with great power, which leads to damage to the structure itself. With a sharp movement, you can make too much recess, and it can no longer be removed. Usually a tool with a power of no more than 800 W is taken.

logs with their own hands
logs with their own hands

Grinding a log house is a complex and lengthy process. As a result, a large amount of dust is released. In order not to harm yourself, do not give up personal protective equipment. To do this, arm yourself:

  • Special transparent glasses that have side curtains.
  • Gloves.
  • Headdress.
  • Respirators.

At the same time, the last means of protection must be of very high quality, because it is harmful to inhale this dust. Periodically, the respirator is changed, so several copies are purchased in advance. Shoes should be comfortable and protected from sawdust getting inside. You will have to grind the house from logs at a height, so safety comes first.

wood sanding by yourself
wood sanding by yourself

After evaluating the whole range of work, it seems that there will be no difficulties. But in the process it turns out that this is quite routine and not as easy as it might seem. You can not calculate your strength, but remember that you cannot stop halfway, as this is fraught with damage to the structure itself. Before starting, everyone mustprepare and tune in, because ordering such a finish from the masters is quite expensive.

Working with additional applications

Sanded logs need to be protected from insects and mold, because they can destroy the entire structure over time. For this procedure, there are always special antiseptic compounds on sale. With further operation of the log house, such application allows you to extend its shelf life, and most importantly - to reduce repair work and make them less expensive.

do-it-yourself wood sanding
do-it-yourself wood sanding

But, every newcomer to this business may in practice face the problem of a large assortment of funds. Making a choice is not difficult:

  • Quality antiseptics for wood are expensive, so there is no need to save on this. The service life of the premises depends on them.
  • Not every store stocks these substances. Therefore, you need to contact special construction, otherwise there is a chance of acquiring a fake. This will not only not give the desired result, but can also be harmful to human he alth due to its chemical composition.
  • When purchasing such a product, you should pay attention to many points, read the expiration date and composition. In addition, use personal protective equipment when applying.
  • After application, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such substances are not washed out of the pores of the wood with plain water and rain. Otherwise, they simply will not be of any use.

To prevent the destruction of a wooden structure over time, it stands after applying an antisepticperform the finishing application of other protective agents.

log work
log work

As soon as the logs have passed the main grinding process, you must immediately begin to carry out the initial impregnation. After that, a year is enough for the structure not to deteriorate. If the log house shrinks (and this is typical for it), then after 12 months the treatment with antiseptic solutions is repeated. Therefore, after the wood is completely dry, you can apply the last layer of antiseptic and make a topcoat.


Today, you can create conditions for extending the life of a tree with a simple brush or with more advanced equipment. Sometimes it is more effective, because it is easier to get into hard-to-reach places. It doesn't matter what is preferred. The main task is to qualitatively process each corner in two times. There is one point - it is not always clear which area has been treated, because the antiseptic is colorless. In this regard, you need to use any coloring pigment. It's easier to work that way.
