Do it yourself

Do-it-yourself concrete painting: technology

Paint for painting concrete is applied in the next step in one or two coats. Depending on what requirements are imposed on the coating, it is possible to increase the number of layers. Each layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. If by the time you start painting you notice that the paint has become thicker, it can be diluted to a working consistency using solvents. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a warm floor in the bath with your own hands? Do-it-yourself water heated floor in the bath

As an additional means of heating the bath, you can choose a floor heating system. The work involves the implementation of several stages, including preparatory work. In order to lay a warm floor in the bath with your own hands, you need to choose one of the options below. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself toilet installation: methods, instructions, recommendations

In the process of repairing an apartment, many are faced with such a concept as installing a toilet bowl with their own hands. Anyone can do this job. Self-installation will help save money on paying for plumbing services. It is believed that the most difficult task is the dismantling of the old toilet. Installing a new one is a simple job. First of all, you should prepare the necessary materials and tools, as well as study the installation instructions for the toilet. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY homemade machines: component materials

Some people like to make household items with their own hands. For example, wooden chairs, handles, etc. To do this, you must have a machine. Buying such an item will be quite expensive, but making a woodworking machine with your own hands is much cheaper. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to refill printing with ink correctly?

Sooner or later, in any office or office, the question arises: how to refill printing with ink. It would seem that a fairly simple task requires certain knowledge and skills from the person performing it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself decorative pond in the country: an original design solution for your backyard

A few years ago, the presence of an artificial reservoir in the country in the garden or in the backyard area was considered a rarity. Just imagine: a smooth surface of water, a quiet murmur of a stream, green plants blooming along the banks of a reservoir … By arranging a decorative pond in the country with your own hands, you can change the appearance of the site - this is unusual, and simply pleasing to the eye. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself fish smokers in five minutes

There is no such man who would not be fond of fishing. Fishing is not just food, it is relaxation for the soul and body. But this is not about that, but about how to make smokehouses for fish with your own hands, for cooking smoked fish at home and camping, and what is needed for this. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself plumbing at the summer cottage will be done quickly

Wells, from which they scooped water with a bucket with their own hands, have already sunk into oblivion. Maybe somewhere there are similar ones, in some remote village. But they were replaced by automation. Water itself enters the house, and a person does not need to go outside for it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

We sheathe the balcony with our own hands and turn it into a place to relax

How to decorate a balcony with your own hands so that it turns from a warehouse of unnecessary things into a full-fledged room, for example, for relaxation? To begin with, it should be cleared of everything and think about a possible design. Perhaps it should be combined with the interior of the room that adjoins it. Be sure to take into account temperature changes, and your financial capabilities are not in last place. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Building a picket fence with our own hands

With the existing variety of private property fences, a wooden picket fence is invariably popular. Wood is an environmentally friendly material, lightweight, has a beautiful natural texture, so such a fence can be made original and at relatively low material costs. And if, in addition, a do-it-yourself picket fence is made, then this is doubly pleasant. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to lay paving slabs with your own hands

For the design of the site, the presence of tracks is of great importance. They serve as an excellent decoration of the yard, with their help you can divide it into functional zones, and moving along clean and well-groomed paths is a pleasure. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

New trendy furniture - pallet sofa. How to make a sofa with your own hands?

Do you want to make fashionable, creative, unusual and cheap furniture yourself? Easily! Try to make a sofa out of pallets with your own hands. Do you think such furniture will look unpresentable and unsightly? It's not like that at all. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a non-Newtonian fluid at home: a recipe

How to make a non-Newtonian fluid at home, various ways. What is it and what are its properties. Fun entertainment for kids and adults. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to build a fence with brick pillars?

Currently, a wide variety of fences are available to owners of suburban housing. One of the most popular solutions is a fence with brick pillars. It is about this design option for a personal plot that we will talk in this material. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to decorate a store for the New Year in an original and tasteful way

New Year is just around the corner, it's time to create a New Year's mood for yourself. As a rule, it comes with an appropriate setting and a festive atmosphere. Create it yourself. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself country decor: ideas, materials, tips

Recently, do-it-yourself crafts for your yard have gained great popularity. At the same time, many decorations can not lose their attractive appearance for a long time, and also fit perfectly into landscape design. It is worth familiarizing yourself with some examples of country decor that can decorate a country yard in more detail. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Remember our origins: how to make a family tree with your own hands

Even at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia, not only representatives of noble families, but also philistinism, the peasants knew very well what kind of tribe they were, they were well versed in cousins and cousins and could list all the branches of their families almost from their foundation. Archives, notes, diaries, parish books - all together these documents were a family tree, created by each member of the family with their own hands. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Homemade vehicle in the snow. Unusual vehicles in the snow

For a long time, people have been trying to figure out how to make life easier in a harsh winter with its impenetrable snowdrifts. In particular, to invent a reliable means of transportation in the snow. As a result, many devices for this have appeared - from the first homemade skis to modern snow scooters. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself electric bike - it's possible! How to assemble an electric bike with your own hands

Every year, the maintenance of personal vehicles in the city is becoming more expensive. Because of this, many city dwellers prefer to switch to a bicycle for the summer period. As a vehicle for commuting or long walks in the countryside, this transport is ideal. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Wood shredder: production

If from time to time you are faced with the need to trim trees, then you should be faced with the task of storing thin branches. They can take up a lot of space. Some chop them by hand or use special grinders. The factory-made unit is too expensive, so you can do the creation of similar equipment yourself. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to build formwork with your own hands?

In order to build formwork with your own hands, you do not need professional skills. It is enough just to understand the technology of its construction. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to insulate the floor with your own hands?

To prevent heat from escaping through the floors and walls of the house, you need to properly insulate all surfaces of the home. This reduces heating costs in winter. One of the main areas in the house that requires additional insulation is the floor. For this, different technologies and materials are used. How to insulate the floor will be described in detail in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Designing a garden plot with your own hands is a creative matter

Designing a garden plot with your own hands is an activity so exciting that sometimes it becomes even more important for garden owners than the size of the crop. After all, a garden is a place where a person rests with his soul in the bosom of nature. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself stove for a bath from a pipe: execution technique, necessary materials, instructions and expert advice

For a bath, you can make a stove yourself. This method will be budgetary and simple. To carry out the work, you will need a piece of a wide pipe made of stainless steel or other material. A homemade stove is a fairly economical version of a device that is used to heat a bath. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself garage insulation from the inside

Some garage owners believe that it is not necessary to insulate the building intended for storing their car. After all, the walls and roof protect the body from corrosion and rust. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to sheathe a house with siding with your own hands? Calculation. The nuances of working with facing material

In the article we will talk about how to sheathe a house with siding with your own hands. About the advantages of this facing material, about how to correctly calculate the right amount for cladding the walls of the house and about the nuances of installation. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Home solarium

We live in a country where the sun is not enough for the human body, and the solarium is a unique opportunity to take advantage of the positive effects of UV rays with he alth benefits. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself polyethylene pipe welding: technology, recommendations

The article is devoted to the welding of polyethylene pipes. The features of the technology, the equipment used, as well as the stages of the operation are considered. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY drill lathe: drawings, manufacturing tips

Crafts made of wood and copper in a round shape are good to make on a small home lathe. What do a lathe and a drill have in common? For an ordinary person, far from production, nothing. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Five options for how to make a candlestick out of gypsum with your own hands

You can make a DIY plaster candlestick for different themed parties or for all kinds of holidays. For Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day or birthday. In the article, we will consider how to make a candlestick for the New Year. Handmade holiday candlesticks will add coziness and will be a great gift for friends. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to restore softness to terry towels after washing at home

During operation, any terry towel, even the highest quality, may lose its softness. The reasons can be different, up to improper care. But do not despair, because there are several ways to help restore softness to a terry towel. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to get rid of the smell of diesel fuel on clothes: the most effective remedies

In our century, a personal car is not a luxury, but a convenient means of transportation. A car is an integral part of the life of most families, it is the best assistant that can take you anywhere. True, it also needs proper care, therefore, along with car repair, maintenance, replenishment of the tank, we often get persistent stains and unpleasant odors, greasy marks on clothes as a bonus. This is especially true for solar. The smell of diesel fuel on clothes is very persistent, as are its stains. What can be done to get rid of it?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a wax seal at home: a master class

Sealing wax looks interesting and attractive, now it is used as a seal of the master, for decorating envelopes, scrapbooking, etc. If you are a fan of needlework, then you would probably like to have your own seal that you can use as your sign. We have found for you a master class on creating a wax seal at home. This master class is more suitable for already experienced craftswomen who know how to work with material, tools. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself wild stone: necessary materials and equipment, step-by-step guide, tips

The article describes successful and inexpensive ways to make a wild stone with your own hands. If you carefully study the considered methods, you can make high-quality facing material at home. The main condition is to purchase the necessary tools and components. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a cardboard guitar with your own hands?

A musical instrument made from improvised materials is not so much a practical item as a decorative one. If you make a cardboard guitar, like a real one, big and with strings, you might even be able to play it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The simplest do-it-yourself moonshine: design, materials, stages of work

Today, you can find many different distillers on the market that allow you to make moonshine at home. However, such equipment is by no means cheap, so many people are wondering: "How to build such a unit on your own?" In our article, you will learn everything about how to make the simplest moonshine still with your own hands: what materials will be needed for this, what is the principle of operation of each of the elements, how to draw up a drawing and. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to sharpen a kitchen knife? Methods and devices for sharpening kitchen knives

Kitchen knife is an indispensable item for every housewife. Women often ask how to sharpen a kitchen knife. Some men also struggle when it comes to sharpening appliances. You should find out what devices are used in our time, as well as what sharpening methods are available at home. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make liquid soap from solid: step by step instructions, tips and tricks

Handmade liquid soap has many advantages. Firstly, it does not contain all kinds of chemical additives. Secondly, it has the desired density, color and smell. But most importantly, having learned how to make soap, you can save on buying expensive smelling products and make an exclusive gift for family and friends. Read more about the basic secrets of soap making. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a stone with your own hands? Technologies and equipment for the manufacture of artificial stone at home

The stone in the interior looks stylish and spectacular. It creates a cozy atmosphere in the room. In this case, it is not necessary to use natural natural material. Artificial stone looks no less interesting and original. You can not buy expensive finishes - a person is able to make it on his own at home. How to make a stone with your own hands will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY cardboard shelves: necessary materials and tools, procedure, photo

In the article, we will consider how to make cardboard shelves with your own hands, their variety will surprise even experienced craftsmen. These are large bookcases, hanging shelves of various configurations, corner semicircular and even crafts for storing shoes and small items in the closet, an organizer for stationery and papers, which can be placed both at home and in the office. And what amazing shelves can be made for kids in children's rooms?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01